Essentially, yes. I don’t want to live here anymore, but I think it will be anywhere I go. Some days I feel like I’m covered in shit stains because I can’t remove myself from the disease of “humanity”. So inappropriate the word has “human” as its base. I despair of this species. So disappointing.
It is hard when we look at the world with our eyes wide open. This could explain why so many choose to look the other way (looking with their eyes shut). I lived in the US back in the 80’s and saw a lot of this coming. Decided to go back to the UK and never regretted it. Keep in touch. 🥰
Did they not learn their lesson? I feel terrible for the guy that was shot dead, but this should have been a wake up. Call to all the insurance companies that people are sick of their shit.
#UHC does not want to cover treatments for people going blind or who have heart disease or who have high blood pressure or cancer or need #Mayo why would they care about autism ? #healthcare
Dear Donald, as your representative in Canada, I will eliminate any and all health care for any autism or those fake symptoms. Thanks again for the beautiful watch. I am. spreading hate and division as you instructed in Canada You and Elon walk on water. You are the. best people I'd ever lived.
Not surprised, but still outraged. Insurers prioritizing profits over children’s health is as cruel as it gets. Kids with autism need access to care, not corporate roadblocks.
Healthcare shouldn’t be a battleground. It should be a lifeline.
I hold the difficult to obtain sensory Integration certification and have heard insurances are not paying for OT here. It Works. Can effect many positive changes GRRRR
Wouldn't it be better if For-Profit Health Insurers,
like UnitedHealthcare, stopped spending
huge portions of our premium dollars
trying to avoid paying for our Healthcare
& spent our premium dollars on paying for our Healthcare?
I don't have much good to say about Optum - but as an autistic adult with several autistic family members, ABA is *not* a treatment that ought to be used on kids. It's essentially the same as "conversion therapy" for gays, extremely traumatic, & sets kids up for future abuse.
Exactly. United health rarely covers ABA. They took suggestions/advice from the adult autism community.
Fierce Autie wrote a blog on the subject years ago.
Optum is insidious. Removed the t pallidum test from my PrEP blood work without telling me or my doctor. I ended up infected and unaware until I began losing my hearing. I guess the test wasn't profitable enough?
The fact that healthcare is a "for profit" entity is insane. The only roll a "healthcare" company has in this world is to make money, by NOT paying your claims and denying services. This should be illegal because, in essence, they are killing us. Murder is illegal.
And you wonder why the CEO got UnAlived! This kind of mistreatment of people/patients; especially to children is unconscionable. Now, I’m not saying it’s ok to Delete folks, it’s definitely Not Right to do that! But, I can understand why one could become enraged enough to do something like that!
Insurer " Any fear or anxious uncertainty? pay every year, pay the price I need. Then we´ll just exchange profitability and certainty, my only aim, your only medicine. A great deal between the powerful and the vulnerable. Nature´s nature,
God´s will"
"Amen, my God, God of ltheir iberty"
For that to happen we all need to stop paying insurance. They have stats about how many claims are denied. When a claim is denied is important too. The stats would be 100% when you need them the most and you start costing more than you pay. Healthcare is as expensive as it is because of insurance.
IBM tried to force its retirees onto United Healthcare a few years back, by taking away the health care accounts IBM had funded for retirees. We'd heard terrible things about United Healthcare. We left a $16K account on the table so we could stay with our own insurance (UPMC). I'm glad we could!
They haves doubled down … ummm is Trump behind this as he just forced Republicans to take money for cancer research and women’s health out of the budget! And it passed!
Unfortunately, their $8 figure CEOs and PACs have the government in their back pocket. So the suffering will continue with the blessing of the US government.
Not only that, but it was just announced a few days ago that patients will be responsible for the full amount of their prescriptions. A Congressional investigation is now warranted.
The only treatment I received for autism was as a child dependent in the 80s up to the mid nineties on military base schools. The US citizenry treatment for children with #ASD is still laughable, and forget about treatment or help even if you’re a veteran like myself if you’re an adult
I worked in medical, for 10 years I did prior authorizations, needless to say I absolutely HATE insurance companies.i actually had to be on meds for a bit due to them. I always advocated for my patients
United Healthcare denied my claim for IV anesthesia for my fractured tibia repair. I got a 6-inch plate with 12 screws. They paid for surgery surgeon anesthesiologist but not my 375 dollar IV Anesthesia. Crazy.
Have you ever read James M Cain? The buffing insurance industry is integral to some of his novels. In one he likens it to playing poker with people’s lives.
I am surprised. I know insurance companies do this, but this was blatant in the method (program written for that purpose) and for the extent to which denials were made. I always thought this was never documented as a tactic, just pats on the back and raises for those who had the most denials.
All this hand wringing about this many people have been harmed or died by this persons so called leadership of this’s all about money ..not empathy or humanity
TBH, anything that stops the torture of autistic children (which ABA absolutely is) is a positive. I hate the private health insurance industry on principle, but funding ABA is something NOBODY should be doing. It's harmful and abusive.
Agreed, ABA sucks. I used to go to One of the centers for that and I can say they literally locked kids who had mental breakdowns in a padded room no bigger than a pinball machine, and they clicker trained some of them.
Healthcare company CEOs and directors should swear an oath to help save and protect people, just like doctors and medical staff do. Then they’ll be under the microscope and fired for wrongdoing. They’re paid to save lives not cherry pick for profit.
Inside the insurance conglomerate, the nation's largest & most profitable, the slashing of care to children like Benji does have a reason...It is part of a secret internal cost-cutting campaign that targets a growing financial burden 4 the company: the treatment of thousands of children with #autism
Autism care is gatekept so hard. Even if you have Medicare or Medicaid at least for children due to much of the money for those programs for things like in center care also being the same pools as school funds. So you have to get the school district to put it in an IEP which they mostly won't.
Because in center replaces going to school. And the schools don't want to lose the funding. Even if they cannot actually provide the care the Dr's say is needed. They have their own social workers who say the kid doesn't need it. And refuse to let Medicaid or Medicare pay out during the day.
So then you force a kid to go to school all day and do aba after school. Which is OK for some but for those who need 40 hours of therapy a week? That's not doable. But aba is Hella expensive. Even with paid insurance after deductible the cost per week is large.
Can be like 1k a month or more depending on the plan. And you have to pretty much remove your child from school unless your district is willing to work with you. Most won't if it's all day every day. Shit is crazy.
Healthcare shouldn’t be a battleground. It should be a lifeline.
like UnitedHealthcare, stopped spending
huge portions of our premium dollars
trying to avoid paying for our Healthcare
& spent our premium dollars on paying for our Healthcare?
Fierce Autie wrote a blog on the subject years ago.
God´s will"
"Amen, my God, God of ltheir iberty"
Or, you know, they can move to universal healthcare like in the EU / CA.
Insurance companies suck, but what they're refusing to cover here is conversion therapy: autism edition.
What's not to hate about ABA?
let's go gang