I get this. I'm a klutz with ADD and breaking an old part when fixing a car drives me bonkers. Fast. I can't even imagine what the inside of FOTUS's brain must be like. Or his soul.
It's true that we often feel extra upset. While negativity, bias, and a darker side exist in all of us, our better selves can rise to the occasion and help us avoid making significant mistakes. This leads us to ask: So trump supporters/maga have no better selves?
My algebra teacher used to make us stand at the front of the class and recite all of the rules out loud. But he tried to make it fun, sometimes saying, "One more time, with feeling!"
As a kid I remember aphorisms from Nietzsche (all I could understand).. per SkyNet--
"Nietzsche's idea, often expressed as "the sting of conscience teaches one to sting," suggests that a strong sense of guilt or moral obligation can lead to a desire to inflict similar pain or punishment on others."
Which is exactly what we are supposed to do...reflect, confess, repent. If we stop at just hating what we did or who we are without changing anything we have done nothing. Honest reflection offers great potential.
Yeah, it makes you wonder what a man who has just a few too many "macho" tattoos, likes to go around shirtless, is virulently anti-trans/gay/etc. to the point of wanting to kick them out of the armed services, and was once on Fox is hiding.
"Nietzsche's idea, often expressed as "the sting of conscience teaches one to sting," suggests that a strong sense of guilt or moral obligation can lead to a desire to inflict similar pain or punishment on others."
Every. Time.
I still live in the faith that
a well-argued proof can
threaten MAGA denial.