Can anyone explain to me 1) whether (besides the SDNY lawsuit over climate data removed) anyone is suing on behalf of farmers 2) if not why not?
Trump is bankrupting farmers.
Trump is bankrupting farmers.
You got what you voted for, FU.
FAFO, leopards need to eat too.
Not sure if that's why here, but it could be a reason.
I just want to understand, bc farmers are clearly being injured and they'd make plaintiffs who'd be sympathetic for right wingers.
Quit picturing Ma &Pa out there in the fields.
Start thinking in Venture Capital terms. Tax shelters, subsidies and tax benefits.
This is all write-offs for now.
The real power will come with the carve outs for loyalists.
But trump doesn't obey court orders. Just changes details to be slippery and delay the resolution.
Trump bailed out the farmers during his 1st admin because most of them are GOP. Otherwise, they would have been left high & dry. This time around, who knows. By GOP "logic," a farmer installing solar panels has gone woke.
They want to do their jobs
The vast majority are large, corporate farms and they absolutely do want the handouts. It's free money.
Or to say it with Frank Herbert: "Plans within Plans."
Trump is bankrupting farmers.
Trump is bankrupting THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. How else will Trump BEAT MUSK at King of the Hill and have the most money.
How people are convinced to vote against their own interests fervently is beyond me
Since it’s early yet, many trump voters are likely still thinking “it’s a mistake - he can’t mean to do this to *us*”
Let them stew in it for a while.
#America #Republican
They can take that up with TRUMP!