Ok NYT get off your high horse. Trump is not the first US president to f around with democratically elected leaders; nor is he the first to be on the wrong side of history in a war. He's wrong of course but not the first.
Why do even the smartest people even entertain the thought that any of them care about things like that?!?! Come on, @maddow.msnbc.com , you’re not naive.
“Trump appears to have no clue why Putin is so nice to him. As a Russian foreign policy analyst in Moscow put it…: “Trump does not get that Putin is merely manipulating him…to diminish the U.S. international position, destroy its network of security alliances…and destabilize the U.S. internally”
The tragic truth is that is exactly what we're seeing here. As soon as TCF34 was elected, Putin knew he could do whatever he wanted in Ukraine. And most Ukrainians knew it as well.
I refuse to pay for something that we can all learn without signing up. Pretty sick of big corporations click baiting us. And telling us when and how to spend our money. 😝🤮
I do get over there occasionally. But at this point find myself to be very impatient with the news of the day since there is so much, I prefer to get the headline rather than long winded articles. 💙🙏🏻🦋🌎✌🏻
Exactly.I think Starmer, Macron &Co also realised that & know USA are no longer an ally,but they can't outright say that,yet.They're buying for time to get everything in place. I just hope they can supply what's needed now,to enable Ukraine to keep fighting for their freedom when Trump abandons them
May be bit of an overstatement, as didn't both of them love the previous administration from months ago, & know Michelle Obama was the country's most popular polling candidate? They know TFG personally- isn't it harder to hate some1 u know personally, even when they are not being their best self?
Yes, we are clearly in a constitutional crisis. But I think they know America has still got quite a lot of things still running, working, functioning properly-& is repairing the damage the last few months have done. Millions of diverse viewpoints who all agree about democratic values to their core.
They don't care. They don't feel shame. What they should care about is every ally becoming an ex-ally—sanctioning the US and isolating us globally. If every EU country and ally stops traveling to the US and stops buying 100% of our exports, we're going to hurt BADLY.
Little f’ing late NYT. Where were you in July and august and September when you were sane washing every thing donOld said.
He told us he would make a deal with Putin. It’s not some new surprise.
I think we all know what the NYT truly is at this point - not journalists, not journalism and not a group that stands up for anything because they have nothing and are nothing.
Yup. Cancelled my subscription after the election and wrote a fairly scathing letter telling them why. Not that they cared, but it made me feel better.
FYI - this is an opinion piece by Tom Friedman, not NY Times reporting. So perhaps thank him (who generally has excellent OpEds) for the message rather than skewer the messenger.
Donald is going to do his best to sell Ukraine to Russia. But if Ukraine & Europe stand strong, that will not happen. Only thing that'll happen is that America will be cut out of the negotiating picture. And that's what's best for Ukraine right now. Americans can't be trusted. https://youtu.be/KfijTwMIrEI
God I wish they gave even an iota of shat about their integrity or legacy.
The history books should erase them like a grammatical error. Instead, they'll be immortalized as men and women who were at the helm during the collapse of america.
Unfortunately that is exactly what we are watching. The US is trying to team up with Russia to destroy and enslave the Ukranians. Next will be the Baltic States and Poland. The US is run by an oligarch terrorist cabal, that wants freedom for them and slavery for the masses.
I believe this is who they all are and they just do not care at all. They feel above and better than everyone else and that people are just a tool to use at will.
The only “credit” I’ll give Trump is - for the most part- he told everyone what he planned to do ahead of time. He didn’t hide his Putin love. The DOGE stuff was in Project 2025. And 77 million voted for it anyway.
Yes, and yet he insisted he knew nothing about Project 2025, even though everything he said closely resembled Project 2025. People genuinely believed him, and many still do. I credit him for being the best con artist and snake oil salesman on the planet!
A lot of truly sick and evil people around America decided to blame Biden and vote for hatred, racism and tearing down America’s economy. The election was real. So are the consequences.
