In 2017, Trump inherited a strong economy, low interest rates, and a generally stable international situation. For the next 3 years, Trump enjoyed the dividends from his inheritance - until he crashed into his first real crisis, the COVID pandemic. 1/x
It was evident last time, it's even more so now.
This garbage is not
It's not the BLUE thing to do.
So, how about those new trillion-dollar tax cuts to the 0.1% he passed? So glad billionaires can afford THEIR eggs."
Why would Trumpanzees leave the echo chamber? Even if they are paying more for eggs, their information sources will still find ways to delude them.
Me: The "businessman" who ran multiple ventures into the ground, mucked over contractors, and mismanaged a lot last time he had this job?
Friend: Ding!
*will enjoy
*crashes, bird-flu
We have long memories so either you or your progeny will settle accounts.
Given six months of real economic anxiety they will be demanding answers and his memecoin wealth will be a tsarist palace drawing their ire.
last time he had a 'pretend' steering wheel, and adults were mostly driving
this time, he's going to slam that car straight into a wall as soon as he touches the accelerator
High propensity R voters will bend a lot to fit with their social comfort groups. Low propensity voters have already retreated to ‘can’t/won’t be bothered snooze’ until next time when they fixate on their grievance of the day. And no one generates grievance like MAGA.
1 of 2
I will vote, but I have no confidence that elections will be either free or fair.
Can do a lot of damage, but hopefully he’s constrained by the institutions.
Voters didn't respond to personal experience, they responded to messaging by the rightwing media.
Only a big disaster will cut through it.
If 3 N mayo makes them more money than 2 N mayo....
we will absolutely get fed mayonnnaise
It's important to remember that the economy he inherited was already on a strong trajectory. Many seem to overlook that fact and give him sole credit for its success during his first term.
Ultimately, he ruined it.