Wolves aren't this stupid or destructive & they certainly aren't bent on revenge
Wish folks would stop using them as an evil - it only ends up with dead wolves which are being pushed back to endangered but w/ this admin they'll prob endorse running them over w/ a snowmobile (legal in WY & ID)
And this person shows up in El
Salvador looking like a hooker wearing a $60k Gold Rolex. I’ve been there, good thing she has some military or they’d take her & that watch !
Kseniia Petrova a Russian scientist working at Harvard Medical School has been detained in the United States and placed in immigration detention. According to multiple independent Russian media outlets and the scientist’s friends, she now faces possible deportation to Russia https://theins.ru/en/news/280037
jesus we just stopped pretending because it's not working anymore. it's flop sweat. the past 12 years actually, the "daddy's home" agenda is "talk like an asshole because we lost our stick in the storm drain."
But we all carry responsibility for this. This should never have happened. If it were a healthy democracy it wouldn't have, and if we were a decent electorate, it wouldn't have happened twice...
I believe you, I've also done what i can. But we failed, as an electorate and as a democracy. And that sucks, but we got to acknowledge it learn from it and fix the clear problems in our democracy before someone less incompetent takes advantage next time. After getting rid of Trump ofcourse.
Here’s all the hope u need to press on, someday when that wicked witch breaths her last she will have to explain herself to her maker, when she is pointed down the road with the goats her eternal reward will be Gehenna. Evil has its rewards they r just not good
For 100 years there were hooded men violently abducting American citizens from their homes to lynch them.... America has seen this kind of thing before. Now it is back.
This reminds me of a dream I had in the fall of 2015 — I saw these concentration camps where Trump and staff were observing prisoners shooting captured wolves, as target practice for the prisoners that would soon be ordered to execute fellow prisoners. The cruelty was the point. I hate my dreams.
Breaking news: Jesus finally had his second coming at the beginning of March, but unfortunately chose the USA as his first location. ICE detained him based on his skincolor, lack of papers and what they called "communist manifesto". It is believed that the son of God is currently in El Salvador.
The Resistance to this madness will not come in an eruption. Not at first.
We ALL have to just star building the pressure. Small actions, small protests matter! Then watch for an opportunity to join a bigger one. The Resistance is coming.
Kristi Nome is dog killer! She will pay for this they know not all those men were gangsters! Probably not any! Your not going to get caught ??? Hello a killer does not report to immigration they grabbed people out of offices !
We have so much to thank your party and useless democrats for. Reagan and Citizens United. Now you’re paying for the policies you supported. Sorry, feeling bitter today.
Insult to the wolves! Wolves sounds more viscous, but they got nuthin’ on this regime.
Call them what they are: greedy, wicked, liars, selfish, nasty, power-mad, waste of oxygen, sorry excuses for humans.
All these guys need is to hype up a scapegoat. That's their whole plan. Hype up a scapegoat, place it outside the law, and expand the greyzones from there to get what you really want. McCarthyism was really simply about scaring moderate left wingers. They didn't care if their targets were innocent.
When is the Bulwark going to do a story on the vile UNITARY EXECUTIVE THEORY that is perpetuated through support of shit presidents like Reagan (he's why homelessness is so rampant) and Bush (the dumb one).
1877 Pres. Hayes(R) began to unwind Reconstruction, and failed protect the civil rights of freed slaves at the ballot box that led to the codification of Jim Crow.
...we have achieved third world status ...if you disagree on Palestine, your visa is revoked. If you have a claim for asylum with a court date soon approaching but are the wrong nationality, you are taken away and deported. If you wear too much face paint, violate the US Constitution daily? King?
America has been the bad guy for a very long time, long before Trump even thought about being president.. The only difference now is that the mask is off. It's the one thing we can thank him for.
Technically; but in all honesty I don’t hear the Democrats, especially the leadership saying a damn thing. They should be talking about this every day. They should be screaming about this and the university students every day. This can’t be allowed to happen. These are human beings.
