Senate Democrats,
At the end of today, you're either going to own the shutdown or you're going own Trump's agenda of chaos and destruction.
Choose wisely.
At the end of today, you're either going to own the shutdown or you're going own Trump's agenda of chaos and destruction.
Choose wisely.
And what will republicans do after they get their approval vote? They will blame Democrats for BOTH the chaos AND the almost shutdown.
Someone explain why it's worse than what's happening every day.
We need to replace all of them. When not in power, all they do is whine. When in power, Democrats do NOTHING.
I agree. Since they will be blamed anyway, just damn let republicans shut the gov down. They are destroying the government and no one seems to care, then bring in the sledgehammer as well.
Did you miss that, or are you that dumb.
He is now in the crosshairs of primary.
Fund raising will dry up, and they'll have shown themselves to be unwilling to oppose the dictator
I want to see some GOP balls!
Or at least GOP With balls!
Democrats simply will not stand up.
They should be demanding any funding bill cut debt and deficit, and we know exactly how to do that.
They have not chosen wisely.
The Democratic Party no longer serves “the people”.
They serve themselves. It’s just less gaudy and obnoxious.
But if I am, I hate it too.
These are not usual circumstances. Stop pretending they are. Whatever promises Republicans make today will be broken when your votes are no longer needed. Don't let them gaslight you anymore. Stand up for America. Do not enable or empower the Republican domestic terrorists!
Not all of them but a lot.
They need to be done representing the people.
In truth, there is no government to save.
MAGA have violently attacked our Capitol and filled our government with grifters & fascists.
If Democrats help MAGA out of this mess, we'll know America is dead.
And compromise . The House recessed to avoid doing their jobs!
Meanwhile Blumenthal is on TV saying he hasn’t decided his vote until Dems meet later today.
OWN the shutdown!!!
Then we have 19-year-olds given access to our SS and tax files. You know what? Our government worked.
It's being broken day by day now.
This bill guts MEDICAID to fund tax cuts for billionaires. The messaging couldn’t be easier. Shut. It. Down.
If Dems vote for it, they will be tarred with every horrific cut contained in the CR. DON’T VOTE FOR IT!
It’s their bill. Failure is on them. Failure is what they do & what authoritarians deserve.
Republicans own this CR. They own the shutdown.
The few fighters they do have are being shunned to the sidelines by leadership.
We're going to get fucked and the majority of Dem politicians are going to help it happen.
Some things worth shutting down for…even as someone whose family would be negatively impacted.
Fire Democrat Senators if they cave.
People are uneasy, Trump is making them anxious. Don't side with him.
If Democrats don't, Felon Skum will.
I don't understand why these are the two choices
With all the light bulbs smashed, flipping the switch off becomes superfluous
Republican politicians have an advantage because they don’t give a damn about any of us except the very wealthy.
Listen up guys. Make them own this rubbish
Make Republicans make concessions for once.
They don’t have to “own” the shutdown. The Republicans have talked about having a “mandate” ever since November. They deserve to flop and fail in the Senate if all they have is gaslighting their base since they DON’T have a mandate in the Senate.
We should be LOUDER!