AOC and only a handful of dems are really trying to help us, but main problem is that we need to get back the house and with many elections coming up this year, I hope we do. Note to other dem senators - do not give up and give in to the republicans - fight as you can
🇺🇸 A Vietnam veteran proudly wearing A.O.C. — because real patriots know that fighting for working families IS true American values. The future belongs to those who show up. SHARE this and make it clear: The movement is GROWING! 🚨🔥
MAGAs were easily taken in by a CORRUPT & EVIL man. And now that Evil man serves our enemy Putin & is crashing America. He even proudly admitted that 'they' rigged the election so he could win.
So MAGAs, thousands of people lost their jobs becuz you voted for Evil.
Reps are faaaar worse, actually disrespectful and destructive to vets, but both parties have failed veterans in many ways for literal generations. Vet services should be a high priority. They fought and were wounded for their country and they are owed. Everyone is owed good healthcare, of course.
I would like to make a request. If you are going to link an article that requires a subscription, please link it as a gift article so those of us without a subscription to a given news outlet can actually read the information you are promoting. Thanks in advance
I just got a text, asking for money. Responded with go fuck yourself, you censored a DEMOCRAT (Al Green) during the trump regime. Unforgivable, grow a spine.
Remember when Rep Andy Clyde and others referred to January 6th as just a normal every day tourist visit to the Capital...
Perhaps the Heritage Foundation should host the same kind of tourist visit at their Headquarters DC!
Democrats who take corporate PAC $$$ don't work for us. They work for their biggest $ donors. And I mean BIG $$$...
The only politicians who have been doing *anything* are the Justice Dems..
Thanks for the grace! It does but these are English major nightmares. I'm better now because I've had so many typos that I don't correct them all and only correct others if the word changes the meaning to something that could get the OP in trouble. Baby steps.
Not in favor of AOC being the face of the Democratic Party. She’s good, and honest, but too leftist. She will not win. We need to find someone who can win.
Let Bernie & AOC handle the cities. I think Walz should handle rural areas. We have ignored them long enough. He's from Nebraska & speaks their language. We don't need all the people concentrated in the same area over & over & over again.
I agree with you. I grew up in Central Pa. The "Alabama" section of Pa. I was so hoping that they would deploy Walz there. Although Fox News has a big stronghold there. We have a willfully ignorant electorate. They will only pay attention when they are personally burned
Rachel, please leave msnbc and start a news network app. I've heard there are lots of wonderful journalists who've recently been fired by msnbc, and I'm sure they'd want to help.
A lot of us won't watch msnbc because they bent the knee and will collaborate until Trump shuts them down.
He is still part of the problem. A true comrade would work for the dismantling of the system. People like AOC and sadly Bernie sanders are exactly the type of people lenin spoke about at length of being full of shit. Fake communists fake socialists. In the way.
Teslur Teslur Teslur
Red ASShats
of his ample ass
to engage in
ye olde
pump and dump
ye olde
in and out
they'll be
instead of
Monday Monday
I can be a moderate and still want the Dems to stand up and push back, like push them over the cliff. I'm not looking for St. Bernard and his finger-flapping ranting, but I'm also not looking for more Schumerisms. I'd no more go to a Bernard ballyhoo that I would got to see Dump throw a tantrum.
And I do like AOC now that she's grown up past the hair-flipping, doe-eyed bartender schtick. I knew that drill in my youth as a fellow bartender - play dumb, bat your eyes, and get great tips. Thankfully, she's learned that she's not working for tips anymore.
When are the American people going to stand up and create civil disobedience. Vietnam war, women's , civil rights, LGBTQI. People need to be willing to get arrested, cost governments money, tie up the courts. As a Canadian it's frustrating to not see full blown civil disobedience. It's time. Do it.
Who remembers the time when veterans were spit-on and heckled for servicing in this conflict? I do. We were told not to wear our uniforms off base when stateside. Not that it made much difference, the crewcut gave use away. A time I want to forget.
Oralè Resisters
Emergency Alert!
Interim SSA administrator
Threatens to Shut Down
If Elon and DOGE have to
Follow Judge order!
Call your elected representatives now!