True, he’s always leaned into ”drain the swamp” rhetoric and more formally “Schedule F” plan at the end of his first term so it’s no surprise he’s followed through with it
sadly, of course, he did; he's the best-lying con artist and snake oil salesman we've ever seen. He's so good at it that last night, when asked about what Justice Roberts said regarding impeaching judges, he literally replied, "Well, he didn't mention my name.
I do t believe in conspiracy either but no POTUS has ever won all 7 swing states. Felon47 all but said Elon fixed it. I also believe he cheated in 2016.
He’s a lifelong con and cheat. It’s not hard to believe.
The numbers might have been fake and probably were but no one protested the outcome. We have not heard a peep out of Kamala nor Joe Biden. Where are they? The Democrats just rolled over and said, just wait until 2028! Pathetic!
I will never believe that ignorant moron won ALL the swing states. If our cowardly Dem electeds had half a spine and called for some recounts we might not be here right now. JS.
...and another 90,000,000 registered voters didn't vote because ______________ (fill in the blank with some mundane inane horseshit that doesn't matter a whole lot now, does it?
Call him by his name, Drumpf. They changed it to Txxxx. Let’s just change it back to Drumpf. It might piss them off. Goes for junior, the other one, Ivanka, Melanoma too! #treason #Drumpf
I think Trump doesn't care what his legacy is, he just wants to be remembered not forgotten way after his death. I believe he will be the case of many studies in centuries to come.
Sorry. Do you REALLY think they really care? Legacy? Mark of Cain. What absolute BS from The NYT Aand more surprising YOU.
The man plotted a Coup to stay in power. Stole TOP SECRET documents to ransom. Indicted for voter interference,Impeached X2. Indicted and convicted of 34 felonies.
This is not intended for them, this is intended for religious republicans who stumble upon this. And good, you need to talk reason to all of these supporters and bombard them with truth.
Reason? Seriously? You cannot reason with those in a cult. Political, Religious, or Cultural. There is no logic, no argument, or rationale to change their way of thinking.
Trust me. Your country is going through what Poland was going for the previous 8 years before we overthrew the populist mafia. Of course there are some that are blindly following and they're lost to civilization, but there's a lot who are undecided or "vote against". These are the votes you need.
i heard an anecdote recently that really drove this idea home for me. a prominent trans activist (i believe it was jennifer finney boylan) gave a talk in the midwest. afterwards, a young man came up and thanked her. before the talk, he said, he had thought trans people should be exterminated.
and i think there are a lot of people like that, who can swing so easily between a pro-genocide attitude and a pro-civil-rights one. it's disturbing to me, but i think they are the bellwether group in terms of the direction society is headed, and we need to reach them.
I really don’t think that Trump cares about the stain of Caine, but he will feel the repercussions of the American people who love America just the way it is. It can always get better, but it cannot be destroyed.
This is missing out a very large tranche of history of the US being the enemy of democracy and freedom for financial interests (Iran, Congo, Chile, Guatemala, plus loads more). But welcome words at this point because it affects us white people now, is that what they mean?
How can anyone with half - no, 1/10th of - a brain doubt that we’re watching as the US has become a Russian satellite? Like Hungary, but with no self-respect. The NYT wouldn’t be the ETLNYT if it didn’t lean hard right while cosplaying as “Liberal”.
You had a choice. Many Europeans told you so. Either choose a Prosecutor & get rid of this corruption, or choose a criminal & invite fascism through the front door
Ukraine is fighting fascism. It started with their youth being sick & tired of ruZZia's corruption.
Don't just message to Trump and Vance. Get on the phone or e-mail and tell your reps in DC. It only takes a few minutes and it doesn't cost any money. We don't need money in politics. We just need people to participate. https://www.nationalfinancialplan.com
Eventually they and all the rest of the traitors will spend their final minutes in front of a brick wall. We have a ways to go, the revolution has to happen first.
