Openly ignoring and defying the Judiciary.

Breaking his oath to preserve and protect the Constitution of the United States.

Granting himself unchecked power.

This is authoritarianism.
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What happened to all the evidence that was collected over the past 4 years, and why has it not made its hands into the public domain? Where are the people who gathered that information, and why are they all not stepping to the forefront?
It WAS! It was published in its entirety online. People DID step forward. In fact most of them were Republicans. Many were well known, well respected GOP members. What hole have you been hiding in these last few yrs?
It doesn’t really matter, as long as people in America think that the Democrats(or other political parties) have somehow anything to do with democracy.
This is like a ‘squirrel’ post! I wonder what fresh hell he is trying to distract us from now!!
No wonder he didn’t put his hand on the Bible.
This is pure madness.
I’m sorry you misspelled his name, it’s Donald J Trump.
Yes it is. Soon political opponents will be put away.
Of course he can’t read and comprehend what he reads. He’s failed to grasp that the president pardons are absolute. I wish everyone would demand a check be done for the cheating that happened so we can jail him. 💙💙💙💙
I wonder how Chief justice Roberts feels now about the immunity her granted Trump.
In this, he just declared himself King.
What a miserable person. And I use the term person very loosely
He is without a doubt, an unhinged human.
He broke his oath within hours of taking it the first time around. This time he didn’t even bother to pretend, he didn’t place his hand on the Bible, a book he only believes in to get evangelical votes.
It is not necessary to place a hand on any document for an oath to be valid.
It wasn’t the Felon DJT version of the Bible. Besides if he touched a Real Bible it would burn his hand.
Legally that action means nothing. But it did show his contempt for custom and by extension law.
The bible does not secure truth justice or the american way🌬️
Religious brainwashing is what helped got a lunatic and criminal into power.
Maybe it does; considering the American way has been fraught with violence, inequality, and corruption since before the founding and subsequent revolution, it draws serious parallels to the violence and mayhem depicted in the Christian Bible!🤷🏾🥴😩
Resisters call in sick on 3/19/25. Truckers, bus and train drivers, unions, air traffic controllers, pilots, cabbies, IT, manufacturing, etc. Please stay home as long as possible. This action will help to get our message against tyranny out and show the world we won’t allow this takeover.
I'm crossing my fingers that the military will side with the citizens. They're our last hope. Otherwise, all is lost. All.
a mean old man with dementia. I hate this timeline
Spot on
And for some reason he is still the only one who gets away with all this shit ….
And the Constitutional Crisis of 2025 begins.
The constitution means nothing to #TraitorTrump.
Upsetting to witness…
The courts must be bold and hold him accountable!
He is beginning to ignore the courts.
Arrest his ass now, Judiciary.
How do we STOP this??
Hot garbage traitor. He need to be delt with
Yes... aaaand?
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It's impossible for #DespotDonald to grasp that not everything is about him.
No one would voluntarily spend any time thinking about this monster if not forced to by his media collaborators.
It is not at all surprising that instead of bread and circuses, Trump feeds the electorate exclusively with increased portions of circuses, not without reason hoping that they will forget about bread.
Trump: So what are you going to do about it?
Not buy a Tesla?
🚨🔥 WTF?! Trump is NOW claiming Biden’s pardons are VOID because they were signed with an Autopen?! 🤯 This is DICTATOR-LEVEL INSANITY — he’s laying the groundwork to TARGET political enemies under FALSE pretenses. This is how AUTHORITARIAN REGIMES rise. FIGHT BACK — SHARE NOW! 🔥👊
He can’t rant all he wants. It means as much as his claim to being a genius. Once he opens his mouth, the reality becomes quite obvious.. dumb as his DNA string!
Fuck lying convicted felon Donold Trump.
John Roberts better speak up - because his monarch is out of control.
Time to openly ignore and defy all Republicans.

He’s immune remember?
He will lose.
I am so tired of this motherfucker.
The questions on everybody's mind are

Why are congressional republicans so afraid of him?

