Absolutely no agenda here is there Mr Wilson, nope not one bit at all. Your assessment of the CAS verdict is also completely misleading of its actual findings, but youre not one bit interested in the #mcfc side of things anyway. Yet another hatchet job article for the pile. Verdict must be due soon
Great article Jonathan, thanks. Assuming they’re found guilty (and if it walks like a duck, etc), wouldn’t it be fairer to retrospectively punish them for the years they cheated in? That would result in them losing ill-gained titles.
Possibly, yes. But that opens a can of worms - eg, Leicester ended up being fined over FFP breaches in their promotion season two years before winning the league. Do we strip that promotion and thus their league title from them?
This explains it all better for me than anything else I have read. From all I have read about Pep and his personal life these days, I have to wonder if ruining his marriage to stay with City is something he may now regret. Like him, have not liked his ties to City.
Great article, and shows all that is wrong with nation states (or their surrogates) owning football clubs.
IMO, if found guilty (and I have doubts they will be) no sanction is enough because it means the entire 'era' is built on something deemed to be against the rules.
But money rules football.
the mancini stuff is so inconsequential it shouldn't have been brought. non-cooperation is undeniable. two of the three other sets of charges depends on proof of the first. if the main charge (disguised equity) can be proven they're in trouble, if it can't everything bar non-cooperation falls down.
It's demonstrative though. Why did they do it? Because they knew they were up against spending limits. Proves they knew they were at least skirting if not flat out breaking the rules.
IMO, if found guilty (and I have doubts they will be) no sanction is enough because it means the entire 'era' is built on something deemed to be against the rules.
But money rules football.