Efficiency. Cyber dumpster trucks, exploding rockets, & X crashing, are all evidence of Republican efficiency. Like their response to Covid, Paris Accords, Iran Nuclear Deal - so efficient.
All SpaceX rocket launch approvals should be conditioned on #Elon #Musk going along for the ride. He would either make them safe and not blow up, disrupting air traffic and putting civilians at risk. Or the Earth would lose its biggest A-Hole.
People like you hoping for the eminent demise of American companies? Anyway, it looks like he'll need to spend less time focusing on DOGE. Isn't that convenient.
Someone much wiser than I once said " The first time might be a mistake, the second time maybe it's their fault, the third time? What's the common denominator?
I saw my first ever cyber truck in the wild last night in a parking structure at the hospital. I have seen pictures but pictures don’t do the ugliness justice. Holy cats. It’s like something a three year old would draw. 😳
It’s fascinating how, despite different industries, the same gravitational force seems to pull everything toward the same spectacular implosion. Almost like there’s a unifying theory at work—call it the Law of Muskian Entropy.
People who bought into the mystique of Musk have a very hard time letting go of their hero worship of him. Let’s remember it was Obama who basically turned over NASA and our satellite infrastructure to him.
Yeah, problem is, he's coming for Social Security, and his butt buddy President is letting it all happen and telling his cult to buy Teslas and that it's illegal to boycott them, F America, my grandparents are turning in their graves....fucking disgusting
'We go now to our live eye-in-the-sky reporter Loren Sandweech xCopter randomly blocking air traffic around the LaGuardia air traffic control tower. Loren- have they gotten the starLinks running yet after ripping apart the existing systems?'
Trump tells Boeing to rush new Air Force One production. He wants it so bad, but it's not scheduled to be finished until 2028, tells Boeing to use mechanics and other employees that bypass security clearance.
My recommendations: Destroy Tesla, Starlink, SpaceX, Neuralink and Boring Co. Designate Musk a foreign and domestic enemy. Seize his companies, the employees and his assets. Give him Capital Punishment on live stream. Deal with the employees uniquely and publicly for being traitors.
I believe so.
He's allegedly a drug addict
Allegedly an illegal immigrant
Allegedly very stupid & a Nazi
Most definitely tearing down America without clearance. A criminal uploading very private, sensitive information to his personal computer.
He's blowing up 💥his own businesses.
Really,he is 🤣
And other companies and nations are starting to have some level of success in space right now. Because Mush has too much on his plate, with all this #power-grabbing and #ketamine.
He is just like Orange Stain. Everything he touches turns to shit. Except Muskrat has a lot more money because he's smarter than Orange Stain. Muskrat gets the money from the US government and spends that instead of his own...
Flip the House! Travel to Florida CD-1 to Canvas for Gay Valimont for Congress. The campaign has limited supporter housing for volunteers. Help knock on doors any time this month. Election is April 1. If you can't go, recruit your friends.
They do. The most successful entrepreneur in history. The dude that cost you the White House and congress. The guy that helped move the ENTIRE country red. The man who awakened the coveted 18-29 demo to the fact that the modern left is soyboy garbage.
Is that what you were wondering?
Country’s outlook is promising.
Dumb move.
TSLA (tesla) is DOWN -13.9% JUST today alone!!
What is an apartheid South African who was financed by an emerald mine known for death?
is here 😅
They kill ppl
He doesn’t seem very concerned about his businesses is all I’m saying. What up with that?
it's all over social media, have you not been keeping up???
* radical woke left, sorry.
You know they would blame anyone except themselves
He's allegedly a drug addict
Allegedly an illegal immigrant
Allegedly very stupid & a Nazi
Most definitely tearing down America without clearance. A criminal uploading very private, sensitive information to his personal computer.
He's blowing up 💥his own businesses.
Really,he is 🤣
Is that what you were wondering?