As if they give a shit what history labels them as. This ‘go down in history’ warning we’ve been repeating like some comforting mantra is the most irrelevant, hilarious, and quaint bit of lefty nonsense these monsters have ever heard.
I’m sure they all assume, as victors, that they’ll be writing the histories anyway, so familiar are they already with rewriting history in the present.
Never? Your country does this routinely with supposed 'allies'. Remember the Kurds? Remember the Afghan interpreters? First Gulf war was about money - getting oil interests, second Gulf war was about money - getting oil interests. U$ of Arseholes.
Never in such a transactional way, never without a greater good pretext, never while calling out long term allies for ripping us off, it was never this embarrassing. But I agree, now cover is off, it’s showing the beast, naked.
I would love to help any ad agency or nonprofit interested in trying this marketing idea. Let me know if you have any ideas on how I can spread the word. I will reach out to the DNC.
Most of my friends and family have historically voted for Democrats. Most of my friends in the construction industry vocally support right wing conspiracy theories. None of them watch MSNBC. The pharmacists are just as ignorant as the laborers. Nothing is more effective to me than watching the lie.
I would love to help any ad agency or nonprofit interested in trying this marketing idea. Let me know if you have any ideas on how I can spread the word.
Most of my friends and family have historically voted for Democrats. Most of my friends in the construction industry vocally support right wing conspiracy theories. None of them watch MSNBC. The pharmacists are just as ignorant as the laborers. Nothing is more effective to me than watching the lie.
I would love to help any ad agency or nonprofit interested in trying this marketing idea. Let me know if you have any ideas on how I can spread the word.
Most of my friends and family have historically voted for Democrats. Most of my friends in the construction industry vocally support right wing conspiracy theories. None of them watch MSNBC. The pharmacists are just as ignorant as the laborers. Nothing is more effective to me than watching the lie.
I would love to help any ad agency or nonprofit interested in trying this marketing idea. Let me know if you have any ideas on how I can spread the word.
Most of my friends and family have historically voted for Democrats. Most of my friends in the construction industry vocally support right wing conspiracy theories. None of them watch MSNBC. The pharmacists are just as ignorant as the laborers. Nothing is more effective to me than watching the lie.
I'm assuming a reference to Neville Chamberlain. He was foolish but never as willfully destructive as Trump and Vance. These guys are much worse. Britain also had nothing like the ability that the US does today to alter circumstances on the ground that these two traitors do.
I’m told that, Neville, despite the naive agreement and ‘Peace in our time’ quote, also was buying time. He knew there was no useful military defence at home. The minute he was back in UK after meeting with Hitler, he initiated a ramp up of military / planes / weapons.
IDGAF about how they go down in history. Hitler didn't go down too well in history, either, except among the people who are currently running the motherfucking government. I care about what damage they do right now.
No one likes Vance. He's not charismatic & Rethugs don't fear him like they fear trump. MAGAts don't live him. His parking lot rallies attracted ones of people.
As a Brit, i.e. European, I don’t trust he would be an ally, so far he’s made it obvious he has no time for UK or Europe and considers us an irritant. He’s a slug 🤨
Every successor is deplorable and Vance has a Christian nationalist agenda, which will be worse yet, if he's allowed to run roughshod. He already thinks he can do whatever he wants, with no respect for the judiciary.
i know exactly who vance is. unlike trump who can sell a shit sandwich to maga, vance’s smug ass can’t. he doesn’t & wouldn’t have support like trump. i agree w you on any future fair elections. the sooner the deplorables start hating their leader, the better for any hope of toppling this regime.
You're right, but consider that Trump's an ADHD addled kind of destructive narcissist, like a Stalin, and Vance is more of a motivated student of political theorists who are bent on the destruction of the nation, like a Lenin. So it'd be a lateral move, unless a double-XXV put Johnson in.
yes! you nailed it! we are screwed. but i’ll take a domino falling any time, any place instead of nothing, which is my main pt. i truly don’t think that vance is likeable for the maga cult tho. don’t think he can sell a shit sandwich to the deplorables like trump can.
