Reposted from
Social Security Works
BREAKING: Trump's billionaire Commerce Secretary says that seniors won't care if they don't get their Social Security checks — and that anyone who does complain is a fraudster.
In case anyone had any lingering doubts.
The Democrats should set up a fully staffed 1-800 number to collect complaints and explain who is to blame.
They could pay for it by firing their consultants.
Maybe the felon will let them stay at MAL.
And we arent meek and think the govt will come thru for us. We will ROAR and felon/leon will hear us.
He explains Trump perfectly:
The loudest fraudster.
Can you imagine that, Howard?
These guys pretend to be populists. What a sham.
Note: Ironically she voted for these assholes.
Sure, MAGA voted like Social Security didn’t matter—but wait till the check stops.
It’s like never going to church, but begging for a priest on your deathbed.
MAGA voter behavior? Pure cultists combine with Stockholm syndrome.
This is only the first 60 days.
This idiot is calling millions of seniors who live month-to-month on those SS checks "fraudsters."
Lutnick is an arrogant snob, pompous ass. His mother is lucky that she is not living in poverty, as one missing SS check is no big deal.
Some of us live on soup and not lobster and steak!
Why is he sitting like a girl, kicking his leg?
need it might be a
better argument
than this insult to
those of us who have been one missed paycheck away from shit hitting the financial fan .
Maybe it’s just me though
I can't see how anyone but the rich will prosper.
Does he realize that many of these are...
Alzheimer's patients (like my mom)
Otherwise mentally and/or physically compromised
So yeah, they may not even have the capacity to know if their SSI is taken.
But I do. Come for mom's SSI and I am coming for you.
Go outside in a crowd & say that! I dare you.
Pay your fair share of taxes!
Thanks you for your service!
Billionaires - should not be allowed in government jobs. Ever.
Just my guess
Now that's a complete fucking moron.
Yankee, dickhead!
.. and that check not showing up might interrupt next montg's ammo buy...
that can't be good for gun addicted soc sec recipients.
Bull Shit
Is this the reason your MAGAt politicians are afraid to hold town halls? Even the felon doesn't say this out loud.
Trump surrounds himself with billionaire dumb asses.
I mean, their base is the group who smeared feces & urine all over the capital
Republicans Greed for Money & Power has a serious issue, but they have convinced themselves their base is ok with the cuts ✂️
They think we won't notice their inhumanity.
How does the GOP fool working class people into thinking that the billionaires care about them, but that the Dems walking the picket lines with them are elitist?