Hi! You can call me Mareep! Come hang out if you like these things:
Monster Hunter
Fire Emblem
Animal Crossing
Super Punchout
I interact with everyone who wants to so don’t be shy!
Hi! You can call me Mareep! Come hang out if you like these things:
Monster Hunter
Fire Emblem
Animal Crossing
Super Punchout
I interact with everyone who wants to so don’t be shy!
I'm not really a fan of pretty much any of these things but you seem like a nice guy so I can appreciate that at least 👉👈
Also that one time when my cousin who really likes hades had his 18th birthday upcoming and i decided to sew him a zagreus plush, also getting invested into the game itself while i was at it lol
The eyes were a stylistic choice, dont question it XD
My cousin really liked it, so i think i succeeded with my birthday gift for him
What is your favourite generation of Pokemon?
In the same vein, favourite Fire Emblem game?
What interaction did you like most in Hades?
Or a new punch out game 😅
I think i like Sacred Stones the most in retrospect. Branching classes was neat
i've played most all of the pokemon games up to all of the 3DS games, i play new horizons occasionally and used to play lots of new leaf, loved fe:awakening, and i ik it's not really persona, but ireally enjoyed shin megami tensei: nocturne ✨
nice to meet you!
If it makes you feel better, I'm also a Hunting Horn main pre-Rise, so I know the pain of having an Underused main.
Sounds good to me!
- Pokemon
- Animal Crossing
Probably Fire Emblem 😉
Are you also biting yourself to stay grounded while waiting for Wilds?
I'll assume it's your favorite Pokemon?😅
I also like video games, including some you mentionned
If you want to be friends, let me know
-Shin Megami Tensei!
-Gunlance Gang!
-Thieves and Assassins all day
-The Animal Crossing Aquarium sections are my happy place.
How different is it though?
My friend also tells me to get into Fire Emblem but man, I keep forgetting to play it. I literally have the cartridge of Awakening
Anyways, I love half of these games! You have great taste <3
And you seem to have great taste too!
Thanks for the compliment! I have barely touched Spyro or Super Punchout, but I am slowly getting into JRPGs c: If you recommend any, let me know!
I looked up Trails and it is a turn based rpg with grid, which is literally my favorite type of games, as Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced is a childhood favorite of mine. Thank you very much! <3
Sylveon, incineroar, or mega Altaria
I’m doing a B2W2 Nuzlocke naming my Pokémon after you guys, check my pin!
I host TCG Pocket “lobbies” randomly, come join if you play!
I’m drawing the Persona 5 Phantom Thieves as Pokémon, just Haru/Flaaffy so far!
I make other goofy drawings too!
Although I’ve been meaning to play portable 3rd since it has a English patch
I couldn't get myself to like either of the lances, probably just because I have monkey brain that wants really flashy weapons and I just didn't find lance flashy enough or something
Lance is still very very good :3
What’s your favorite Pokemon outside the Mareep line?
Welcome to my feed
If you need a hammer gunlance or sword n Shield on your team just hit me up!
We can even stream on twitch 🛹