Given his poor physical and mental health, Trump might not even survive his 2nd term, God Willing. His corpse should be symbolically placed in a jail cell as was suggested for Pol Pot before being buried at sea to prevent his grave from becoming a shrine for Nazis.
If they bury Trump in the ground his gravesite will become a mass urinal. That would be about the only reason I would ever go back to the US, to pay my final respects to Trump...
I wouldn't put it past him to just not turn up, he thinks he's above the law and nothing I've seen will have changed that impression. It's sickening how everyone backs down in the face of him and his enablers.
Don’t know why some ppl think he’s can’t be a convicted felon because he hasn’t been sentenced. Hm. Yes he’s a convicted felon, that’s why he’s getting a sentence. He can’t enter Canada, so our ppl therefore have to visit him, and it’s from necessity. At Maralago where he can claim more expenses.
As with everything else, this will almost certainly end with no repercussions, as everyone makes sure not to upset the criminal before he takes control of the US and actually has power over them.
Stop calling it the “hush money case”. It’s the “falsifying business records” case. Y’all like to do everything possible to make him look like a martyr.
Nothing will happen. They already said he doesn’t have to be there in person and they won’t put him in jail. He has no money so he for away with it all. Alll of it. Makes me sick.
its fraud, or #theDonalds middle name. Falsifying his books to cover the crimes-Hey Donny, that’s another crime. The grifter has never had a moral compass, nor could he define values: #moral, #ethics, #integrity, etc. Sad to have a POTUS that Children must be shielded from.
Why is the US government so afraid/compliant with a felon that is not an immigrant/black man? Do what is right. Give him no =$##_ to grab. Put him in a cell.
As if he’ll get any time.
The law is only for us peasants.
It's not a hush money case. It's election interference.
Yeah, THAT crime. The one he continually harps on.
Maybe because that's how it always works with the convicted felon mob boss Putin/ #PresidentMusk puppet.
If anyone in congress has the spine to bring it up and push it.