Are they willing to just let their fellow american citizens die from sickness & in some cases starvation?
There is some fear of Trump. But I think Republicans are more afraid of Trump's supporters. MAGA. Threats, including death threats, have gone way up. Especially on judges pushing back against Trump.
It's' time for law enforcement to do their job when threats come in then it's time for judges to bring their gavel down on these people & sentence them to long terms in jail or prison.

We have to start taking back control
Maybe, but just like the military a big percentage of law enforcement are magats.
I've thought about that too.
Because they’re in on the coup….a few years ago on July 4th, July fucking 4th, Repubes were underground in the Kremlin, look it up. This was planned.
I think Trump has embarrassing information, collected by Putin,on a large number of members of Congress. Things they are afraid of their significant others & their constituents finding out about. Things like ultra Christians in gay relationships or extramarital affairs or with hóokers.
Where’s the military? Haven’t they sworn to support and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic? Well, there are quite a few in this administration. When do they act?
I fear a military coup less than I fear this administration, every single one of them. I wish I didn’t.
It just felt like when Biden warned us he seemed scared. If there’s not an underground army building, they will continue to destroy the country.
They’ve removed anyone able to stand in their way.

I think 47 has been successful in making our country an authoritarian society.
Don’t count us out just yet. We’re fighters.
I hope you’re right! Truly I do.
Sadly a large portion of our military voted for Trump & agrees with everything he's doing. Our only hope is Muskrat & Trump's orders hurt military personnel & their families enough that they turn on the two dictator/oligarchs.
They voted to violate their oaths? They voted for a dictatorship? They voted for an illegal immigrant chaos agent? They voted for a Russian shill? They must see what is happening and recognize a constitutional crisis. I refuse to believe that all the senior officers are traitors to our nation.
1st I never said all. 2nd yes an unfortunately large number of military & veterans heard Trump talking abt being a dictator & they voted for him. They heard Trump & Musk talking abt gutting the government & voted for him. They heard Trump talking about retribution against his enemies & voted for him
They have an obligation to stop our enemies foreign and DOMESTIC! The major threat we face is domestic.

It’s time!

Trump has proven himself too dangerous to be allowed to remain in office. The military needs to step up and stop him NOW.
That’s what the American people were taught about our proud military. That’s why so many of us have supported them over the years. That’s why we donate to the VFW, USO, Wounded Warrior Project, etc., only to have many of them side with an obvious traitor. What fools we have been.
They won't just barge into the white house or onto air force one. They won't do anything until they're given illegal orders, if we're lucky. Who knows who his generals are?
They cannot all be traitors. Some of them must still be honorable men.
The JAGs were the ones whose jobs were to determine if an order is illegal. Why do you think they got rid of all of them?
… and impeachable offenses?
dtrumpf has broken his oath of office.. his entire administration ignores our constitution.

He needs to removed from office.. his whole team and held accountable

Impeachment isn't going to happen with this congress.
This is horrific! 😡😠😡
Can’t wait until he does this the Supreme Court. They think they have the final say, but do they?!?
Umm. Apparently not.
The sick and twisted president makes all the new rules that don't apply to him.
We have waited way too long to do anything about it, and it's almost too late.
It must be exhausting being around this man. All he does is complain on a daily basis. What the hell did his parents do to him.
Classic dicktim
He didn’t put his hand on the bible, remember?
That's not required.
Of course not. But in his little brain, he’s thinking something along the lines of,
“No realsies, hee hee!”
Wants to be King, we warned you they still voted him in now look where you're at in a mess!
The breadth and scope of his autocratic insanity is stunning. I despise the 77 million traitors that voted for this madman.
Same some for voter suppression, gerrymandering, and those who just didn’t fucking bother.
NO ITS FUCKIN TREASON act accordingly
No Diaper Don, you are the worst damn president we have ever had or will have!
#poem #koan #haiku #politics #fascism #FalloftheWest
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Impeach or 25th Amendment?
Time to hit the streets and defend your constitution
If he’s all so powerful, why aren’t his political enemies in handcuffs already? If he has no laws to follow then they would be locked up already. He loves to spew word vomit. He’s a malignant narcissist. Not everything he spews from the hole in his orange face comes to fruition.
it's treason. the penalty for treason is still death.
Too lenient for 💩. He deserves life in prison without parole.
In general population.
In Mexico.
And 💩 will have to pay for the prison at prices they get to set, or he doesn’t get luxuries like food, water, or air.
I think the labor camps he sent those prisoners to would be a perfect fit for him and all of the GOP traitors.
Strawberries may be involved
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Dementia on display
He's a sick man. American should demand he undergo a psychiatric evaluation.
And his use of hypnosis, his assaults on the American people via his legislation and use of mind control through his cult members make him guilty of treason against the American people!!!! May Freedom and free will forever reign. Lock up the sycophant. Torture is illegal!
Welcome to the new America. Yikes it’s our neighbour.
Just Jack, your points will be my voice mail to TX reps this morning. Thank you.
I would ask this moron to point out the place in the constitution where it says that pardons even need to be in writing, let alone signed, let alone signed by hand.
the oath will never mean anything to him, it's all supposed to work the OTHER way.
Americans still won’t remove him. Why?
It is, and if they are not overthrown soon, they will be in power for generations
Shut your mouth you fat ass prick
wtf. Is this real?
Constitutional puppets enabling the Dictatorship of president Musk

