I’m sorry to hear they will be losing their jobs. But, how many of them voted for trump? There’s an old saying… be careful what you wish for. They should have paid attention to the real news and issues at hand. Now they are paying for their choice. Vote Democratic! Abolish republicans next election.
So you don’t give a shit if someone else is hurt. Now that it’s touched you… you’re mad. You should have seen this coming. When maga and Trump are so hateful, know when you align with them, you are the villain.
You voted for it. You thought you were immune and the old, children, black or brown peoples were your target. Well surprise you are getting what you deserve. Better buck up buttercup it is going to get worse and you deserve what you get.
Who is going to tell him that his daughter IS DEI? And that his evil ass wrote a check for his daughter's job that is being cashed when he voted for the maggot!!!
Your daughter is a DEI hire. White women are the highest DEI hires. Enjoy all women and no matter the color, only white men get the jobs. If they remember to fill the positions, like they DID NOT do last time.
So, DEI is a policy, not a law and It elevates all QUALIFIED individuals to the same opportunity to get a job. Pretty simple, but somehow it has turned in to some kind of white people fear of takeover by brown people??? It's a fair policy, sheesh.. What insanity.
So, Marilyn, did you think they were going to check whether any of those people voted for trump before they fired them? Or had relatives that did? Wake up! They don't give a damn about you or your daughter.
So your daughter lost her job because you voted for Trump and put him in office. I feel sorry for your daughter, but you’re the reason she lost her job so what are you gonna do about you gonna take care of her pay your bills, help her find another jobbe a mom fix it
How do you work FOR DEI? It's a policy. You follow policy as required. Once rescinded nobody is being required to follow it. "Just merit based Trump said"
If he was being honest then race and gender shouldn't matter. Evaluate qualifications and performance for hiring/ firing not skin color or gender
The hubris is staggering, first for thinking 🍊🤡 gives a rat’s ass about her/the daughter, and second for thinking her daughter is more important/“better” than other gov’t workers.
Call you senators and complain, go to town halls, and protest. That's pretty much all you got. That's all the rest of us have. Thank you for becoming a We instead of ME. Will you vote Republican next time? That's the difference.
Elon and Trump think her being a woman automatically makes her a DEI hire. You should have known this could happen, they weren’t subtle leading up to the election.
Marilyn thought only people of color would be hurt and she was ok with that.
Most people are just three months away from being homeless, not three months from being a millionaire and wanting trump tax cuts. You didn’t vote for your own interest. The rich always vote their pocketbook.
I'm trying to figure out why those who voted for Trump, that they are now so surprise of the things he is doing. Hmmm, I think he told you on what he plans to do. Sorry, that your child lost her job, but he told you that he was going decrease the government! Don't be shocked🤯
It is fair. He said DEI. You have a daughter, in the eyes of white men, she is diverse. I guess you elected a monster, and he acted like one. What are you mad about? You got exactly, exactly what you asked for. Maybe next time you should ask the wizard for a brain before you vote, dumbass.
I’m done reminding these people that we warned them and they got what they voted for.
They’re “pissed” now? Join the fucking club.
Marilyn, if you've done your research on the asswipe of how he treated all the contractors (before he was on the tv show), you would have known that he's a selfish useless racist thug. FAFO, too bad.
Sorry mama - you got what you wanted - if you worked a little harder & really looked closer - you would have realized the right is the wrong choice - so suck it up and let the S.African immigrant hire his people to take your child's job!
She was ok with trump hurting the “other” but not happy when daughter is the “other”. The budget is going to make this hateful voter the “other” soon. Not the least sorry for her.
Mr. Marilyn (I am no longer compelled to use what may be your preferred pronouns, so I randomly choose). Your daughter is probably female, which makes her a DEI hire. So sorry. So sad.
DEI is not something you work for. It is something that got your daughter hired in a field that was historically all male. She won’t get unemployment because Elon & Trump made that impossible. I doubt your Social Security is coming much longer either. Hiring older white men is DEI too. 🙄
Translation: “I voted for the white guy who promised to take black jobs from immigrants and white jobs from blacks, rather than the black woman who wanted everyone to have jobs!
“I never thought Trump would take white jobs from whites, too!”
