I had a neighbor get the cuecat and then give it to me because she had no idea what to do with it. And then I inventoried everything in my room that had a barcode on it for 'fun'. It was a neat little scanner, one of the more esoteric things I've owned
I'll be the Logitech Quickcam. Those things were ubiquitous at one point, unlike the Cuecat, which was such a crazy idea. Yes, let's barcode scan everything in our life to browse websites 😂. So flawed.
and i'll be the Linksys WRT54G. I'm already dressed as Miku, i might as well hide in the wi-fi.
Ahh, the joys of working at a dial up internet company while in school and not having real bills.
Now my brain hurts.
I’m not there, I’m the 8 track tape player.