25 scares them. Impeachment is just free advertising! 25th is not reliant on fellow crooks to save them. It's pending court martial findings from a reputable military physician or psychologist!!!!. The president may not be touchable by civilian law!. But he is 💯 liable to military law!. Facts!
of course, impeachment will never happen. The GOP control congress so that's that. You need to pursue the next level. And he won't go quietly. Expect to face, and use, force. But you HAVE to.
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government"
One day we will all wake up to the notice that we no longer have to hear from, or see his disgusting presence again. The only ones that will grieve are those that no longer can make money from his deplorable influence.
Yeh, cos that's worked so well before. 🙄 Might as well write a sternly worded letter. They own congress and they've made it clear they're not going to abide by court rulings.
Time to accept your institutions aren't going to save you.
That's why it needs to be more forceful. Handcuffs. State charges for him, and all the key traitors. Help from the decent people in the military, veterans, lawyers. We just need someone with nerve and the intelligence and resources to DO IT. #HandcuffsNow
His EOs do not "record" his crimes or their real-world results. The opposition does that.
This won't fix what's wrong but it IS a necessary step. What else can the Dems in Congress do? They can't PASS anything. They can protest, file briefs, & have town halls. So why NOT impeach him again?
Right…but let’s pretend we live in a democracy, it’s a stretch at this point, but stay with me…when the next democrat gets in, they can use it as a roadmap of charges and things to undo.
No. Because, as I wrote earlier, his EOs don't detail the real-world effects his actions will have on the agencies and people they affect. Those EOs are written mostly in MAGAtese gobbledygook, anyway.
His ACTUAL illegal actions & their effects need to be documented in articles of impeachment.
That would be the 'easiest' way, but it won't happen. He needs to be hauled out in handcuffs, along with all the other traitors. State charges, State prisons (no pardons).
But he doesn't have THE PEOPLE. There are plenty of military, police, lawyers, and judges who have the power to make an aggressive arrest. It needs to happen NOW. And we need to DEMAND it.
Realistically speaking, nothing is likely to be done within a 2 year time frame. If we are lucky, we get a sufficient majority in both houses to impeach Trump, possibly Vance, investigate Musk. We would also need to decide how far down the “revenge” path to go, vs trying to rebuild.
We. Don't. HAVE. 2 years. They're already messing with the voting, anyway. It's a damn COUP, and they only way to get them out is by aggression. We've already missed SO many chances. But we need to INSIST that something be done NOW. Off the couch and onto the STREETS...to the offices of C. Critters!
The German resistance consisted of small, isolated groups that were unable to mobilize mass political opposition.
In power, Nazi leaders quickly banned extra-party demonstrations, fearing displays of dissent on open urban spaces might develop and grow, even without organization.
Handcuffs. State charges, State Prisons (no pardons). Along with all the other traitors. And it needs to happen SOON if there's anyone in D.C. with balls and the intelligence and resources to make it happen.
My point exactly. Who cares about the vote show us you are willing to try and stop him and that the Republicans want our country to collapse if they don’t vote to impeach him. What the fuck is taking so long ??
We don't have the votes. If we had the majority it would be a no brainer, but Republicans have House, Senate, and White House. There are no more grownups in the room.
Time to accept your institutions aren't going to save you.
We’re stuck with this lump of shit until something happens. Then what? The next 2 in line are even worse.
Other than that, which is kinda the bare minimum, no, it doesn't accomplish anything.
Also, there’s a list of executive orders that record his crimes.
This won't fix what's wrong but it IS a necessary step. What else can the Dems in Congress do? They can't PASS anything. They can protest, file briefs, & have town halls. So why NOT impeach him again?
His ACTUAL illegal actions & their effects need to be documented in articles of impeachment.
Also...it would take WAY too long! We need something done NOW.
Are you becoming the enemy?
IMPEACH Trump and Vance, CONVICT, and REMOVE.
Be done with this, save yourself and the country.
And Schiff and Jeffries have the money. Let’s use it.
The German resistance consisted of small, isolated groups that were unable to mobilize mass political opposition.
In power, Nazi leaders quickly banned extra-party demonstrations, fearing displays of dissent on open urban spaces might develop and grow, even without organization.
Here’s the survey they are circulating among conservatives
Enjoy 💅
@aoc.bsky.social @repjasmine.bsky.social
#WTAF ‼️💥
It's up to y'all