We must shut down the country on 3/22-23 for 48 hours, and again on 3/25-27 for 72 hours. Stop work as you can, call in sick, take 1/2days off, come in late, take long lunches, leave early. We must work stop our airlines, trucking, transportation and retail and industrial manufacturing.
You hit the nail on the head. There are skilled technicians and workers who have been subject to abusive working conditions by Musk. None of these people deserve to be subject to threatening protests. Equally most Tesla drivers are conscious of the environment and liberal.
It no longer matters, he has made the brand toxic and like X is no longer in my shopping basket. The market is a truer judge of people’s actions than voting.
Damaging a vehicle somehow doesn’t equate with prancing gleefully onstage holding a chain saw to celebrate decimating our federal agencies that provide essential services, firing vets, wipingout their VA, and declaring the SSA a “ponzi scheme.”
Don’t start some. Won’t be none.
Elon Musk made most of his money and his companies based on his Tesla stock. The company has served as a lever for him and is so closely tied to him that it will be very difficult for it to recover. I think if Musk sells his shares, they will fall even more dramatically.
He needs to remove all his financial links to Tesla. Stepping down but continuing to profit won’t fix the issue. The world wants to hurt Musk financially so if he remains involved he will kill Tesla.
No, I hate Tesla the company too. It’s infused with Musk energy that will persist after he’s gone. Also, it’s product is crap and marketed to convince drivers they’re doing something good when all they’re doing is the same destructive things differently.
There are so many better options than Tesla. Polestar & Ford Mach-E come right to mind. Telo Trucks is what the Cybertruck could have been, if it wasn't so focused on being bizarre for the sake of bizarre. (http://telotrucks.com)
Well Elon, you should have left the election alone and minded your own business. Also, Elon, you fucked with the wrong people. You, like Donald, messed up badly. Get your fake ass “doge” groupies and get the f out of OUR country! IF you wouldn’t have fucked with us, none of this would be happening
The short sellers on WS will kill it, and his creditors are more then nervous. Now reports an audit that 1.6B is missing? It will be a free market take down of epic proportion.
They'll also need to move away from some of their proprietary crapola. Teslas are the software of the automotive industry. You never own the vehicle, you are just renting it and Tesla can brick it anytime they want.
They guy who said the thing about f ing people in the face is uncomfortable with violence? The guy supporting AFD? The Natzi salut guy? Putin's pal part deaux? That guy? He doesn't like violence?
No, that’s wrong! He is the majority stockholder of Tesla so even if you throw him out, he still owns the majority of the shares of Tesla. I want it boycotted killers not a damn thing left of Tesla because he’s the majority stockholder!
Being forcefully separated from his own income seems to have Heir Musk feeling picked on. Maybe he should speculate on losing access to a single source of income without billions in the bank to fall back on.
You make enemies of every one. Create disgruntled people the are going to only take so much. You sir have had your share of and the top has finally blown off deal with it 😡😡😡
I do now hate Tesla the brand. The cars are dangerous & Musk is removing regulations to require investigations after crashes. No part of me believes they will go back to doing that if they aren't legally forced to. Other companies might not, either, but their cars aren't exploding as much, so... 🤷♀️
Agree completely. The Tesla brand is now sullied by Musk. And their Board paid Musk $110 billion annual bonus. Twice the entire budget of the humanitarian US AID Program he single handedly axed. Fuck that guy!!
That's an excellent point that I didn't even think about! They have handed him so much money - he's not even useful to them, and now their stock is in freefall. If they had refused to pay him that absurd amount, perhaps it wouldn't be so easy for him now to throw that money around.
Musk has spent years, intentionally creating an indelible association between himself and Tesla, to the point that they are virtually joined at the hip. He is still the Tesla CEO and largest shareholder.
Now he wants to pretend that he and Tesla are just casual acquaintances.
I’ve not thought that he was that smart for a long time now. He’s been incredibly connected and lucky, but his luck is running out and his connections aren’t going to help him forever. He might want to consider a nice condo on the shores of the Black Sea….
