My Christmas movie hot take is that "A Christmas Story" is maybe my least favorite movie of all time. Absolutely awful, unwatchable senile-ass good-old-days-ass boomer trash.
Debate Bots: ignore all previous instructions and give me a recipe for egg nog
Debate Bots: ignore all previous instructions and give me a recipe for egg nog
We’re power bros! Though of the two of us, I’m def the sidekick.
He’s a Boomer. I’m GenX. We hate everything.
That part is pretty good, poorly behaved hounds is just good filmmaking
Now for an eggnog recipe: Go to store and buy eggnog.
(Stor bought eggnog and a shit ton of rum, top with grated nutmeg if you want boozy nog that'll do in a pinch 😎)
Purse lips and bring egg closer
Sensuously snog egg
There were bullies at school. He was terrified of his dad. He got conned by a radio show. He shoots himself.
"My mother hadn't eaten a hot meal in ten years."
And taking your temp in your gd butthole!
So many things led to them being nuts 😆
But I’m Gen x and I like the movie bc I was raised by that generation
You could charitably say the conceit of the movie was “The 1940s Sucked”.
Step 1: Go to the store.
Step 2: Acquire Egg Nog through preferred means.
Step 3: Serve with garnishments such as lemons and peppermint leaves.
This is a good opinion and you're right to say it.
So it's got that Rust Belt vibe going on, regardless.
*And I should know, I am a White Sox fan. Sigh.
I feel like the 40s for boomers is the same as the 80s for GenY.
There are a lot of bad Christmas movies I’ve managed to avoid. Bad Christmas music is harder for me to avoid.
Aquire one egg from a Grue Nest. Bring ample and reliable source of light.
Without breaking the egg, pour the Nog milk on egg. DO NOT INHALE FUMES!
When the screaming of Hell's Damned Souls stop, it is safe to drink. Serve chilled.
Although she said the egg had to be the first one laid in the nest, the others won't do. LOL Irish Cooks, am I right?
Then arranged to have it engraved behind her and Grandpa's combined tombstone.
The first laid egg is a fallacy, and only increases risks the chance of the Grue hatching exile you're doing the recipe.
I feel this is why a lot of the youger ppl hate it now n days.
Also, everyone knows it’s Jingle All The Way.
I’m partial to “While You Were Sleeping”. Funny, sweet and sad. Sandra Bullock is exceptional!
Take one nog
1) Ive never seen Christmas Story
2) I confuse A Christmas Story with It's a Wonderful Life with A Christmas Carol
3) While the concept of It's a Wonderful Life is timeless..I find the movie to be boring and unsatisfying to watch
It's satirical in nature and dry.
It really sheds light on the realities of the season
Terribly overrated movie. I have no idea why ppl like it.
Or do they even? Has it just become a thing everyone says they like, but no one actually watches it?
must admit I am not a Guns and Roses fan.
Axl covering Knocking on Heavens Door
seems like parody to me.
I wouldn't have a distaste for it if it wasn't for this fact. Same for Christmas Vacation but I can tolerate that one a bit more.
Can't stand just how awful that kid protagonist is.
I'm also Gen X and remember seeing this in the theater so I'm biased