Did Trump make it past 5th grade? I have wondered if his education was bought... He thinks he is intelligent, but the way he speaks and behaves tells another story.
You're very close. Linguistic analysis shows that he speaks at a 4th grade level, which is, of course, what his supporters love about him. He's the first president in their lifetime that they can actually understand.
Actually, I would love to test Trump’s knowledge of Canada since he’s so hot to annex the country. I mean does he even understand that it consists of separate provinces? (It’s going to be super fun when he tries to push Quebec around!)
Hahahaha.. he couldn’t pass 6th grade reading! Why does he keep his grades hidden? If they were any good they’d be etched in gold on scrolls bragging how “smart” he is!!
Everybody running for office should prove they know what they are taking an oath to defend.
I'm convinced half of Congress couldn't pass a citizenship test.
New citizens don't have to name all the amendments I don't think- I watched a doc on what they do learn- which made me realize I was hearing stupidity from some of our lawmakers
Doesn't matter. Just make sure you find the female Naturalized Indian with the thickest accent and fastest speech to administer it. And if she can come in sporting some Columbian cartel hena tattoos, even better ... Oh, and stream it!🤣
Do I really hate Trump and Musk? Hate really is such a strong word. Let me think...considering all the crimes, rapes, lies, theft, subterfuge, machinations, manipulations, grift, graft, sociopathy, malignant narcissism, lack of empathy for the poor, disabled, etc. my answer is: ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY YES
I would bet that because civics isn't required in schools, the general population would have extreme difficulties passing the test! Kind of seems like those coming here have a better knowledge of our history!
I just took it, pretty easy. Two questions I could have overthought them and missed, maybe. I’m no rocket surgeon and 66yo so school was a long time ago but then I didn’t eat paste in school either.
Looking at it, and having lived in a lot of places, I'd say the average blue state person would pass, and the average red state person wouldn't, considering red states' tendencies to avoid teaching about certain rights and government limitation in school that don't match their propagandized view.
I’m not sure. Public education across the nation has been decimated. Plus, let’s face it, what is taught is a white-washed inaccurate version of the actual history of the U.S.
If you asked 100 people on the street who the 4th President of the U.S. was, how many would know the answer?
I wouldn’t, off the top of my head. (It’s James Madison). How many would know when women gained the right to vote, or why the 13th & 14th Amendments were passed, and how they were immediately undermined by white supremacists making back room deals with SCOTUS and the President.
I didn’t know the true history of our deliberate genocide of the indigenous people of this country until I took a graduate class taught by an Indigenous professor of cultural studies.
I didn’t know the actual history of this country’s beginnings until I studied the 1619 Project and read the original documents written by Thomas Paine and others. That part of our history is buried and erased by public education.
I am US born, and raised. I like to think I am of, or above average intelligence, and am not uneducated. I’ve seen what a coworker needed to study, to become a naturalized citizen, and I would have trouble answering a good portion of it, without some serious studying.
No, nor could his Cabinet or the 1200 other MAGA he will appoint. I’ve often thought a pre-condition of running or being appointed to public office s/b a civics test AND in my utopia, every voter should retake a civics test.
I know impossible to implement, but it’s still free to dream. For now.
After nearly 10 years since his escalator trip, he still doesn't know the words to The Pledge of Allegiance, The Star Spangled Banner, & God Bless America.
Haha trump wouldn’t put his name in the right box!
He’d write in 100% and chicken scratch his Fucking signature into the box in the section that says “office only” after the words “I never lost it”
You're right, me either! My husband teaches history (I can't know everything 😂 so I married someone to fill in the gaps) and he makes his students test on it before graduating high school. I love this man!
I know many have already said it, or some variation thereof, but many Americans and especially probably 98% of Trumpies couldn't pass it. I can't guess how many times people I know have posted American stuff on Facebook with confidence and they were dead wrong. They get mad if you correct them.
A friend did the UK version. I knew a fair bit, but not enough to become a citizen. Mind you, what kind of crazed psychopath knows the third verse of the national anthem? citizenshipl
Not if it has any questions about who won the War of 1812 because he seems to want a rematch. I wonder if that house is as flammable as it was back then?
I passed because I can read upside down.
Turd smuggler can’t read. So no.
If that fucktard could spell VHS, he'd have brought it back by now
I'm convinced half of Congress couldn't pass a citizenship test.
I couldn’t tell you off the top of my head what amendments 9-12 or 15-18 are. Or 20-25.
Prohibition and its removal are two of those. The rest are 🤷
just on the first question.
Although her cheats and gets the answers via Moscow Morse Code
He really likes SOS on repeat
"Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV"
If you asked 100 people on the street who the 4th President of the U.S. was, how many would know the answer?
I know impossible to implement, but it’s still free to dream. For now.
Fat chance! I don’t even think he knows how many states we have (re: his comments about receiving support from hundreds of governors.)
He’d write in 100% and chicken scratch his Fucking signature into the box in the section that says “office only” after the words “I never lost it”