Don't compare Trump to Neville Chamberlain. Chamberlain did not personally like the dictator he dealt with. Chamberlain did not staff his ministry with pro-dictator enthusiasts. Chamberlain was not helped into office in the first place by that dictator. From Churchill's eulogy:
And in the 1930's Poland, France, Belgium.
Most of the Wehrmacht was not mechanised, but tanks and aircraft were new. The main issues were allied inadequacies not German strengths.
20x undergunned, underpowered, under armoured vehicles couldn't stop one Panzer 3
Chamberlain bought time, whether that was his primary motivation or not doesn't matter it was the result.
Trump has always been Musolini in a Berlusconi suit.
..but this also shows what appeasement does. It's a message that works well, because we are running out of time.
Just like there are no comparisons for Hitler and Stalin, they are both uniquely criminal in their own right, no comparisons for the uniquely monstrous criminal nature of Trump exists as well.
Your point is taken that Trump is worse than chamberlain in that he likes dictators
I wonder what his reflection on Chamberlain would have been in 1960 instead of 1940.
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Lot of South Asians are not aware of how much FDR goaded Churchill to grant independence to that sub-continent. Atlee delivered.
But even they should not compare Trump to Churchill:
"Churchill believed that science was not to blame for the destruction of Europe, but rather human nature. He feared that science could be used to subdue human virtue, which was necessary for a free society. "
He have deep respect for goodness from Science and worried about its ill effects.
At its simplest, Chamberlain was naive, not evil.
But he lacked the leadership to day "this is happening anyway"
A strange defeat, sweeping a foetid government of assorted reactionaries, fascists and fools into power at the service of an enemy dictator...
Trump is Pétain.