They hate the finding out phase when it affects them. But they sure did love fucking around when they thought it would “own the libs”. How’s the owning taste now? Enjoy it!
If this woman was not aware of what Trump did during his first term, then I have no sympathy for her whatsoever. She made her bed, let her lie in it. I'm sorry for the daughter but absolutely not for the mama.
1. Whether or not you voted for 47 is utterly irrelevant other than you were one who voted for 47 to do this.
2. Your daughter worked for Manastee NF, which hired based on DEI. Your daughter could have been working there _because_ of DEI initiatives.
3. 47 wants your daughter's pay for billionaires.
4. You voted for 47 because you believed 47's massive cuts would not affect you and yours.
5. You believed the lies told by a man who was proven before you voted to be an inveterate liar.
6. You voted for a criminal to be your president, knowing he was a criminal.
Anyone able 2 get a msg 2 Ms. O'Brian 4 me? Tell her we've 0 Fs left 2 give when it happens 2 Trump voters who wanted him 2 do this s#!+ 2 other people. Suck it up, buttercup. Or, call Musk & tell him a sad, sob story. I didn't wish bad stuff on any of you, but I caught a bad case of schadenfreude.
Be a smarter voter next time. Trump and Project 25 promised these things would happen. Don’t act surprised. Sorry, but you’re complicit in your daughter’s job loss
Well, shame on them. However, if Trump does hold his stupid rallies they should go to them and heckle him and disrupt the rallies. If the whole crowd did that every time, it may send a message.
Ahh... the "Find Out" phase.
Flippin' imbeciles.
No one should have to go through this much pain to gain the modicum of intelligence required to resist voting for a fascist, idiot, criminal.
Honey, it's called FAFO. It is a virus spread by the DOGE rat. The CDC was working on a vaccine but that section was closed. Don't worry, it will probably go away in November, 2028. 'Til then, buckle up, buttercup. The FO part of this disease is tough, as you now know. Meanwhile, bless your heart.
She should be pissed at herself for her vote! This is the consequence. But of course these asshats are never responsible & it’s always someone else’s fault.
But he is devastating Federal services as well as creating pain for everyone.. Where are the replacement jobs? How do these people not end up homeless? Action without thought has consequences!
Consequences solve many problems, including reunification in the US, ousting the coup, and forgiveness.
That said, Liberals need to learn SILENCE & stop mocking MAGA voters. The consequences will speak for us. MAGA voters did NOT want to be saved, or they would have listened.
Oh please. She's not awake. She's at her Publix Starbucks this morning cheering about deportations. She just didn't want this administration to impact her or her family. She would still shoot a trans person in the face. Even when they "find out" they are still stupid assholes.
This MAGAt deserves every bit of pain coming het way. Most of us possess less than 0 empathy for ALL/ANY Drumpty voters who are negatively impacted by their own racism, misogyny & faux Christianity. Let them reap what they've sowed.
More, more, more!!!
We need masses of the more normal fotus voters (don’t care, won’t care about the magats) to get pissed like this lady. And while many may have the urge to castigate and demean those folks, I say let it lie. Let’s go forward. Let’s unite in fury. #bluefairysays #useourrageforgood
…because it is gonna take masses of us refusing to go along to stop the hostile takeover of our American government and way of being. We need alllllll the people we can get. We need converts. We need an epic uprising. And I think we may be seeing the beginning of that. #psnotanoptimist
Thank you @bluefairyva.bsky.social
I admit my first reaction is to attack and demean, and I can be a very angry, vengeful person. You're right though. I f'n hate them for what they did, but I will try to forgive and unite.
I’m not saying that I will ever forgive them. I’m not saying that I will ever forget their perfidy. I’m saying that we can reach across the divide in this moment by not doing what they expect us to do. Actually, what I’m saying is use them and their rage to our end.
"hE sAiD hE DiDn'T kNoW aBoUt PrOjEcT 2025!" It was there in black and white and you didn't bother to inform yourself. Hope you have a personal dust bowl you illiterate bitch.
And let's not forget Americans lost access to history and parks and resources so FUCK YOUR DAUGHTER.
