FDR established social insurance during the Great Depression of the 30’s, and since that time, citizens have paid into to a retirement account with the expectation of repayment, which has never failed.
It is not an optional handout - it is debt. That is the first condition of a solvent nation.
Waited over 2 hours recently to talk with someone for 5 minutes at the local office and drop off documents. It has to be as frustrating for them as it is for those waiting.
It's not just about the money. They want to exterminate the "weak". If you need a pension or social security, you'll be in SS (acronym intended) camps soon.
I’m a big proponent of targeting individuals. Hit Elon where his wealth is. Burn down Tesla and Starlink by boycotting and or doing what the French just did. Make SpaceX a very dangerous place to work and a really bad career choice. Same with X and Boring.
Make calls every day #5calls
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
Just 2 years ago if you called Social Security and we’re put on hold after a couple of minutes they ask if you wanted return call. You could leave your number get a call back. As we see the stock market crash, we should be reminded the Social Security should be a given.
It not even a Ponzi scheme… and it’s not insolvent… at its current rate in 2030 the payments get cut to 75%.. if nothing is done… Elonia is a fucking idiot and can’t speak a coherent sentence.. it’s not a Ponzi scheme…
But, it also requires one person at top, getting most of the money. SS is just a savings account for our money that REPUBLICANS keep stealing, so we have to use tomorrow's money. If they left it alone..
Kick Doge the hell out of Dodge & fast. A heist of the entire US Treasury.
I am stuck with two MAGA US senators but i call them daily. We need something more. A national protest. A walk out. And dems can take those signs & shove it. Do SOMETHING.
I have been. And calling my reps. Writing my reps.
Something bigger needs to happen, the lives of immigrants are being destroyed. The lives of disabled people like me are in grave danger. The lives of women, trans people and LGBTQIA+ are in danger.
It's not even tax cuts. They can't give cuts when they pay less than the working people. It's flat out free taxpayer money to give them for stock buy backs. When they have nobody left to buy their stuff, then they will start losing money. The magas will suffer first.
The Ponzi scheme is crypto like DOGE coins. It only has value if you can con enough people to make it rise. This is Trump’s strategic crypto reserve’s purpose. Raid the treasury.
We need to contact our reps, attend any town halls, and, mostly, take to the streets. Older people with walkers & wheelchairs hould step out and lead for a block or two.
Tax breaks and privatized businesses, watch it's coming. Post office, and all government sectors that once were part of "we the people" is being torn down and dismantled to pieces. no end in sight, sigh.
Trump and Elon Musk are stealing our Social Security and Medicare.
What can we do???
Is mass protest our only tool? Every senior I know is scared to death. Writing about it is not enough. What can we do?
It’s not time to speak up. It’s time to fight back. Americans need to leave a mark. Every Social Security office has an armed guard in the lobby. Encourage him to leave.
Um, we HAVE been speaking up -screaming at the tops of our collective lungs, in fact! The oligarchs in our White House are selectively deaf.
Any new ideas?
It’s been a Republican priority forever to get rid of Social Security. It was not designed to be a Ponzi scheme, but the Republicans keep sucking the funds out of it to fund off-budget items like Star Wars.
Too late for that, that train left the station in November 2024, and, like Germans last century circa 1933, enough American CHOSE this outcome to destroy their nation. There won't be another chance...ever, proof me wrong America, I doubt it🤷♂️🇺🇸
Check will not be going out this month . People need to prepare for soup kitchen and food pantries. They cant go a week let alone months. This is going to be genocide of our elderly.
All the madness could end if two eunuch in congress would find a pair.
All this is happening cause of two Republican spineless cowards.
They are only following orders
They are in on it.
It was a long game plan they colluded on.
The enemy are in the building.
They need to be removed to end this.
As population decreases the pot for payout decreases. Population decrease seems to have started when those running businesses stopped paying a fair wage, so why have kids?
The money should have been used to build automated long lasting retirement communities.
All those social security offices are very busy from open til close - they will probably close offices that are in remote locations where they are most needed
I find it equally disturbing that Trump has called the Program “a sham”.
This thoroughly corrupt Administration has every intention of eradicating Social Security.
It is not an optional handout - it is debt. That is the first condition of a solvent nation.
Trump Abruptly Walks Back His Directive To Fire Thousands Of Federal Employees
My husband fed this Nation.
I'm looking for action ideas how ut of state citizens can help them to win BACK THE HOUSE?
Master Coach H
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
We should all have one unified message because this is our only way out
Because, as a business owner the size of Space-X, HE is at the top of a ponzi scheme. But I can't figure out how SS could be constrewed into one.
A ponzi relies on new investors to pay off old investors. Well, today's workers pay the benefits of today's retirees.
So, unless there is a huge population decline, there will always be new workers paying into the system.
I am stuck with two MAGA US senators but i call them daily. We need something more. A national protest. A walk out. And dems can take those signs & shove it. Do SOMETHING.
Something bigger needs to happen, the lives of immigrants are being destroyed. The lives of disabled people like me are in grave danger. The lives of women, trans people and LGBTQIA+ are in danger.
Speaking up is yesterday.
Time is up.
find one here
What can we do???
Is mass protest our only tool? Every senior I know is scared to death. Writing about it is not enough. What can we do?
Any new ideas?
GOP in the house & senate support this - so it will happen.
All this is happening cause of two Republican spineless cowards.
They are only following orders
They are in on it.
It was a long game plan they colluded on.
The enemy are in the building.
They need to be removed to end this.
The money should have been used to build automated long lasting retirement communities.
Really bad time to choose to be a nazi!