NOTHING theRUMP says can be trusted.
It’s downplayed like it’s no big deal every damn time. We are accused of being hysterical. As a woman, I’ve lived this crap my whole life and I’m sick of it.
I just can not believe there are no Rs in congress to stand up to him. What a bunch of useless old men. Why isn't there anyone with enough common sense to tell this senile old man that he has got to stop with this crap and his late night rage posting. Now he's just making crap up.
Protect and defend the constitution of these United states against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

They are not protecting the constitution from themselves.
No hand on the Bible, remember?


3. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12 – "The "Man of Lawlessness"

Paul warns about a great deception before Christ returns.

A "man of lawlessness" (or "son of perdition") will rise.

His power comes through Satanic deception.

God allows this delusion because people refuse the truth.
“You keep singing that same old song recycled”
Executive order and firing employees by tweet is okay though.
You forgot the scumbag part of it. How trump is a scumbag. Important detail.
He said he would be a “dictator on Day 1”, and the corrupt corporate media normalized it and sane-washed it


Still think it’s funny?
Every accusation is a confession with Comrade Krasnov. Thanks, Don! We now know that your pardons were signed with autopen and you knew nothing about them. My question them and now is, who is actually running you?
We know you lack both the intelligence and the executive skills to do what is currently being done in your name.
Musky just puts a pile of EOs on dRumps desk to keep him busy so Musky can run the government. Like a toddler with a crayon and coloring book. Those fucking EOs are worth about as much.
But he won the golf championship!
I don't think a president has ever tried to revoke the pardons issued issued by a former president. He's no longer behaving like a president but, rather, a demented monarch like George III.
Isn't this the legitimate reason to bear arms? Constitutional right to rock his shit?
The question is what are those who oppose him going to do.. speaking privately is useless , as though to absolve oneself of any blame .. why are thd rest republicans, democrats & independents together not yelling bloody murder openly , on stage and from rooftops ❓❓❓❓❓❓❓
Self-preservation over actual patriotism.

I've seen enough posts saying "oh, we'd have a general strike BUT Trump will declare martial law, so we'd be giving him exactly what he wants."