#SSAShutDown #SSA #USDemocracy
Kamala said REPEATEDLY: THEY WROTE IT OUT! What they R doing NOW was all in a Proj2025 playbook! Everyone KNEW trump& repubs plan of destroying USA! So if u r SHOCKED 2day means U IGNORE WOMEN! YOU INTENTIONALLY DISTRUST WOMEN! (Hillary warned of same in 2016) #shame #WomenTellTruth #KamalaTOLDU
Philadelphia coming through!!!! There is now an official flyer for Orange Turd's visit to attend the NCAA Wrestling championship this weekend! 🙌 Everyone show up and Turn up!
If the old guard corporatist Dems hadn’t sold party messaging & control to Hillary in a back room agreement when she bought their debt- if the for-profit private corp DNC had ended along with superdelegates, & the vote for nominee was returned to voters- we wouldn’t have gotten trump 1 nor trump 2
A veteran wearing an AOC shirt shows that authenticity and conviction matter more than party lines. People are drawn to leaders who fight boldly for justice, even if it breaks traditional affiliations. The ground is shifting! #Resist
Doesn't mean we quit, and while I'm not assuming that is what you're insinuating, I keep seeing all these defeatist takes, when abolitionists fought for slavery to be banished, many never saw that come to fruition: yet they advocated anyway. That's the energy we need (imo)
Seeing AOC on tv today speaking at a rally, it's obvious why the radical right feels the need to take her down a peg or two. She's awesome, and the republican's worst nightmare if she runs for president in '28.
Hi Rachel. I was standing right next to this man. His he a Vet and his name is William. He’s such a gentleman and worried about his medical and others. I had a therapy dog with me and William loved having Ryder to help his nerves!!
Thanks for posting him!
Vet’s deserve attention.
I believe this woman is amazing! It's not the size of a dog in a fight. It's the size of the heart in the dog! She has a big heart and wants to share that with #AllAmericanVoters! Apologies for the dog analogy, but it's the only one I could come up with at this time. 😕❤️🇨🇦🇨🇦
AOC is Appellation d'origine contrôlée in France. So it's a good thing here in France, for a Champagne is truly from the Champagne région, not the US, for instance. AOC stands for quality.
What's the meaning of AOChere in this topic?
I’m right behind you! My late husband a Canadian immigrant became a citizen and served our country for 20 years flying B52’s as an EWO for USAF serving six tours in Vietnam died from agent orange.
I will always stand beside my fellow military family members to support our country and democracy.
My heart goes out to you! I learned at a young age of 7 to be respectful to the flag, how to fold the flag and now at 73 ,I can not believe how disgraceful people are to the flag of our country! God bless you!
What's disgraceful is GOP MAGA politicians wearing a non-approved size US flag on their suit lapels, when they're busy trying to shred the US Constitution. That's truly disturbing. A real "false flag" as it were .. if they were truly honest they'd be wearing swatikas and/or Russian flags.
Thank you for your service. Your video made me cry. Both of my now deceased Veteran grandfathers (one WWII & one Korea) would be so ashamed of what our country has become. 💔
Don't give up, Brother. I saw your tears start and I wanted to give you a hug. Remember, when everything we try fails , what do we do?
We get up and start again!
If we want to make a change we can't give money to Democrats they are just running defense for Ronald Reagan we need to give it to true American Patriots and elect more leaders like Bernie and AOC. Socialism beats fascism.
I only care about WHERE they get their info. Voter registration info doesn't include whether you are a veteran or not. So where do they get this, polling?
A terrific tee on a VETERAN!
Being on active duty sometimes forces you within yourself to seek answers. Why am I floating around on an iron ship with nothing around but ocean? Port/Starboard duty? Water hours? F-14 Tomcats taking off on my ceiling? The depth, the greatness of the USA is one answer.
👉 William Cox, 80, of Las Vegas, before the rally hosted by Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Thursday. The gathering in North Las Vegas, Nevada, offered Democrats a chance to unite with a message that can defeat Republicans. (Ronda Churchill/For The Washington Post)
“Do you hear the people sing, singing a song of angry men, it is the music of a people who will not be slaves again. When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums, there is a fight about to start when tomorrow comes.” Les Miserables
An anthem for our times! 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇨🇦
Let's hope it doesn't come to any kind of war. We had a Civil War once before and it nearly broke us apart. I prefer a focus on a peaceful and legal resolution. Let's do our best to at least try that way, okay? Let any armed forces attack be a last resort. Stay frosty friends but be wise.