It’s hard to feel any sympathy for trump voters losing their jobs…none…he showed us who he was and they ignored it because he gave them permission to hate immigrants, POC and Jews. Did they honestly think he’d stop with those groups?
With the last name of O'Brien, it doesn't sound very DEI to me.
Since we all know it's just a way of getting rid of people of color when it comes down to it with the Trump regime.
DEI is not a government department. It is a hiring practice that levels the playing field for people that are equally qualified to their white male counterparts yet overlooked due to race, gender, and physical ability.
Marilyn is showing just how stupid Trump voters are.
Dumb asses…Kamala and Tim warned everyone, but they wouldn’t listen…”it will never happen to me…” of course it will…we are all being screwed by a bunch of billionaires who are stealing the heart and soul of our country….
She is ok with starving children, people dying of treatable disease, Seniors and at risk kids no longer having access to health care... just don't fire her daughter. Wow
Doncha kno that only straight white men are hired on merit.
I was a seasonal, interpretive Federal Park ranger at Harpers Ferry, WV. The Park Service is amazing, and I feel for your daughter.
But what the hell were you thinking? He's a monster, & he showed it.
And send some campaign donations so they can buy more ketamine.
If he was being honest then race and gender shouldn't matter. Evaluate qualifications and performance for hiring/ firing not skin color or gender
Too lazy to read, just watch and inhale Fox hatred.
No empathy here.
You voted for this.
Move along.
Most people are just three months away from being homeless, not three months from being a millionaire and wanting trump tax cuts. You didn’t vote for your own interest. The rich always vote their pocketbook.
voting not Once but 3 times?? Seems this person is sadly lacking Any ability for critical thinking.
I think Mel Brooks already did a bit about them.
They’re “pissed” now? Join the fucking club.
My god, are you going to learn the lesson...
There. Fixed it for you.
lady. Sucks to be your kid.
“I never thought Trump would take white jobs from whites, too!”
2. Your daughter worked for Manastee NF, which hired based on DEI. Your daughter could have been working there _because_ of DEI initiatives.
3. 47 wants your daughter's pay for billionaires.
5. You believed the lies told by a man who was proven before you voted to be an inveterate liar.
6. You voted for a criminal to be your president, knowing he was a criminal.
You deserve zero sympathy from us.
They say they still support him.
They want THEIR jobs back.
THEY want their jobs back, not their co-workers or other people employed.. them. THEM!
Their stupidity and the selfishness is staggering.
Deprogramming from a cult is hard.
Best of luck.
Flippin' imbeciles.
No one should have to go through this much pain to gain the modicum of intelligence required to resist voting for a fascist, idiot, criminal.
Seems she still doesn’t get it what he stands for—himself.
“Sucker born every minute. “
Sadly know people who are like this woman. In fact related to them and one of their sons lost a job. Do tell—
Warned them all.
Save it!
This was all published by the low end ass-licking authors or project 2025!
Maybe don’t let the f*ing snake in the house next time. I mean you knew he was a snake #FAFO
Eat shit you hateful bitch.
He said what he was going to do...
But he is devastating Federal services as well as creating pain for everyone.. Where are the replacement jobs? How do these people not end up homeless? Action without thought has consequences!
That said, Liberals need to learn SILENCE & stop mocking MAGA voters. The consequences will speak for us. MAGA voters did NOT want to be saved, or they would have listened.
We need masses of the more normal fotus voters (don’t care, won’t care about the magats) to get pissed like this lady. And while many may have the urge to castigate and demean those folks, I say let it lie. Let’s go forward. Let’s unite in fury. #bluefairysays #useourrageforgood
I admit my first reaction is to attack and demean, and I can be a very angry, vengeful person. You're right though. I f'n hate them for what they did, but I will try to forgive and unite.
And let's not forget Americans lost access to history and parks and resources so FUCK YOUR DAUGHTER.
Since we all know it's just a way of getting rid of people of color when it comes down to it with the Trump regime.
DEI is not a government department. It is a hiring practice that levels the playing field for people that are equally qualified to their white male counterparts yet overlooked due to race, gender, and physical ability.
Marilyn is showing just how stupid Trump voters are.
Her daughter is out of work, and half the country is laughing at her.
You voted for this!
Oh well FAFO