Cry more you Nazi bitch.
Reposted from
Steven Beschloss
“It's really come as a shock to me that there's this level of hatred and violence coming from the left,” Musk told Sean Hannity. “I always thought the left, the Democrats, were supposed to be the party of empathy, the party of caring.”
This is brilliant!
Maybe even throw in, "If I want a Nazi car, I'll get a Volkswagen."
It’s humanity.
It couldn't be that he isn't very smart and doesn't think before he speaks...
- Play the victim
- Blame someone else.
~ MAGA Logic
That was until you came along
Now in it's place is something new...
...And now I hear a symphony🎶
- the Lis for Liar
- O is for On Drugs
- N is for Nobody likes me
The Russian Revolution.
The French Revolution.
The Sumerian Revolt.
The Nubian Revolt.
The Peasant Revolt.
He needs to read the room, and go to some *Republican* town halls, like the one in Wyoming last night
Not many Democrats there
He's probably too big of a coward to do that, though
We don't care about Nazi stealing, lying, election buying, reproductive abusing self centered narcissistic fuckwads. Especially cis white male ones crying about how hard they have it, while stealing Grandma's Social Security money and wiping tears with $100 bills.
💙 - The Dems
Let's finish this monster.
Number two, cry me a river.
He spent $300mil to get a fascist elected. We fight fascists and their allies. It’s that simple.
- Elon Musk
He certainly hasn’t acted like he believed that, in word or deed.
Boycott Usurper Muskolini's products - choke off the oxygen of an evil machine
He’s in luck, because I am all out of empathy for any of these goofy bastards. Burn their businesses down. Riot in the fucking streets.
All of ‘em
He can shove it up his ass.
It’s funny how rich assholes never think FAFO could apply to them. 🫶
But he’s got the MAGA victim schtick down
Evil POS
Now, Elon is FO.
The people pushing for a Trump dictatorship should take this as a warning.
(a) Not being such a malicious bastard to ordinary people
(b) Not channeling Leatherface
swasticar. He
Is not an elected official and his conflicts of interest are many.
We don't give a flying crap abt fElonia.
We reserve our empathy for ppl who deserve it, and Leon ain't it.
Hope you lost your shirt .
#ElonMusk wants money. He doesn't want or need empathy.
He's psycho.