You’re never too old for some Mum/Dad train butties.
Only yesterday our eldest reminded me of 2 years ago when I forced a flask of coffee butties and a Kit Kat on her and her train to London was delayed for 6 hours….she’s 33! She was so happy.
Sweet Dad! I’ve done that for myself, friends and roommates. I’ve gotten laughed at before the trip and told I’m a genius during the trip when said food is eaten. You can never have enough sandwiches and snacks.
Great combo. I often bought the “posh cheddar baguette” at Pret when I lived in London for a few months in 2015. I never knew what the magic brown stuff was. Many years later a brit told me it’s Branston pickle.
Years ago when myself and future husband moved to London from north west we’d go back to visit and husbands father would insist on giving us £10 towards petrol. It’s become a family joke which now includes their grandchild and her partner. Last time they visited us we gave my in laws £10 for petrol
They fell away from doing it so I’m back, making their lunches and they get what they get
Only yesterday our eldest reminded me of 2 years ago when I forced a flask of coffee butties and a Kit Kat on her and her train to London was delayed for 6 hours….she’s 33! She was so happy.
Which it is.
What’s on the sandwich? 🥪 😋
I was looking through my phone for something and I saw the last text my Dad ever sent me.
Bet that Sandwich was incredible.