Me, as I'm waking up: Well, Meta, Google, and AWS have bent the knee. What about Tim Cook?
If we are the majority (that 1/3 that sat out this election tend to lean left), how do we rebel? I'm not talking civil war, I mean what practical day to day things can we do? These are wealthy people. Their language is $$. Stop supplying them with your $$. What else?
One has withdrawn
Is there a unified messaging campaign or some other strategy on how to appeal to our senate representatives?
But reading up on this, I’d hardly call it a win given it was MAGA blowback that made him withdraw.
Billionaires (< 1%) vs Everyone else (>99%).
Who will win?
Time will tell. I'm 71. I may not find out.
I’ve already axed ALL of META & Amazon apps and affiliations. I’ve ZERO problem axing the rest.
The "deep state" and the "regulatory state" were developed over time to resist the predations of the powerful.
That governmental power is going to be stripped
And the billionaires turn back the clock
Gilded Age, part 2
Broadcast is federally regulated. Cable isn't.
E.Jean said the same thing after the verdict and won.
Did the difference between state and federal court make a difference?
Why aren't people getting this.
They are spineless weasels.
Silver lining that he has yet to contribute money to the inaugural fund (unless I missed that part).
yes i can do helpdesk and pull the pieces apart and run virtual apple OS -- if you pay them money, that is your choice, 4 real
Let's call it that. Because they take it up the ass--and we are forced to pay the costs.
cowards one and all
I have to wonder , WWSJD what would Steve Jobs do?