"Some adherents mixed Butler’s toenail clippings into their meals, two former followers said, as a sign of devotion.
Others used his shoes as prayer totems..."
Others used his shoes as prayer totems..."
Here it is - no paywall...
Every town, every state. Paralyse the oligarchs. Show them where the true power lies.
Usually all three.
No one is immune to lies & propaganda, especially from narcissists.
Oh Tulsi, poor stupid Tulsi. 😆
Her name only shows up in the references. What's the point of using references that specifically name her in their titles if article doesn't name her at all?
Are they sterilized?
But I have had to stop eating dinner while I watch as I often get nauseous with embarrassment for our country under Trump and his merry band of morons 😬
Here it is...
Hired PR Firms to hide all of Tulsi’s crooked & sketchy past. Just another crook/conwoman, looking to make a score off the dismantling of America! Vote No on Tulsi!!
My first thought
Somehow toenail clippings in meals to show loyalty doesn’t bother me as much as Trump’s billionaire supporters,GOP, & Idiots who participated in his terroristic insurrection bc he lost⁉️ Criminals are to be imprisoned…NOT in the WH,Gov., & Supreme Court.
Not 1 good Cabinet choice in the whole lot..
But the toenail thingy, really? Would we call his droppings Relics?