Opinion piece at Utility Dive on how state and federal regulators need to work together to address data center costs and protect consumers, since neither can do it alone! Thanks to Sue Glatz and Mahala Lahvis for co-authoring. We make four points.
We have been trying to assess what the status quo for cost allocation even is! Is it really peanut buttering transmission costs? Not everywhere. But most places it is really difficult to even get the answer as to how costs are assessed between customer classes. 1/n
But not how those costs are passed onto specific customer classes.
We have found some answers in some regions and the costs are often treated quite differently. But in most regions, we have failed to even understand what the cost pass-along is. 3/n
2) whether cost allocation rules specific to data centers constitute undue discrimination. #energysky
And 4) adopt standardized load interconnection processes at state-federal level week out duplicative data centers requests. #energysky