The time for PROTEST is done. Y'all need to start talking about REVOLUTION, nothing less.
Absolutely 💯
This is impeachment and conviction time
#FuckSCOTUS for giving unchecked power to a fucking idiot!
This was all very predictable, mostly because he said he would do it.
Vonshitzhispants didn't write this; he is not articulate enough, smart enough or cognizant enough. This is unchecked power, of unselected and unelected treasonous people.
This all has to be stopped.
Thank the Scrotum court. They enabled this. We r going to have to over throw our goverment.
And when is something other than talking going to happen? Nobody is doing shit about him.
My question too. Marching with signs isn't doing anything to Krasnov...
Neither are courts, judges, or convictions. He literally skates free for every single thing
Judges are stopping him when they can. But they can only do it when he does something illegal or against the Constitution
What we are now waiting for is when he ignores court orders. And this may have happened today.
If he ignores judges civil war becomes closer
Correct. And as I've been saying all along it's up to us to actually hold him accountable. To grab our pitchfork and axes and fight
This is what I was going to write. Everyone is letting tRump do whatever he wants. I’m sick of the talk now. I want to see action!!
I've been protesting the same shit since I was 15. I'm fucking tired, people.
So much this.. 💯
I grew up protesting, born in the 60s with a far left mom.
I really believed we would be in such a different place by now.
All of this work and we are upside down and backwards 💔
He has ignored the constitution since 1/20. He has made it nothing but an old sheet of paper with some well known signatures
Trump wanna be tyrant...already a traitor!
I've said it before .. I'll say it again .. "and so what, what are you going to do about, nothing, just like all the other times people complained that Trump went too far and you did nothing .. you know if you held him accountable at the beginning on the first thing you wouldn't be in this mess"
I agree. No one is going to do a damned thing except march and hold up signs. And soon that will be stopped. Our constitution is just a very old, meaningless piece of paper, congress has been immaterial since 1/20 and we are isolated from the rest of the world. I feel I'm drowning in a sea of red.
Tragically, when I read “sea of red” I thought to myself: There it is! This is how they’ll spin it when it all goes to shit. “The reds did this to us! Those fucking commies!!” And then they’ll proceed to prove that red has always been the color of the socialist left. And the morons will believe it.
Call it what it fucking is:



time to act was fucking Jan 6th, 2021 & no one wanted to bring the pain!
I'm gonna keep saying this shit like a broken fucking record, til all the ignorant, lazy morons get it through their thick skulls:


The entire world is at stake bc the Nazis aren't happy until everyone else dies
Inertia, disbelief, fear is my guess, D3ATH.
Watching this from the relative safety of the UK. I'm scared, angry, despairing. Also a Canadian citizen, for what it's worth now.
I'm on the side of every protest against the Dump-Muck evil dictatorship. Keep going. 😠📢😃
Once trump breaches the Constitution our military is order to defend the constitution if the president fails to up hold the constitution...
Well, that was about 85% of a thought, but I get the gist:

The military is beholden to the President and his Nazis in charge, so they'll have a choice to make, same as the rest of us in the world

Either, We are human beings who fight alongside humanity, or Nazi monsters who deserve to die

Pick 1

Americans should research that a bit.

White Christian Puritans called it Colonialism, the White Christian Romans said Divide and Conquer, the White Norse/Pagan Vikings called it Rape and Pillage...

This has been before Gods and religion existed, there's a new name for it now:


The only good Nazis are dead ones
Americans don't need to do research, this country was founded on the blood of Native Americans, just so White Christian Slave Owners could claim dominion over a land that doesn't belong to them, bc they weren't welcome in England.

What have the English Christians done through history? Raped & stole
This shit isn't new, it's older than time itself, every organism tries to claim a land for themselves, but predators and prey understand the balance of life, and upsetting that balance destroys EVERYTHING.

Humans are a scourge on our planet, to all organisms, bc we don't control ourselves or nature
The worst of us scrape and claw their way to power, and then they pick and choose what they'd like to keep, and what needs to be destroyed so they can lay claim to their shit too...

The end is coming. To the evil. To their reign. And to everything broken that has allowed it to happen thus far.
Modern "Dominionism" is what I'm talking about. We have a Speaker, many reps, a vocal right wing media, and a chunk of SCOTUS who believe in bringing Theocracy to modern America.
No shit... but what I'm saying is this BULLSHIT isn't new, it's been around since before Religion was created to fuck over the stupid and ignorant.

You can use whatever fancy or useless buzz words you want, but Nazi shit is Nazi shit, and the Crusaders in the 16th century pulled the same exact shit
of course it's authoritarianism! The Felon has taken control of your country in a coup! The next step is marshal law. When are Americans going to stand up for themselves? Do they want to live in Russia 2.0? I sure as hell don't!
I agree. I firmly believe that Trump will declare martial law before the 2026 elections. Then he can refuse to hold those elections.
Please know that most Americans are doing everything they can to fight back.
No we are not doing everything we can do to fight back. And I agree, he will declare martial law, but it will be sooner. He's setting it up now with his attempt to institute the Aliens and Sedition act.
I know I'm fighting. I was on the front lines in '73, fighting for Roe v Wade. I went to DC for the Women's March in '17.

