Democrats have zero excuses to lose the midterms with confessions like these...
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
FINNERTY: Are you saying that they should not be on Medicaid?
REP. GREG MURPHY: I don't personally think they're disabled.
REP. GREG MURPHY: I don't personally think they're disabled.
GOP voters cast their votes for the party.
It has nothing to do with facts because they aren't concerned with facts that don't reflect their core beliefs.
"America is FOR the white man". PERIOD.
Medicaid Cuts to Americans?
Medicaid Cuts to Doctors?
NO F’in WAY!!!
When will you people get a fucking clue???
politics trump #love #peace
Also, we can expect massive voter suppression followed by litigation to throw out Dem ballots.
The difference in the two parties is clear: one lacks basic humanity.
Looking at YOU Jayapal and Omar
What will the excuse be to bring down AOC?
"She was a bartender"???
"I think she's too outspoken"???
We have our own elected members and registered voters to blame for this mess
No excuse to Dems for not capitalizing on this fiasco though.
Yes, it’s only Tuesday but you are already a winner of this weeks’s Golden Turd Award
After all, you are a disgusting piece of shit for deciding ahead of time who’s disabled and who isn’t
Let’s hope your constituents know this
Vote out all GOP
The mafia government we just installed in power- they're gonna allow themselves to be disempowered by something as banal as an election?
I think putting the onus on Democrats to "win" elides a more central question about democracy going forward.
So, no. I don't expect any changes soon.
This guy should kneel and open his belly. If he refuses to do the honorable thing here, his voters should do it for him next November.
Do you think we'll even HAVE proper mid-terms anymore?
No. Trump doesn't care about fixing problems. He just cares about appearing right about everything, and if what he does will make him more money or not. That's it.
That’s the reason enough one to lose.
It's hard to fight that kind of political spending power.
I’m not entirely certain electorate displeasure as a means to remove corruption is the stalwart standard any longer.
HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Passed in 1996 HIPAA is a federal law that sets a national standard to protect medical records and other personal health information.