I do worry that other middle- to high-income democracies tell themselves America is an aberration and they've merely got to develop independence from us to stabilize global geopolitics when many democracies' leading right-wing parties are 90-100% as crazy as the American version
taking the double draft of Jorge Luis Borges concepts of infinity especially per Grievance plus Knowledge with Lewis Carols Alice in Wonderland
**** !
that is Elon Musks ex wife, the 2nd and 3rd one who divorced him in 2016, and help convinced him to buy twitter in 2021
**** !
1) accepting the results immediately and
2) not crying fraud
*they’d make noise about voter fraud every election, but usually not the party leaders & they wouldn’t *do* anything about it
Instead, it’s more the result of globalization and conservative economic policies making life unbearable for the working class, and the globalist oligarchs using xenophobia to scapegoat others.
Tradeoffs, ya know?
It’s just a shame that THAT combined with actual significant social safety nets (like universal healthcare and decent public schooling) aren’t even enough anymore.
This is a Juan Linz stan account
80% inflation is no joke