I'm 75 now, but I write letters, sign petitions, send emails, call my senators EVERY DAY. Cancer keeps me from marching now, but I drop off posters for my cohorts!

Thank you from Canada
And why is he not being held to account...???
Who will step up to Actually Stop this?! It feels despairing to we resisters showing up while no effective action is taken to stop this
He was given free reign by the SCOTUS...
Is it 2nd Amendment time yet? I kept hearing this is what it was for.
He needs to be removed from office as soon as possible. Dems need to win the mid-terms, take back the majority, impeach, and then convict.
Bold of you to assume there will be mid-terms for you to vote in.
There are _always_ sham elections to vote in don’t be overly-pessimistic
So who is going to win the sham elections?
Or just someone could make him unalive and do us all a solid:)
That would just give us Vance.
Why are we even listening to this sagging senile sack of shit? What the hell is he doing spewing out this in the middle of the night? America is the fucking laughingstock of the world.
Too bad no one's doing anything about it but letting it happen.
Let’s not forget he’s deporting immigrants without due process under the law he pretends to protect and defend! It’s only 1 law in his mind and it’s Trump’s law!!
MAGA will believe this reasoning. He is delusional. Surechope he can be stopped. There has to be enough sane people to stop this insanity.
Which still brings my Canadian observer question? There has to be something that could be done to stop this Stupid in Chief in his tracks. If he’s violating the Constitution he is empeachable no?
Yes. But we need the Congress to act! The Democrats will bring impeachment charges.... it's the Republicans who are terrified of him and who won't vote to convict. They are spineless. Their loyalty is to the Orange Menace, NOT to the Constitution.
What terrifies them? What about their duty to their constituents and to the Constitution? The Orange Menace is a criminal that needs to be stopped. Then he won’t have any power left over them and they should be able to revert back to true founding Republican values no?
Trump terrifies them. If they don't vote his way (or show reluctance to do so) he calls them and threatens to primary them. (Does he make other threats? I wouldn't be surprised.)
There's no duty to the Constitution nor to their constituents. NONE. It's all about their power.
They're spineless.
If they don’t wake up soon it might be too late and then….they will end up losing their seats and whatever power they have left. There is only one way to save the institution and it is to resist now. They need to leave the MAGA cult and their Stupid guru now.
Authoritarianism was his plan. Well, his and Putin's plan.
Always crying about something.

#resist #nevertrump #fuckmusk
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If true he is no longer president
HANDS OFF OUR DEMOCRACY protest coming April 5th to a city near you. See your local #50501 for details.
No one can be idle under such a threat. Unite, Resist✊✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿
He is SO full of shit.
This Schumer’s legacy as much as Trump’s. The Democrats flinched and Trump will use it.
This is the sort of egomaniacal action that will aid in his undoing. It's one thing to have a Grand Plan to capture the state for some ostensible Great Cause. It's quite another when you decide to capture the state for personal vendettas.
We must march by the millions or we’re doomed
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Yes.....where's the plan or strategy to answer back? Everyone is caving...Dems are a mess
Yes. Democrats. Democrats are the problem
Biggest group who can unite and address the misinformation etc....yes
Change of leadership needs to take place. There will be no unified message with centrists steering the ship.
So who's left to stop him.????
What a national disgrace and embarrassment.
Not really
If the USA doesn’t get rid of him they will no longer be a Democratic Republic. He is a dictator and wants to be just like Putin.
His word is worth nothing.

Swearing an oath means nothing to him.

