Trump can only control the media if the media lets him grab them by the pussy. If they all stand up against him and starve him of attention he craves, he will learn.
Trump is a dog that needs to be trained. People in important positions need to stop handing him power on a silver plate.
And thank you for asking me to clarify. I am 100% champion for women and their rights. I don’t have any power, but I know that the media does and I would love to see them ban together and stop him because they do have the power.
Spot on. His disturbed & delusional mind & ego can't conceive of any woman not wanting to engage sexually with him. He believes "they let him" which everyone knows is a lie, especially victims of abuse.
Contemplating further_2 types of power 1-where you physically take something as in sexual assault that is hard to stop alone. 2-The type
bullies use to force compliance. Media collectively has more power than Trump if they use it. Time to take power back to stop this monster.
The problem with corporate oligarch owned media is they call the shots & their employees have to toe the line if they want to keep their jobs. We've seen it with Bezos & the WaPo exodus & CNN forcing out Jim Acosta who refused to reign in his reporting.
I dabble in this sort of thing, sometimes:
Trump is a dog that needs to be trained. People in important positions need to stop handing him power on a silver plate.
bullies use to force compliance. Media collectively has more power than Trump if they use it. Time to take power back to stop this monster.