You are right in that Trump and his sickly minions are not interested in that. Nevertheless Maddow’s point is to illustrate to her readers how un-American Trump is in this one of many ways.
Maddow does great research. Use it. Spread the word. Amplify the message. Even MAGATs know Putin is a murderous dictator. Tell your reps Trump must be removed from office. He is a traitor. Repeat.
He has no loyalty to this country. His only loyalty is to his continued quest of making more money. He dreams of building hotels and golf courses in Russia and Gaza and making more money through his plethora of cons here at home. If pure evil exists in this world, it can be found in the Oval Office.
Earth to this guy, Trump has already sold out The USA to Putin and Musk and the cryptofascitoligarchs. Selling out Ukraine, while reprehensible, is chump change compared to violating his Oath to Defend and Upload the Constitution and Laws of this country.
Meh... anyone remember Iran in the 1950s? Or Congo in the 1960s? Or Chile in the 1970s? This ain't our first rodeo selling out our friends for tyrants. Not by a long shot. It's just the first time we've had a president who was a foreign asset doing it.
The mark of Cain? Pity The Fools. Weaklings who stab in the back. They should be concerned about the hunger for justice from those whose loved one in the battlefield died defending their democracy & their independence to just be sold-out by those whose support they depend & rely on.
"A decision by the Fuhrer in the express form of a law or a decree may not be scrutinized by a judge. In addition, the judge is bound by any other decision of the Fuhrer."
Rachel, it is. And at the end of the day, you have Democrats supporting what trump is doing as "just politics". Remember those that left Germany before they were rounded up. We did.
But Rachel, haven't most folks come to the conclusion that at his core, he prefers tyranny? In perpetual awe of the raw power of Putin, Xi? Is that not what is unfolding at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave more and more as you watch all institutions of government being torn asunder while executive power grows?
It’s time for Americans to stand up and take these traitors out.
The military will have to stop them - the courts will not.
We saw that clearly this weekend.
It’s time to face reality and get out of the shock state.
The speed with which Trump has been dismantling America's national security, national intelligence, and military apparatus along with tanking the American economy makes me think that within the next 4 years, America will under Russian or Chinese rule.
He’s not governing at all. He’s going through the motions - a figurehead. He’s the child in the classroom pitching a fit, throwing a tantrum, and being a bully because of his insecurities - lifelong, taking revenge on every single person, organization, and country he perceives as against him.
What more does Donald have to do to convince the law and the military that he is Russia's asset working from inside the White House to bring the US to its knees? Do what is required to stop him.
Neville Chamberlain stood up to Hitler, drew a line in the sand and when the Nazis crossed it had the courage to declare war on Germany. Unlike the US. Your analogy is as insulting as it is ignorant
Neville Chamberlains gave Hitler the Sudetenland. He sold out to Hitler. In the Sudetenland was all the arms factory’s. Hitler pretended the German speaking Czechs wanted to be liberated. Sounds like Putin!
That is a slice of what happened…..the bigger picture is he was asked by the U.K. military to buy them a year to arm up for war. He did that at the expense of Sudetenland. Then a year later declared war on Germany. And what exactly was he supposed to do that would have saved Sudetenland?
He did NOT give Hitler Sudetenland…Hitler took it….and there was bugger all anyone could have done to stop it….other than prepare for war. Which he did.
I should know my family went straight in the camps because of it! . He wanted arms. Britain in parliament said it’s a small country a long long way away. So that’s what MAGA are saying about Ukraine it’s a small country a long way away.
Chamberlain was very aware war was inevitable and while “negotiating” with Hitler was dramatically ramping up weapons production. MAGAts saying Ukraine is a long way away are just idiots. They might want to have a chat with Sarah Palin again about how far away Russia is!