He didn’t even put his hand on that Bible.
WAKE UP. Do things. Make (good) trouble. Only US people can. Soon it will be too late.
This man has no sense of law!
Han er ikke bleg for at vise verden hvor stort et røvhul han er !
Breaking an oath is really bad, in my opinion.
Knowing how he speaks, this was written by someone else.He needs to get over Joe Biden. He is acting like a teenage boy whose girlfriend left him, and he can't let go. Just do your job, donnie.
He needs to get gone already…why do we need this shat show? Are Americans really that bored and in need of some entertainment? It’s literally the worst soap opera ever…
Lock him up
Son of a fucking bitch!
And what will be done about it?
tRump is such a pussy! Still, and forever, blaming others. He will never own it. He’s a jellyfish, with no disrespect towards an actual jellyfish.
Thank the SCOTUS for this. He will likely turn on them eventually But for now he is demolishing our country
This is impeachable.
fascist, fascist, fascist
Who will get loud on maga/conservative echo chambers to lead the opposition to this government takeover??
Agent #Krasnov
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How did he sign his pardons? Auto pen probably 😂
So dangerous!!
Terrorist in Chief
Imperialist... just wait till he gets an evangelical to crown him
#epsteinisland #elonsgift hate to say it but don’t want to wait 10-15 yrs for it to come out!! It’s in our face!!!
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Yeah, sorry, Orange Felon, you can't unpardon the pardons done by your successor. Even the justices you bought on the Supreme Court won't side with you on this one.
Successor or predecessor?
Never doubted that he would be a total tyrant and that the rule of law means nothing to him. He’s a horrible excuse of a human being. Always has been. We’re exactly where he wants us to be.
Performative crap. Distracting from eggs.
Time to impeach once more…
Republicans are such cowards and their are a few EVIL ones, Diaper Don may be impossible to Stop.
"Authoritarianism" is way too polite. "Tyranny" sprinkled with a generous dose of "sadism" strikes a much more pointed chord, I think.
Who did Nazi this coming? Seriously. This is not shocking.
This was predictable. It is silly to believe a pardon will protect you from a tyrant, or save democracy.
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His Strategy Has Always Been To Lie As Much As He Can Until They Believe His Lies Are True Then They Take His Lies And Pitch Them Against The Truth!
Maybe somebody that has access to the dark side of social
Media, the side where all the morons that said “why did they need pardons if they did nothing wrong” hang out, can go on there and say This! This is why! Thank you.
Hell got a place for him.
Indeed it is straight up authoritarianism. We don’t have authoritarians in this country. He’s not president. Get him out.
This is straight up #Fascism.
This is what #Hitler did.
Only white people who're wealthy (through no skills or efforts of their own) that toe the line, will be allowed to be part of society.
The rest will be seen as cheap labour of all sorts..
#HandmaidsTale #Orwell1984 #AnimalFarm #Nazism
Is this what the Supreme Court wanted? If so they betrayed the US citizens.
I keep thinking past presidents will step up and do something. Supreme Court should do something. They can’t just stand by and watch every single thing our country stands for is burned to the ground. We are being destroyed.
I’m not an attny but seems SCOTUS didn’t give him immunity for contempt
But DoJ did. Can’t be arrested, indicted or tried while he’s President. The ONLY remedy is Impeachment and removal. 😂😂
…. and somehow you find that funny?🤕
He should be impeached.

Cant the courts hold him in contempt? Arrest those who executed the order.

Petition the Supreme Court for an immediate ruling?

Because Trumps press Sec said they won’t follow lower courts.
Of all the many facets that uphold the American laws, The US Marshals are the ones I really like, maybe we will hear more from them soon?
And he just keeps getting away with it.
‘Unselect’. Such a wit.
How and why is he allowed to get away with all of this?
Sounds like a real-life soap opera!
Herr Trump and co. need to arrested and charged with treason.

Who is brave enough to do this???

The world is asking
Making clear his intent to lock-up anyone who has opposed him is the next step to dictatorship.
It was time when he killed hundreds of thousands during the pandemic. And then when Roe v Wade was over ruled.

Today it's your last chance time.
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Once trump breaches the Constitution our military is order to defend the constitution if the president fails to up hold the constitution...
When he ignored a court order and did not recall the planes with migrants he breached Artical III of the Constitution. Our military has done nothing and won't. It is up to us.

C’mon Republicans The TIME IS NOW to stop this megalomaniac
Guarantee tTump has not read one thing he has signed. 🤬
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That was a mistake; “on” should have been “from”.
The one time he told the truth and none of you believed him.
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He did exactly what he said he was going to do and none of you believed him!!

