Quick bit of research for a long, long, long term project:
I show up for a game with you.
My army in all different colours like this.
It is all kitted out and geared accurately and in the correct squads, using the Deathwatch Index.
Are you happy, or does them not looking Deathwatch hamper your fun?
I show up for a game with you.
My army in all different colours like this.
It is all kitted out and geared accurately and in the correct squads, using the Deathwatch Index.
Are you happy, or does them not looking Deathwatch hamper your fun?
They’re just my least favourite of the paint jobs.
Honestly the only thing that trips me up is when people’s squads are so converted that I can’t remember what units they’re supposed to be.
Tldr: it's good with me
This is especially important in DW where units can be a bunch of different model types mushed together.
I wouldn’t even mind if some loadouts aren’t correct.
You could even bring unpainted minis 😱.
Anyone else? Yes of course!
If I did, I’d never forgive myself
Although I did put a mini on the table last year and the base wasn’t 100% finished. Still haunts me.
Lands on battlefield and the pod doors open, flooding the pod with the light of an alien sun.
Looks around.
Sees what the marine next to him is wearing.
"Well this is awkward, brother."
"Indeed brother, the Codex Astartes demands one of us return to orbit and change."
For the sake of potential future-proofing, would you feel boldly coloured base shoes might allay said confusion?
And to any rivet counter that pulls the "scheme doesn't match" idiocy, they best have their own army, to their own specs and standards right then and there to showcase. I'll still tell them to shut up.
Even during military parades, if you look closely, there are differences.
....Also, your force will DEFINITELY be visible on the board!
But no matter what, NEVER ruin another hobbyist's enjoyment!
I might suggest themed bases/trims to help identify units otherwise the sea of colours might make it hard to pick apart?
But as long as I can follow the game, knock yourself out!
A bunch of marines from different chapters just got together in temporary squads due to losses/chaos and formed an ad hoc army.
You can come with any narrative reason for it, as for gameplay, it's pretty clear what everything is so no issues there.
As long as all in squads then should be no problem, after all when all painted the same how can you tell them apart 😅
But if I knew beforehand or it was a competitive event it’d be super cool to see! 🤘🏻
Maybe complementing colour theory schemes in each squad might help?
Need to pick a movie? Decisive.
Need to paint a unit of miniatures in a uniform? Erm...