I do hear their voters, loudly blaming others for not voting their way, even if they might be Palestinian and a conscientious objector and absolving themselves of any and all responsibility. I'm sure its just a loud minority, but boy am i sick of hearing it. It does nothing but push people away.
I have a good friend in 3 countries: France, England and Italy. People there HATE the orange fucktard and his “fake” administration. No one can figure out why the GOP isn’t fed up too. Good question.
You sure are. When people are too scared to visit your country,you will loose a lot of tourisms. Tourism’s bring money. Truth is, American are not afraid of leaving , they are afraid to return due to the interrogations of their allegiance to trump.
From outside looking in..yes you are, it's really really bad. Seeing Vance praying for good kills and this. I do find it very odd. How many Americans lost their lives fighting Nazis? We kinda thought you were proud of having a family member fighting in WW2? Why are half of you cheering for Nazis?
It is what they do in TV and movies. The days of Dragnet, when the show ended with a voice over court summary, are gone.
Now is the time of John Wick where 99 rent a cops get killed protecting Mr Big. And no one goes to jail.
The heck with laws and follow your gut, are the themes.
Sickening to hear Rubio downplay this .
Snatching people and their phones and rushing them off to a different state so they can claim 'too late' to hear judges orders is far from legal.
But go ahead, tell us more about their(non) due process Rubio...
I haven’t been able to watch or read about this. The photos I see make me want throw up. I have cried many tears about the fact my country is doing this. Like what the F***!
We are NOT the bad guys! We need to get our morality back on track! America is a Democracy and established by virtue of rule of law! Republicans, wake up and restore order!
Well… I like to harp on one specific historical event in Iran 🇮🇷
Where our CIA & British counterparts helped stage a coup d’etas in 1954 that installed the autocratic Shah.
You know what they’re sadly overlooking in the Trumpass administration is even good people when they see this will never forget, and they will never forgive, and they will look to get even no matter how long it take. Being from New York Trump should know that.
I know and this human degradation is happening here in USA by ice. Yeah the same ice that ripped children from their parents and put them in cages. If not mistaken they threw food at them saying things like time to feed the animals. Leaving babies sitting in their own feces for hours.
Wish folks would stop using them as an evil - it only ends up with dead wolves which are being pushed back to endangered but w/ this admin they'll prob endorse running them over w/ a snowmobile (legal in WY & ID)
Salvador looking like a hooker wearing a $60k Gold Rolex. I’ve been there, good thing she has some military or they’d take her & that watch !
But you, yeah, I expect you're pretty insufferable.
For all the analysis and think pieces and analyzing, the explanation is they’re just inherently evil.
From the sampler platter.
The Resistance to this madness will not come in an eruption. Not at first.
We ALL have to just star building the pressure. Small actions, small protests matter! Then watch for an opportunity to join a bigger one. The Resistance is coming.
They picked them up at the immigration offices
Call them what they are: greedy, wicked, liars, selfish, nasty, power-mad, waste of oxygen, sorry excuses for humans.
It's very ironic they could gin up a whole new McCarthyism solely by DEI = communism, as well as deliberately bad faith readings of antisemitism.
Si se puede guys!
Masked ICE agents are picking up people off the street.
Colleges are turning against their students and their right to free speech.
Now is the time of John Wick where 99 rent a cops get killed protecting Mr Big. And no one goes to jail.
The heck with laws and follow your gut, are the themes.
Snatching people and their phones and rushing them off to a different state so they can claim 'too late' to hear judges orders is far from legal.
But go ahead, tell us more about their(non) due process Rubio...
18 ft.
Locked up for life without due process. Many of these people are totally innocent.
Trump/Musk & #Republicans 👿☠️
Where our CIA & British counterparts helped stage a coup d’etas in 1954 that installed the autocratic Shah.
But yeah. There are others.
The swamp is alive and well
Everyone who can: Help spread the word!