A North Carolina appeals court heard state Supreme Court candidate Jefferson Griffin's (R) bid to throw out 65k ballots and overturn the results of his losing election.
“Now the right to vote is not absolute,” Griffin's lawyer said in court.
“Now the right to vote is not absolute,” Griffin's lawyer said in court.
He fits right in.
All we can see in Griffin is a shameless thirst for power.
No American who truly believed in democracy should vote for such lack of character.
Of course, that would disqualify almost ever GOP office holder in the country.
That judge should have had his revoked long ago for all these weasel tactics used in refusing to acknowledge the will of his voting constituents
Now with all levers of power under Republican control, it can be overturned by the whim of its MAGA packed Supreme Court.
Which 65,000 votes need to go?
Just the Democratic votes?
Why just exactly 65,000 votes ( it's a nice even number)?
Why do you get to choose which votes to throw out?
Why can't Republicans accept defeat?
Play up the alpha thing. He'll fold
We have very little time left,
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Absolute right to own a gun? Yup.
Absolute right to vote for your democratic leaders of choice? Meh.
America is over. When these dipshits are gone, let’s build something better.
It’s embarrassing for the entire back ass, hillbilly state of North Carolina because this freak judge has gotten this far… and yes, I can say that because I’ve lived in that state many times 🤬 Democratic values got punted out the window November 5, 2024!
These are the children of Newt Gingrich and the Tea Party. And thanks to Trump, the proto-fascist caterpillar is becoming a full-fledged Fascist Butterfly.
He would be rolling over in his grave
And you're right, if this is allowed to happen, the stage is set for continual lawsuits. Voters will stop voting because their voices will always be challenged.
But I think what we should add to that tradition is publically kneecaping any mfkr stupid enough to try it
This is how far we have fallen in the USA. No such thing among Republicans for accepting the “will of voters” when they lose.
🛑 voting for Republican sore losers!!
Sometimes, I wish they'd throw out the decorum, interrupt the idiot, and ask them to define the words they're employing as they pertain to the case.
"Define right."
"A privilege bestowed upon-"
"Yeah, see, that's the problem, right there."
YOURSELF. And after you’re done.. GO FUCK YOURSELF AGAIN… and AGAIN…. And AGAIN.
Remind me again ...
He needs to get in line!
Oppose FOTUS and MAGA!