The thing about this show that always bugs me is when people describe them as being "dysfunctional". They are actually EXCEPTIONALLY functional, they're just poor
I mean 5 kids, all boys. I remember an episode where the mother character think her name is Louise, dreamt if she had girls instead of boys. It was more chaotic than having boys, as a woman myself my sister and I were a handful
They used to do that a lot when showing handheld consoles in movies and TV shows.. another example off the top of my head is the Sega Game Gear in the Jackie Chan movie "Rumble in The Bronx"! 😅
That is one of my favorite movie trivia facts that I noticed while watching it as a kid! It's great since they added in SFX for a game that isn't being played in post. I was so confused at the time since my game gear didn't make noises without a cartridge
To be fair these details are very common in movies/tv. Upside down smartphones while calling. Pausing a video game like a video with no in game menu (A freeze frame is shown when they "pause"), Actors drinking out of "full" cups of liquid that are clearly empty, etc.
I think it was another way to satirize how poor they were that they made up games to play, because we never see them talking about buying batteries for it either, since a gb would never last too long
Linwood Boomer.
He was a character
They can't afford a game, and Reese doesn't know the difference.
Except when it came to writing operas. 😄
Ignorance is bliss
I either had a console with no game, or a game with no console, lmao.
Still thankful tho!
It should be simple enough to just have the actor just call someone off-set to show the phone in active use.
*Dewey puts a cartage in*
*Punches Dewey in the head*
*Super Mario Lands music plays*
They could have even just made a prop for the sake of the show with a bogus title.
Or maybe it's secretly intentional and he's just pretending to play
Not speaking for either.
boy, you dont have a game in your game boy do ya😂