7 January 1792: #OTD Mary Wollstonecraft's Vindication of the Rights of Women was published.
This text was hugely influential and is regarded as one of the earliest works of feminist philosophy.
This text was hugely influential and is regarded as one of the earliest works of feminist philosophy.
I'm pretty sure it has been more than long enough to be in the public domain by now.
I only hope there are no missing pages.
It should be required reading.
(Waiting for Elon to wade in with some ignorant, harmful lies about her, too...)
A lot of things she writes are now mainstream, a lot aren't. What would she say about female state leaders 🙂 and what about "manosphere" and maga 🤮.
Since it is such an influential book, there are probably also a lot of commented versions available.
I like my edition (Könemann Classics), since it seems to be close to the original.
I recommend Women's Studies for all.
Educating women does work and the backlash from fragile men is ugly so we know it works.
You aren't sly, Mr. MRA.
Women give birth, not men, and yet men are claiming dominion over women's bodies by trying to legislate how they may dispose of that capability. The implication is that men have rights in this domain; they do not.