Guess Americans like to forget hitler and the hate he spread that led to World War II. It seems like Germany is trying to prevent that hate from happening again. In America trump unleashed hatred towards, Muslims, lgbt, migrants, disabled etc. as a tool for his election. SHAME on felon trump/musk
The freedom to say what you will is not freedom to evade all consequences of such speech. Threats, defamation, and fraud are illegal. Why not hate and lies, especially when they are intended to incite more hate or even violence? This country has a lot to learn from other “free” nations.
You know I know it’s been a while, an Americans are lousy history ,but I think Germany did this decades ago because it figured it started two world wars it wasn’t gonna be the cause of the third one
"Vance argued that censorship and government overreach pose a greater threat to European democracy than external adversaries like Russia or China." Actually Trump and Vance have already killed more Americans than Russia and China combined thru history so we should absolutely ban online fascism here.
How often are there mass shootings in USA compared to other countries. When the sifting of social media begins often the assailant was following and reading all sorts of hate filled websites. Maybe a little online screening of hate speech may prevent the future slaughter of your child or grandchild.
Germany recognizes something that hate speech is not free speech. It’s assaultive. It hurts people. Yes, the First Amendment provides a lot of leeway in the US, but the founders didn’t anticipate social media and the anonymity it allows. The result has been absolutely toxic.
Why yes the infamous keyboard warrior
A lot of times I wish I could reach through the internet and ring there necks, but hence reality won’t let it happen 😜
Me too. I found out a long time ago, when I worked a summer as a telephone operator, that it's much easier to be rude to someone when you're not face to face.
Yeah, I’m a rarity. My wife even bought me a shirt for my birthday. It says( I’m not rude. I just have the balls to say what other people are thinking)so when I have someone being boisterous to me, I automatically assume that they’re serious not that they’re cowardly keyboard warrior
Have the Americans ever wondered if its not (only) the politicians in Europe who fight against misinformation and hate speech, but also the population in Europe who doesn’t want it neither?!
No. Not true. Somebody had to try to stop the nonsense that was literally killing people with disinformation. This was an unknown virus and information was scarce about what was actually true. Things that were blatant lies needed to be stopped (bleach anyone?)
There’s no free speech in the US either - increasingly only what the right allows to be published #wapo
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But, you are the ugliest of people, Americans who know nothing about history, or give a fuck about it. 😈
A lot of times I wish I could reach through the internet and ring there necks, but hence reality won’t let it happen 😜
What makes US-Americans think they can run the world?
Fix your own country first.
Remind us again which orange dumbass suggested ingesting bleach and shoving black lights up your ass were cures for Covid.
It is not a paradox.
Allowing Nazis free reign is how you get Nazi salutes in the White House.
Allowing Marxism free reign is how you get to people tolerating censorship, but I would never advocate for banning Marxism.
Capitalist Nazis are a real thing.
Capitalism is Cult.
It tells you in the name.
You gonna be a bot now?