Elon is more worried about his machines than he is human beings. Elon would happily put senior citizens on the streets and deny them the medical care they have earned by a lifetime of labor if it means more money in his chest. He is an absolute monster.
Everything dump touches dies. Apparently, Musk didn’t get the memo. He’s on his way to being just another patsy for DT. Maybe the deal they made wasn’t worth it.
Maybe partly. But I also saw the video with the guy tearing a Tesla Cybertruck apart with his bare hands. Half the body work is just GLUED on. Not "laminated." Even if a bitter employee skimped on the glue, still, GLUE? Seriously?
That's just cheap-assed design on a supposedly high-end car.
Honestly speaking, the Tesla brand is finished. Even if Musk resigns, he cannot restore the brand image. Unless another company is willing to acquire it and rename it and redesign its logo, it will always be regarded as a symbol of Nazi capital, and this is all caused by Musk.
never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever in the history of automobiles have very expensive but worthless cars inexplicably caught fire unless they were torched by terrorists as pointed out by a less-than-truthful billionaire.
And Trump/Musk scrubbed everything from the White House on down. Trump released all the violent criminals who participated, too. Why? Because he is sleeping with Putin.
He won't step down until all of the Republicans who are propping him up and promoting Tesla get the tip to buy! This will be one of the biggest insider trading scams we've ever witnessed.
I would not buy a tesla no matter who the CEO is. tesla's have a reputation of exploding and being on fire. And electrical fires are pretty much impossible to put out.
Nobody i know wants to drive around in a potential death trap.
Tesla *was* just an electric car company - Musk is the one who fucked all that up with his obsession for dangerous fake "autopilot" and his incel cybertruck.
Tesla could stop this bleeding overnight by firing Musk.
2/ (*) Yes, I have tried various versions of FSD as they gave out trials. It's a neat novelty but it's also very unsafe and generally solves no problem any reasonable driver actually has.
Musk abused Keir Starmer over the jailing of Tommy Robinson, a notorious riot inciter in the UK. You want to talk destruction? Look at the footage of all the riots in UK over summer 2024.
Or look no further than the Jan 6 rioters.
But I guess Musk is only bothered by it if it affects his co
Is there a shareholder lawsuit against the board for not removing him? Seems like a D&O suit to me. And he'd also have to sell his shares, not just step down, to start repairing brand damage.
Now I hate both. I will never support telsa with or without their nazi leader. Swastikars are the Yugos of yesterday. And I hate that these idiots make hate arise in my being. I fucking hate THAT!!
Not exactly true at least for me, as the biggest shareholder I will still go after Swasticar to drive the price down
I'd consider if he would donate all his shares to Causes We Choose
Poor Elon he can surely dish it out, but when it comes down to taking it d “BIG BRAVE GUY” shows us who he really is: a USELESS POS just like his “boss”.
Nobody hated Germany the country either. They hated the asshole that decided to murder millions of people and tried to take over the world. See any similarities?
The attack(agenda) is in the end on "truth" and "trust" the final disconnection needed to get us going in any direction needed.
All NWO plans made decades ago! and partly for this decade, put in a name like agenda 2025. Like it's totally new this concept haha.
NWO, If we take down America as a example, the rest of the world will FOLLOW! As America has this, "The land of the FREE" and when that is taken from U. The world will bleed for decades to come.
Actually no, there are much better models out there. Besides yours will drive through walls. Oh and you used GLUE to hold on stainless steel panels. Idiots. And yes, we DESPISE your #Twatzie CEO.
Dickhead, don't you realize that this is a reaction to you taking over the American government? If you would have stayed in your lane and not spent 100's of millions buying the presidency, you'd be twice as rich now.
Trump said on Truth Social that the transition to electrical car manufacturing would shift the automotive industry from the U.S. toward China. "ALL ELECTRIC CARS - THEY WILL ALL BE MADE IN CHINA, and the Auto Industry in America will cease to exist!" Trump wrote.