I don't know if any of these men are Christian or religious in anyway but if any are, they surely must realize their actions will surely bring the wrath of God, Any God. All Gods. Or karma. What they do can't stand. It just can't. There will be some kind of divine or inevitable retribution. A ver.
To assume that an Administration comprised of misfits and sociopaths give a damn about be marked by history is insane,. They are purging American history even as we speak. They are removing all references to subjects that they thing are "woke" or "unAmerican"
I’m giving you one of the most obvious answers here. I can’t prove this, the only evidence I have is Trump doing deals like this before. I think Trump cut a deal with Putin to rebuild Ukraine if Putin were to take it.
The single fact that Trump purposely excluded Ukraine from peace talks proves to me at least, that Trump as always, is has his own interest at heart. Not Ukraine's...
Yeah but I’m going to ask you this now, do you think companies like Blackrock or JP Morgan Chase has Ukraine’s best interest at heart or padding their own bottom lines? They’re the ones whom the previous administration gave future contracts to rebuild Ukraine after the war is over. It’s the system.
I agree they’re not presidents but again yes it is a system problem. How much $$ have the big financial institutions given to honestly both sides of the establishment? They donate to campaigns and then the politicians do their bidding to get them the govt contracts to do things.
I would put a fair percentage of the blame on the American public for electing this rabble but have seen the power of manipulation and lying in British politics and how it can fool the electorate. Johnson and Farage promised a brave new world if Brexit was delivered and look how that has turned out.
It IS on the American people. I am still not sure how anyone could listen to him:what he says,how he says it,how anyone could look at his life,his character,his values&say yes that’s who I want to lead us. Character matters&until we value that instead of the almighty $, we lose in more ways than 1.
So sick of the convenient ignoring of the fact that there was significant tampering in the swing states. He didn't win, and he certainly didn't have the popular vote. MAGA are a cheating, theiving, POS minority.
Elections were stolen by ELON MUSK and PUTIN. Musk since 2022 to present has been working with PUTIN to steal the 2024 elections. The LOGANS ACT PROHIBITS any Citizen of the United States to speak with adversaries, ELON MUSK & Trump (as a Citizen) did so and need to be imprisoned!
I'm sick of hearing how we voted for this shit. The majority did not, analytics have proven tampering (which our corrupt government won't investigate), and our politicians and judges outright lie to get elected/appointed and then switch sides. Traitors everywhere.
Putin doesn't have anything on Trump. It's worse. Trump's sympathies for Russia are genuine. Trump is a simpleton who doesn't grasp the rule of law or our system of government. He sees in Russia a white nation whose citizens are oppressed by an authoritarian kleptocrat. That resonates with him.
I disagree. I think Putin has a LOT on Trump…but your comment that his sympathies for Russia are genuine, I believe is also true. He’s so compromised it isn’t even funny. He’s very much a simpleton who cannot think for himself, with little comprehension of the simplest concepts.
Better yet trump is prob very involved in the blackmail sex ring, he was Epstein’s BFF. If anything he has loads of information he’s using against politicians in the U.S.
This is exactly why Trump "rescues" the likes of the Tate Brothers, because he now OWNS them. EVERY person that Trump has in his inner circle he's got "hooked" with something devastating to where they can't get out. It's INCREDIBLE how many who were critical of him, yet somehow transform overnight.
I’ve been thinking this from the beginning. And the “anonymous” republicans stating to journalists how they’re being threatened by “outside sources” & told to get in line on voting yes for all cabinet nominees screams blackmail or threats against family.
Unless it’s the pee pee video his cult would ignore and wave off. Putin has people killed. Dumps got a large family they don’t get secret service 24/7. That’s still giving him credit. He likes bad guys, he is one. They don’t believe one can genuinely care for strangers and resent “do gooder” demlibs
I don't believe that President Trump and Vice President JD Vance or Rubio are at all that concerned about this countries "Core Values". I think that there's ample evidence in almost every action and decision they have made.