Now you have to either kill him, stuff him in a jail, or live with it. Take your pick.
Hey! Francesca! NO, absolutely NOT did we all VOTE for him!
We’re hurting.Where’s your Canadian compassion?😡
Many are in the #Resistance which is risky since he’s JAILING his “enemies” or deporting US citizens!
GET IT? THINK before you TYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Canadian compassion is still as vibrant as ever. It's heartbreaking to see what marginalized communities in America are experiencing.


We also recognize the fact this is YOUR MESS to clean up, we're doing our part to protect Canada FROM your country, and from our own Temu-brand Trump.
...and even in that, we're not doing ENOUGH. Although, "enough" would mean a full trade embargo and closing our borders to Americans, which would cripple your country.

We're really hoping to avoid that, because nobody wins in that scenario.
I vote for choice #1 and that goes for every single one in his regime and any magat that interferes
Even worse, only about 1/3 of registered voters voted for him. 1/3 voted Harris/Walz and 1/3 stayed home.
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Nothing. We're supposed to peacefully protest abd hope that works. The court orders are going to work if it doesn't have a clause like: Failure to comply will force the court to force compliance by any means necessary.
Tired of hearing sleepy Joe when the country is being run by Dumb Donny
I don't know how it looks from the inside, but from out here, you've lost your democracy. Tell me something that proves me wrong.
You’re not wrong. Sadly, what makes it all worse is we have a portion of Americans who still believe Trump is one of them and it’s all great.
Given that the only place left for you to make a stand is literally in the streets (congress gone, courts gone) you can only hope that that proportion is smaller and shrinking.
It is, but not nearly fast enough. The damage will be extreme.
They believe every lying word from his mouth
This is NOT news!
It is going EXACTLY as predicted.
It should have been Bernie
Flat out lies, and will NOT make it through scotus.
I'm so sick of this deranged sect of billionaires destroying everything we hold dear, specially their imbecile puppet. Does he knows anything other than playing golf? I thought pinky and the brain went out by the end of the 90's
At the very least, they need to be imprisoned for treason. I would prefer their deaths because that’s the ONLY way to prevent them from continuing destruction.
Checks and balances?
Shitler thinks he owns America.
Also, impeachable offenses. Number 3 is coming.
Another demented rant by Trumpolini. Another distraction from his failed economic policies.
Isn't someone supposed to arrest him when he does shit like this? ... ARREST HIM!
Are we still winning?
Trump, one of the greatest golfers ever. He won again this year. Hahaha what a fucking joke he is.
Maybe I have missed it...but if he tries to actually make this a it represents yet another massively illegal action...where is the outrage from Congress?
Does the meaning of authoritarian include invading peaceful allies? Asking for millions of Canadians…
We have a Criminal President of the United States of America
No. You have a DICTATOR as President of the USA.
I don’t know that shooting a man in the back is “saving the country”. That’s cowardice. If you are going to kill someone, at least have the balls to look that person in the eye and give them a chance to defend themselves. Anything else is murder and we are better than that. Or we should be.
Except ideology is about to start a Civil War. Luigi was the 1st shot!
Shooting a man in the back. Not a good start, and not a cause I can get behind IMO. I don’t know why people are seeing a straight up cowardly murderer as a hero. There are much better people and causes to support. This kid belongs in jail and I don’t know why he ruined his life. We all suffer.
I don't disagree with you. I might add however that a lot of death will happen if we have a civil war, and it won't be Billionaire elites dying. It will be you and I, and our own families will pull the trigger against us!
Tell it to a ninja.
Whatever that means.
A criminal was elected, he has since turned into a dictator.
His oath fir that was invalid anyway since he never put his hand on that fkn book.
The same man who pardoned the silkroad founder and a cop killer.
Don’t forget our president is a convicted felon
And got Andrew Tate sprung from prison.
The GOP is scared of him.
You think it would be important for some Democrat in a position of power to be a spokesperson to the American ppl.

Russia had a Navalny
America had Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin
The Philippines has Maria Ressa

to speak the truth.

We need to wake up.
Tell me that you expected Biden to Pardon you because you were President without telling me that you expected a Pardon.
Which is a treasonous act. Hello???? Anybody awake out there. Arrest this poser!