Agree, we have homeland terrorist trying to take over & destroy democracy. All that was fought for, that the founding Father's estb in the Constitution is down the drain. This failure, like Hitler, Stalin, every horrible failed leader will be in history books & taught 4 generations to come.
I rarely talk to my Fox watching, rural living sister about this, because it's hopeless, but before the election I sent her a page from the NYT and told her that I didn't feel like a vote for Trump would be the patriotic choice. She ignored me.
Well, they think Fox is “news.” You should show her the text (I wish I could find it right now) of the Murdochs law suit, where one of them basically says, if we tell the truth, it would be bad for business.
Oh my niece has seen that. Nothing will change their minds.
And the thing is my sister didn't like Trump. I took a screenshot of her making fun of his hair and makeup before Fox crowned him king. I took a screenshot, because I knew she would eventually deny it.
Sorry about your sister. Yes, it's a madness. When people make a choice to follow, they got all in like their very existence depends on it. Cult members.
Socioeconomic metrics outside of key cities are desperately poor vs EU, which is a regional development opportunity/excuse that would boost the European economy and grassroots goodwill /1
I’m in one of those socioeconomic metrics (famous as one of the most deprived areas in the U.K.)
Quite a contrast from Montreux where we were earlier in the week, returning via potholed roads to learn a 19 year old girl had been killed by a dangerous dog just round the corner from us.
My greatest fear is that Donald Trump's incompetence, irrationality and malice will end up triggering a global financial crisis that will lead to another Great Depression. Living with fascist authoritarianism would be challenging enough, without also being homeless and starving.
Personally, I would prefer a quick death to a long, agonizing death. If World War III starts, my city will be vaporized within 30 minutes, of that there is no doubt. But yes, a lot of people in the world wouldn't be so "lucky".
He would be 100% accurate. Donald Trump has no allies. None. He does not even care about Americans. He cares about no one but himself and will do what he can to help Russia.
While cry-baby-tariff Trump is threatening the world with economic sanctions (that's what tariffs are), Europe has signed new trade deals with Canada and India.
In the meantime, the US has distanced itself from Canada, the EU, and Mexico and insulted the rest of the world (slight exaggeration).
That's one of the unfortunate outcomes for these pers. d.o. types. They always get their way, so they're reinforced to just keep pushing the envelope. They can't imagine that other people don't need them or will make beneficial deals without them. And then they act like a victim.
This makes me so intensely sad. Seeing how year after year the French, young and old, continued to revere and respect America and our role in WWII. What have we done to future generations of Americans?
Sorry to be so blunt, but a people stupid and malignant enough to elect a psychopath like Trump to the highest office in the nation, cannot ever be trusted as an ally again.
Europe cannot hinge its security on the whims of US rednecks every 4th year.
Addendum: they didn't just elect him once, they elected him twice. That tells us something.
This marks the beginning of a process where Europe disentagles itself from military cooperation, intelligence sharing end economic ties to the US. The rupture is likely to be permanent.
My son hasn’t been able to understand my profound sadness & anger.As a former atty,the worst divorces were when there was a breach of trust-often irreparable. Partners can withstand difference of opinions but not different values nor absence of trust.
You make good points. And I agree, US is doing some untrustworthy moves. But what I come back to is we're pinning our collective hopes on other countries, among them Germany.
Agree. Merz will do a far better job than Olaf Scholz, who is universally seen as a snivelling coward over here. Germany has a great defence industry, and their engineers are second to none.
Starmer and Macron have also indicated that it's time for a common EU defence strategy, indep. of the US.
Quite frankly,it’s the best for you.Be sure to cut US out of intel as Trump is not to be trusted.Hopefully we’ll be able to pull through.Can’t imagine this is what 36%that d/n vote wanted.Maybe they’ll get off their asses now.
Ya know, I know we’re not perfect but I used to be so proud of our country. Always pitching in in an emergency. Caring. Wanting the best. Not only internationally but also here at home. I hate that Trumpism has destroyed that. But I won’t let him beat me or take my hope.
Great spirit. I was wondering, too, if we have to humble ourselves as Americans, and appeal to the democratic leaders and let them know we need help - we're not in a position to help because we're being battered.
You need to do something other than wait for the next election to save your country. Trump is not waiting. He will not let go of his position after four years.
Will there be a new administration? Look closer and pay attention. Trump and his entourage of mafia wannabie thugs are piece by piece changing your political system so that they can keep power beyond the 4 years. The military swears an oath to protect country and consistution. Why were the 3 fired?
Trump is not even Americas or Americans ally trump is only his ally he has no true friends nobody really likes him he has lied and cheated his whole life boot sucks to be trump he is nothing
Yes, and when the other countries show they don't need USA, Trump will play the victim card. I tried so hard to make a deal, no one appreciates all I did, you're all attacking me. Yawda, yawda, yawda.
Download and save it because I saw that BBC couldn't get the video, I think the White House is putting out another transcript and the news is, new term for me, 'sane-washing' what was said.
I would have no problem if the rest Europe began counter-intelligence movements against my country. The US is not to be trusted under the Trump regime. Painful as that is to say.
Sadly, I completely agree with former French President François Hollande. Not only is tRump and Musk screwing over the American people, they’re also screwing over the people of Palestine and most of our allies, including Ukraine.
I rarely talk to my Fox watching, rural living sister about this, because it's hopeless, but before the election I sent her a page from the NYT and told her that I didn't feel like a vote for Trump would be the patriotic choice. She ignored me.
And the thing is my sister didn't like Trump. I took a screenshot of her making fun of his hair and makeup before Fox crowned him king. I took a screenshot, because I knew she would eventually deny it.
Her husband consistently
My immediate family stands to lose a lot due to Trump's policies. They simply don't care.
Sooner the U.K. rejoins the better!
Just get on with it. Fast track it. None of this five years nonsense.
I wish that I were joking...
Socioeconomic metrics outside of key cities are desperately poor vs EU, which is a regional development opportunity/excuse that would boost the European economy and grassroots goodwill /1
That's not just a reverse engineering opp, but also brings back state with associated logistics + institutional muscle memory, which is underestimated
Sad but true /2
Quite a contrast from Montreux where we were earlier in the week, returning via potholed roads to learn a 19 year old girl had been killed by a dangerous dog just round the corner from us.
In the meantime, the US has distanced itself from Canada, the EU, and Mexico and insulted the rest of the world (slight exaggeration).
Sorry to be so blunt, but a people stupid and malignant enough to elect a psychopath like Trump to the highest office in the nation, cannot ever be trusted as an ally again.
Europe cannot hinge its security on the whims of US rednecks every 4th year.
This marks the beginning of a process where Europe disentagles itself from military cooperation, intelligence sharing end economic ties to the US. The rupture is likely to be permanent.
Starmer and Macron have also indicated that it's time for a common EU defence strategy, indep. of the US.