It is very similar to Greek mythology when Zeus would come down from Mt. Olympus as a male swan and have his way with mortal women who then gave birth to demigods. Next on Maury, "Philandering Greek God baby daddy."
Exactly like the Popol Vuh: teenage Mayan princess argues w Dad The King, walks in jungle to cool off, comes back pregnant with twins; dad goes wut, princess sez "a talking tree asked me to hold out my hand & then he spit in it & then I got pregnant, for reals pops, wasn't no peasant boyfriend!"
Merry Christmas, John. Thank you for the George Harrison interviews. Especially the one with Ravi Shankar. “Chants Of India” is one of my top ten favorite CDs.
"So you're saying that Yaweh looked just like that Marcus Antonius guy who is guarding the Roman garrison on the other side of town? Seems plausible, I guess."
Joseph: Pregnant? But we never had sex! You cheated on me!
Mary: I didn’t cheat on you! What with you owning this fine donkey; you’re rich!
It was…
J: God? The big guy?
M: (looking at stable boy) Yeah, the biggest.
J: Really?
M: Would I lie about that?
Undefinable ?
However, this verse of “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” seemed particularly poignant this year — given 🍊Satan’s impending inauguration:
Mary, " Jesus Christ, who's at the door now? "