What Trump meant, and we all know it, is Z can come back when he is ready for the peace Trump, on behalf of Putin, wants to dictate to him. I hope that never happens.
It is sad and shameful to see the President and Vice President of the United States behave so unworthily in a meeting with an ally fighting for their country’s and people’s survival. The only one benefiting from what is happening now is US puppetmaster Vladimir Putin. Europe at least has your back🇺🇦
Trump and couch fucker were both gaslighting assholes. They went into this meeting with no intent for peace. They went in with the intent of trying to embarrass Zelenskyy and pressure him into a bad negotiation for mineral rights.
Fuck those two with a rusty barbed wire dildo. Zelenskyy is a hero.
Can somebody remind me why the US media dropped the Russian collusion stories when it's painfully obvious this treasonous motherfucker has been colluding with Russia for the past 10 years?
And it was all covered by an “uninvited”Russian state agency reporter and will be broadcast all through Russia , China, Iran, etc.
ad nauseum to give proof to our adversaries of the American President’s weakness and willingness to bow to Putin.
Fuck the USA! There, I said it! Fuck the whole country, fuck the people that voted for that fucking bully and fuck the people that didn't vote for him but let this happen!
We have all seen Zelensky express his thanks to us. We have seen the bravery of Ukraine. We witnessed the leadership and dignity of President Zelensky and his devotion to his country. Trump's lies don't change our own experience no matter how many times he tells them.
Why does autocratic narcissistic Trump talk down and antagonize our allies, Zelenskyy and others. Trump & his Republican minions are dismantling our democracy. My WWII father said 1+ million civilians died, 300,000+ military when all it took was getting rid of the snake Hitler. Same for Trump.
Everything came full circle for #putin today. He got what he wanted. #Krasnov #trump I wished there was a way to let President Zelenskyy that some of us Americans don't buy into the white russian with the orange zest bulls**t. #trump has a severe case of HUA (head up a**). THAT was embarrassing.
Glory to the Ukraine and her people. Shame on the USA. Citizens if the USA if you want to support the Kremlin then bow to The Felon Grifter. If you believe the Felon Grifter brings shame to you and is a Russia asset then take to the streets humiliate the grifter...demand impeachment
Seriously @AlboMP we are so far up America's arse they couldn't dislodge us with an enema. We are paying them $billions on a promise, we allow their military bases and secret spy bases. For what? Clearly this carrot faced cvnt cannot be trusted to honour anything but his own ego.
Can someone please educate Vance on what Diplomacy actually is. Absolutely disgraceful behaviour from two jerks who want to blame Biden, Zelensky..everyone else but Putin. They now 100% own that bullying high school behaviour. The world saw it and it won’t ever be forgotten.
But, isn’t that what 77 million Americans want? They surely celebrate this new administration as asserting American power & ‘greatness’. Seriously, this must be going down really well with Republican/MAGA supporters.
When you sellout (betray) Ukraine & all other members of NATO what the hell do you expect Zelenskyy to do, bow down to King (with no clothes) Donnie?! Ukraine has been ready for peace numerous times but Putin still isn’t ready having conned Delusional Donnie already!
Trump and Vance set Zelensky up with this meeting! BUT when does a VP get into a shouting match with the invited! Vance is nothing but a 40 year old PUNK! People have NO Respect for the PIMP!
They are Russian assets just like everyone else in that cabinet and administration! Mush, dump, vance, they all suck Russian balls! Thank god those dump voters saved from that awful black woman! Fucking assholes! Sold us out to a Russian agent! Drop dead KRASNOV!
Thank you for not, unlike certain others, condemning those of us who opposed Trump from the start and did everything we possibly could to warn people NOT to re-elect him.
Interesting. I did see posts conferring mass blame on all Americans -- well, one post anyhow. I'm troubled that there would be more than one. I understand people's outrage but not their irrational thinking. Perhaps it's Russian bots trying to alienate us.
It is my sincere wish that Europeans step up and provide the support Ukraine needs to preserve their sovereignty and win the peace. I will do everything I can to support that effort. We need to do whatever we can as a nation occupied by Nazis to destroy them.
Trump only care about how he’ll look. He has no concept or care what it takes to hold on & protect your country. He has no problem giving U.S. to Russia at this point. His secretary of Defense provided that when he stopped cyber security action against Russia.
And that little sidekick Vance shaking his finger at Zelenskyy as if he were a child. What a cluster of clucking hens the two of them were. Abhorant behavior from two people who are supposed to be leaders but coming across as two boys throwing a tantrum
How disgusting. The same man who scoffed at the "Russia hoax" is now proving to anyone who ever had doubts that he is indeed Putin's puppet. What have you done America? And more importantly, how can you undo it?
It concerns me - I don’t trust him
@newsweek.com propaganda garbage.
Don't click article. Don't produce one dime of revenue.
God bless Ukraine
I stand with Ukraine and democracy.
Fuck those two with a rusty barbed wire dildo. Zelenskyy is a hero.
Just tell trump to go fcuk himself
No more trade with America
Stop buying anything from America
All of it
trump is a complete and utter Ar$ehole
Utterly tawdry illiterate dip$hit ar$ehole
ad nauseum to give proof to our adversaries of the American President’s weakness and willingness to bow to Putin.
Fuck you all!!
Trump just made it clear, the US is no longer an ally. From now on, we have to treat the US as hostile, starting with pushing US bases out of Europe.
No more free force projection for the US
Donate to Ukraine’s OFFICIAL site here: https://u24.gov.ua
Zelenskyy doesn’t seem to realize the kind of liar Trump is.
He will take the resources and give them to Russia.
Democrats need to make their own arrangements with Ukraine far from the childlike grasp of Trump.
Snooze !