The United States has overthrown 81 governments since the War, a number of them democratically elected - via coups, bombings, invasions & assassinations.
It is already too late, first Biden through fear to preserve his legacy (in tatters now), and now trump so openly selling out to russia. But even beyond that trying to oust President #Zelensky through back channels & stopping all aid & abandoning allies in Europe.
#trump will forever be a traitor 🤬
Long after they are gone, generations will study this time. The loss of life, cruelty and greed will stand out as the most vivid stain on our country’s history. And to what end? No amount of wealth will allow these people to live forever or take it with them.
A mark of shame? You have to have shame for that to work ! This is the ultimate hand wringing with no consequences. For effs sake, please look into this !
He said it not once but three times over the last few months. And nobody says a word. Then folks talk about how the democrats didn’t deliver! Never mentioning the election was stolen!
She packed stadiums in swing states that he didn't. And he then wins. GTFO. He, for the first time ever, gets 50% of the vote ? It was a bloodless coup at best, and unfortunately, a democracy only gets one of those.
T rump and his sheep screamed stolen election and witchhunt at the top of their lungs every chance they had. All lies! That was the strategy…to commit the crimes they had accused dems of so that when we called them on their crimes, we sound as crazy as they are, but we know the truth.
I agree my issue is that he admitted to it many times. I'm just asking for someone to look into it. Maddox is one of the few people left with any kind of power or voice to do so.
Feeling shame is a pathway for someone to self-correct. The current regime does not have this ability. Nor can they feel compassion and empathy. It removes a very effective way to remain civilized in this world.
Couldn't agree more that it would be a shameful thing to do, but let's face it-- the frothy cult will find a reason to cheer, and selling out Ukraine will be 'on the list' of outrages and harm they've done.
What a complete load of self-aggrandizing garbage. America has a long standing history of selling out other nations. Folx are finally angry because this is a white one. Stop splitting hairs. Ffs. America was never great and a lot of you sold your souls just to keep a job. What a joke.
Yeah I am really tired of these people standing up and going "This is not what America stands for!" when uh for the past century at least that is ABSOLUTELY what we have stood for all of the time.
This post is shameful. An image of text (bad form, lazy), no alt text, and no credit re who the hell is saying this. And you expect me to click a link to the NYT to find out, only it's not even a gift article. Shame on whoever posted this. Fucking lazy, completely lacking integrity. Do better.
“The thing that gnaws at me is that I don’t know what Donald Trump thinks is in his personal interest — and that is all that matters now in Trump’s Washington.” This says it all. Why would anyone think otherwise - this is his whole life.
Trump wants only two things: More wealth and more power. I don't believe it even occurs to him to want the health to enjoy them—I think he takes that for granted because of his narcissism, or he wouldn't dismantle NIH.
We can depend on him taking whatever actions will further those two goals.
How is it not possible that the powers that be in this country could exert such a heavy pressure on the Chump Administration that they must capitulate on Ukraine?
I would focus more on Ukranians than these scumbags.
Let's hope the rest of the world can stand up to Putin and its American pupets until we figure out what the fuck is wrong with us and how we are going to get out of this shotshow.
Almost all have FREE versions:
Heather Cox Richardson
Claire Belinsky
Thom Hartmann
Carole Cadwalldr
Anne Applebaum
Ron Fournier
Lee Drutman
The Contrarian
Except PBS/NPR & maybe: BBC, Reuters, AP, Aljazeera? Still questionable.
You'll become ill-informed.
Knowledge is Power.
And then We Ride at Dawn.
Almost all have FREE versions:
Heather Cox Richardson
Claire Belinsky
Thom Hartmann
Carole Cadwalldr
Anne Applebaum
Ron Fournier
Lee Drutman
The Contrarian
WTF cares about your biblical references and pearl clutching? Get real @nytimes.com . Waaaay too little, too late.
