Fun, except the myth of a mark and a beast are invented to create worship of an imaginary being. Trump was elected by worship on falsehoods. MAGA is just a new religion that will fail its followers.
Who would commission a film where a convicted felon, rapist and potential traitor to the USA is elected president of the USA? The screenplay would be laughed out of the door. The scriptwriter would never get another paying gig. It's just too fantastical.
Pretty sure the red hat was it, lol. But yeah looking like you got hit with a claymore of Tang is a solid sign of insanity, fascistic tendencies, and a predisposition for demagoguery.
"And they wore the sign of the beast on their forheads." The whore of Babylon road in on a RED DRAGON. Right out of Revelation. And here we.....THE WHEAT.... are on Bluesky after being separated from the CHAFF. MAKES YA THINK 🤔
It's been a while since I read the Book of Revelations, but something about a "Trump"et and a bear figure pretty prominently in the End Times. Just sayin'.
Revelation explicitly mentions the followers of the anti Christ as having a mark on either their forehead, or left hand. Where would a dumb slogan end up if you were wearing one of those dumb hats?
The Hebrew folks are correct; Jesus of Nazareth is NOT the messiah; he did not resurrect; he is not God. He was speaking of the Isa/Issa/The Source energy.
He was/is the human example of what had already occurred; Mother Earth's sacrifice at the initial activation which resulted in the birth of the Moon.
I’m glad I kept following you as an adult after seeing you host AFV for a minute.
I left the church at 18. I saw where it was going, and I say I’m an atheist, but I’m not really sure I left the faith. I still keep the philosophy. Or try to.
The red hats were a dead fucking giveaway, bruh. What's really gonna overcook the pasta is how many Evangelical "prophets" need to change clothes after witnessing The Beast be elevated by the people, & proclaim him a replacement messiah..
: What kills me is the crowd who for decades have openly feared and talked about mean game against The Surveillance State and government corruption and graft... elected a multiple-felon who's openly all about tracking and squashing dissent. Buncha dumb shits.
We may never know.
even a skunk would be mortified at any comparison with that eternal cheating traitor
The thing is, I drink and know things.
I would have thought Crimson Red or Dark Burgandy or something
According to the mythos, anyway.
in case anyone was asking.
The beast will come in dissembling guise, silver tongued he will entangle himself in t….
“And you can just grab em by the pussy”.
Narrator pinches nose: really?
I did
Told ya so from the get go
I left the church at 18. I saw where it was going, and I say I’m an atheist, but I’m not really sure I left the faith. I still keep the philosophy. Or try to.
You make me feel better about religion.
Thank you.