Any Black Friday deals that y'all are excited about/anticipating?
So far all I'm really going for is a new mattress.
So far all I'm really going for is a new mattress.
Black Friday with baby: Do you think we could afford this Stokke highchair?
Sensor size and refresh rate seem acceptable for what I need it for.
Still, even the cheap ones have been $500+ for years and I saw this one and decided to give it a go.
Were yours leaking issue? And, if so, did it end up in a completely soaked mattress/bedroom, or more isolated than that?
Photo app is good, but synology has been stepping back from updating user apps, although you can run docker and OSS apps. Add Tailscale for a safe personal cloud.
I was thinking about getting two or three more disks and run TrueNAS.
I was thinking about 4 TB disks (like 3), but 20 TB...
I’m quite excited about this one
Also, it would be a backup device that I’d use only for long trips or at night. I still prefer reading on paper.
I got introduced to this brand via a Kickstarter, and I have 2 of their frying pans too which have machined surfaces and do not stick ever. Love em.
I'm not into the toe separators 😅 I have a very small little toe which might never make it into the right place!
Most things are back to functional now but yeah.. losing mobility is really hard.
Will do!
Otherwise refurbished/ other stores like Best Buy/ Costco are the other way to find discounted items
Just hoping a different major retailer might? Not sure if they're allowed either though
Happy to see it has -50% in most shops here
We've had them for about 4 years and the Helix is giving us back problems, and when we slept in our guest bedroom suddenly we were cured, so... we're going all in 😅
Wish it was easier to try all of these different mattress brands.
I used to do the same with Pluralsight
But we'll go with 's offer on the Ultimate Vue Bundle this year!
and it was one of the few models that didn't come w/ a mop function
Checked the price history and it seems to be real deal (instead of fake pricing) so I went for it!
OH you got a super FANCY one, that one looks "ultra" nice ;)
1) Black Friday Price
2) Object avoidance ability
Both seem top notch though
Funny enough Roomba is not even in the top 5 anymore