They are traitors and treason is punishable with the death penalty- is how it should read.
Not support Russia over Ukraine! Russia is an aggressor… Ukraine is just defending itself. I stand with Ukraine 🇺🇦🇺🇦
An enemy at the gates is less formidable.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
He told us he would make a deal with Putin. It’s not some new surprise.
Putin will prevail & UKR will suffer thx to this felon.
JOIN THE PROTEST SATURDAY, APRIL 5. Click the link and find a protest near you or organize one.
The history books should erase them like a grammatical error. Instead, they'll be immortalized as men and women who were at the helm during the collapse of america.
Dems stayed home & now lament.
He also touted he’d implement mass deportation, something he’s following through with, at least in appearance.
Fake number. Musk controlled that election.
He’s a lifelong con and cheat. It’s not hard to believe.
The man plotted a Coup to stay in power. Stole TOP SECRET documents to ransom. Indicted for voter interference,Impeached X2. Indicted and convicted of 34 felonies.
You had a choice. Many Europeans told you so. Either choose a Prosecutor & get rid of this corruption, or choose a criminal & invite fascism through the front door
Ukraine is fighting fascism. It started with their youth being sick & tired of ruZZia's corruption.
💙💛 Slava Ukraini! 💙💛
Go check out his channel. He is spot-on and incredibly cool.
By the way, the Kremlin isn’t that far from your border.
I think the media and everyday Americans can work together to save our government over the next couple of weeks.
Playing short commercials during pro sports games and March Madness would be the most efficient way to reach all Americans the fastest.
What do you think?
Thank you,
Thank you,
Thank you,
@kenmartin.bsky.social - whatcha think?
Thank you,
All complicit. All should burn in hell.
No journalist has ever asked this question of a politician
Remember this the next time they pretend to care about fighting corruption
Adolf Hitler
The military will have to stop them - the courts will not.
We saw that clearly this weekend.
It’s time to face reality and get out of the shock state.
Call me a dreamer 🤘🤞Hegseth will be easy to take out.
Example: January 6 was an act of treason, not an insurrection. And everyone who spoke at the ellipse should b labeled a traitor
I watch from Canada and I trust her as a journalist! Always
What Trump is doing is providing assistance to Putin not just refusing essential assistance to Ukraine.
And as a bonus, piggy back:
--words spoken in every cult
In an argument: Undecided
In sports: Thrown
In a marriage: Untrust
In a battle: Betrayal
In a war: TREASON....
I'm not sure I agree "it's the system"
in that analogy
I contend that Trump is looking to "pad his own pocket"
Unless you can prove that the Biden administration intended the same
JP/Blockrock are bad actors on their own
Like Trump
That's a management problem...
They aren't Presidents
Have a look at this. It’s long but relevant.
and they all said, ‘it’s a joke, right’?
Have we advanced at all in 1000 years?
The Tories will always swallow their loyalty to democracy and country if the brown envelope is fat enough!
If they can become rich at others expense, they’ll take it.
Putin has the Epstein files - count on it.
9 pm show- outstanding journalism always
I mean…should we tell him?
The United States has overthrown 81 governments since the War, a number of them democratically elected - via coups, bombings, invasions & assassinations.
The death toll is in the tens of millions.
Traitors to their core.
#trump will forever be a traitor 🤬
It’s insane ! We are our own worst enemies!
He wants to suppress D voter turnout going forward - "no use in voting, we will lose anyway!"
Looking like idiots - starving idiots #BandNameAlert
Reminder: it’s a cult. Reality left the building a long time ago.
We can depend on him taking whatever actions will further those two goals.
How’d that work out?
Let's hope the rest of the world can stand up to Putin and its American pupets until we figure out what the fuck is wrong with us and how we are going to get out of this shotshow.