I didn't write my first book until I was 31. I now have over 30 novels and dozens of comics in print. Do you know how old you will be by the time you write that book of your heart? The same age you would be if you didn't write it, but YOU WROTE A BOOK. It's never too late.
i have to bring my lore to a medium other than music after all :3
Err... Yeah...
*Logs off*
I haven't written a book yet, but I am building a business for myself after wishing I had done so for years.
My wife is writing a book though! I just finished reading the first 13 chapters. Can't wait to read the whole thing. ❤️
It released in 2021 I was 32
Ill be 37 this year and have 100k words for my next book
Now if I could get out of my own way and stop letting imposter syndrome paralyze me maybe I could do another one
I made a very abortive attempt a novel in jr high, wrote about a chapter, longhand, all during classes.
My head is full of plot developments, but I just don't seem to find the energy to write.
In my 40s I wrote a bucket list and FINISHED the book. I have a series. 1 or 2 are just okay.
But YAY me!
Do the thing you're AFRAID to do. Always.
But my first book was written when i was 9yrs old & finished at 11yrs old.
*tries not to glance at laptop documents files*
My debut publishes in less than two months (screams internally) and I’m **46**, which, my daughter assures me, is only seconds away from crumbling into a pile of dust.
social awareness and activism.
I don’t think I’ll ever stop.