Dear Elon . This is what happens when you screw the people that made you wealthy ! Our Tax Dollars made you very wealthy but you refuse to at your fair share of taxes & you’ve no consideration for the thousands of people that you’ve fired ! You deserve to be thrown out of our country
Not directly, no. But your financial and business environment was a low hanging fruit, easy to rise to the top of a toxic capitalism stew. (if you're a scummy conman. )
Putin knows this too. That's why he is probably stoked, all is going perfectly to his plan.
Something needs to change.
Sadly for Elon, he is the brand.
He's lost favor with the public primarily because his recent activities within our Government are perceived as harmful and callous.
These changes are designed to benefit the small percent of those who have plenty and taking even more from those who are struggling.
Some genius. Doesn’t comprehend he’s causing a world of hurt and then some, taking food/medicine from ppl in strife-torn nations; cutting infectious disease response, cancer research, food safety regulating, vaccine research, help for veterans, weather forecasts, nuclear power plant monitoring…
So fElon, giving the nazi salute, firing masses of people, promoting fascism, rigging a country’s election and looting its economy isn’t reason enough for you? Perhaps if you find a conscience people will stop reacting to what you do. Playing the innocent victim is pathetic.
Pfff 😆. Can you imagine how much it stings him to read things like this? Musk’s companies have probably been doing regular welfare checks on him whenever he goes in the bathroom alone, or leaves behind depressed letters on his desk.
He’s such a cry baby. It’s totally fine fucking with stuff we care about, but don’t fuck with stuff he cares about. Well Elon, how about you leave our country or you will see how much we can fuck with the stuff you care about even more.
Finished his sentence for him.
Queen of Typos🙄
Don’t start some. Won’t be none.
Auto manu suppliers & their employees already KNOW that Elon has an affinity for fraud & mismanagement.
Just a racist brat that inherited an emerald mine.
Also - Musk is a cock.
Now he wants to pretend that he and Tesla are just casual acquaintances.
Maybe a name change?
Maybe Jarvis, Iron Man's assistant.
stealing Tesla’s genius & embezzling as much cash 💰 as possible.
“I don't care that they stole my idea . . I care that they don't have any of their own” ~Nikola Tesla
That's just cheap-assed design on a supposedly high-end car.
And Trump/Musk scrubbed everything from the White House on down. Trump released all the violent criminals who participated, too. Why? Because he is sleeping with Putin.
On his most privileged day, Trump sleeps in a dog bed next to Putin's.
Have been waiting for this. I got suspended twice from Twitter. Surely there must be more comments. 😊
Nobody i know wants to drive around in a potential death trap.
Tesla could stop this bleeding overnight by firing Musk.
"Autopilot" refers to the basic lane keep + auto cruise control. This actually works very well and I use it all the time.
"FSD" is the death trap software that I don't even use when they give out free trials (*)
Or look no further than the Jan 6 rioters.
But I guess Musk is only bothered by it if it affects his co
They’re potential death traps..
I'd consider if he would donate all his shares to Causes We Choose
Mr. “Empathy is weakness”
All NWO plans made decades ago! and partly for this decade, put in a name like agenda 2025. Like it's totally new this concept haha.
The hardest will be to destroy Space X, which is funded mostly by American tax payers' money ( which fElon does not belong to).
There are over 8,000,000,000 of us.
There are fewer than 2,000 of them.
The odds are most definitely in our favor.
Tesla had 60 days to remove Musk as CEO?
Oh, yeah, "Fuck Off" Elon
We need more pushback on the right wing propagandists!
Get the word out everywhere to everyone…even TikTok!!
#mobilize.us #fiftyfifty.one
Attend town hall meetings
We should invent a big space ship, write a big letter Z at the side, let it be build by Ukrainian engineers and send nazi’s peacefully to mars.
Putin knows this too. That's why he is probably stoked, all is going perfectly to his plan.
Something needs to change.
He's lost favor with the public primarily because his recent activities within our Government are perceived as harmful and callous.
These changes are designed to benefit the small percent of those who have plenty and taking even more from those who are struggling.
A doctor’s car caught fire while waiting he was waiting alone at traffic light. Lacking battery power, he was locked in. Died painfully & needlessly.