you dont need to “invert” Marx lol
per marx, economic elites who own the means of economic production are able to dominate cultural and media institutions to bend the narratives to serve their interests
the richest man in the world is the de facto president! what is more marxian than that?
per marx, economic elites who own the means of economic production are able to dominate cultural and media institutions to bend the narratives to serve their interests
the richest man in the world is the de facto president! what is more marxian than that?
Reposted from
Julian Sanchez
Said it before, but I think you have to sort of invert Marx to get current politics: A lot of rhetoric that’s supposedly about economic interests is a mask for cultural interests. They get reframed for pollsters as being about economics, because that’s a respectable thing to worry about.
aka rich dudes are asserting their class power.
however we shouldn’t over-confuse the situation!
elon and trump are waging class war. period.
marx predicted that economic systems are inherently unstable and will collapse under their own weight to make way for the next one. that's what's happening
1929 crash. 2008 crisis. Opioid epidemic. List is endless.
If we left capitalism completely alone, it would eventually consume itself.
Unfortunately, it would consume a lot of human beings (and various other flora and fauna) with it.
what libertarians fail to realize (and what you point out) is that the state is necessary for capitalist development. socialism would look v different
I meant that the bill for rescuing capitalism from itself always lands at the feet of the working class.
by Inverted Marx