What tech watchers understand is that Musk is doing what Musk does. He's broken the law time after time again. He acts with impunity. This is the underlying model of Silicon Valley. Musk is simply applying this to the federal government. He expects to get away with it. Because he always has.
Imagine a time when you’ve been very thirsty, then imagine this feeling in a very arid environment like a desert! A man walks by with a canteen of cool water…what would you give for a paper cup of his water? Temptations can be strong and alluring for him in need.
Now it may be to late.
People in UK know that, too.
This is bigger than Musk or Trump. It’s systemic.
Our society values money above all else. The over-privileged, uber-rich are rewarded for doing nothing at best and for harming people, animals, the planet at worst.
He's like a "turn around" specialist in the 90s, cutting costs without a clear plan to do *anything* else, like making things or selling them.
Sen Ron Wyden: ‘I’d call that a coup’
The only difference of course would have been a concerted fight back.
we’re fucked.
Still free moral agents, but man we are seriously hosed.
These people don’t plan on stopping. They don’t care about the fallout. They believe democracy has failed and have the resources and now the power to do whatever ever it takes to make us a technocracy.
We need to stand up big time now before we get short footed and it arrives on our doorstep before we know it.
Seriously regulating X might be a good start
Silicon Valley's game plan - it's dark, and it's all coming to pass even if posted 2 months ago