AOC's strategy appears to be two-fold: First, she cares deeply about democracy and knows that the Dems need leadership. She's displaying that leadership. Secondly, she is setting the stage for a spectacular political future. She has brilliant political advisors. She'll make a great POTUS!
Is that really the only option you see? How about resolve? How about courage? How about finding that peace inside yourself some know as conviction. Human Emotion is nuanced. Anger and Outrage are wasted fuel, fuel that can be channeled into change.
I have long sustained rage. I’m not trying to be contrary or competitive, but think about how many times you flood your brain with adrenaline every-time you get outraged. It’s not healthy. I’ve been a twitchy pissed off veteran for 25 years, but I have small children. I can’t freak out ‘out loud’.
Honestly I wonder if America just prefers charismatic candidates like Obama and Clinton. Maybe it’s less about ideology and more about how effective you are as a communicator.
Great point! While we really should be past this in 2025, there is still bias against female candidates. I’m not sure if a charismatic female candidate would win. I am glad however to see the surge of support for AOC and Jasmine Crockett. That gives me a little hope.
I think VP Kamala Harris WAS/IS charismatic.
Her speeches were flawless.
The election was stolen.
There is evidence that 4M votes were disenfranchised, which would have taken every swing state.
Stolen “under the guise of looking for voter fraud”.
(Reference below)
Respectfully, it's people like you, who fight so much against actual progress & leaders like Bernie & AOC, who are for the people & by the people, that help get monsters like trump onboard. Then you cry when moderate Dem$$ don't fight for us against the current mess. (cont.)
All while benefiting off of the big efforts of people like Bernie/AOC that are helping us to survive and get through this mess. (Did you happen to see the attendance at their latest town hall/rally?)
Wake up! America wants and absolutely needs positive change.
Tim is great. But the next candidate must refuse donations from anyone but actual citizens of the US to be taken seriously. The democrat party needs to show they ARE NOT OWNED anymore. #ENDCitizensUnited
Agree 100%. I think AOC is is great & is fighting the fight. But she is too far left. We need a strong centrist to become leader. I agree with this sentiment -
You are both wrong. We need a third party that has absolutely nothing to do with either of the PARTIES THAT GOT US HERE, and she is PERFECT to lead it. Anyone who is still talking about left, right, center blah blah blah IS now officially part of the fucking problem. Change is hard. But necessary.
I’m actually a huge fan because she is young and well-spoken. She’s progressive, but knows when to keep her lips zipped; something she has learned from moderates and the political savvy in Congress. Her constituents keep voting for her to represent them; working folks. She’s the future; unafraid!
🇺🇸🇺🇦🙏🌎☮️🙏🥰❤️🙏... 💪🇺🇸💪WE THE PEOPLE💪🇺🇸💪
I love her initials… in French we use it for « appellation d’origine contrôlée ». For certifying the authenticity of foods, usually a sign of very high quality. Like the best food.
She’s great and authentic, so it fits perfectly.
They are the ONLY Two fighting
For Americans
The Only Two
Over here we have an opposition party.. Who will call out the other party lies, but also stand in their way if needed. By voting against their shit.
How to survive a dictatorship
1 freeze your credit
2 see your doctor/vaccines
3 renew your passport
4 ask doctor for three months supply of meds
5 update your sexual orientation in medical be ambiguous
6 shop local
7 stay informed
8 stay hydrated
9 help others
10 download your SSA statements
There had to have been backups somewhere. Their IT dept must have prepared for a situation like this. Unless someone gave them the location. Something as serious as this the data would have an onsite and offsite backup.
Yeah, all these ppl show up for these rallies, but then we lose in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin by 10,000 votes! Get rid of the electoral college! Bernie and AOC need to talk about that! All states should matter in elections, not just a handful!
It’s actually not - 17 other states have already enacted it into law with 209 electoral college votes. It just needs another 61 electoral college votes. Get it on the ballot - I’m sure it would pass! Yes, we can!
I don't think that is age...he is really that stupid. His old college professor said he was the dumbest student he ever had. I mean his daddy had to pay someone to take his entrance exams. Yeah he is literally shit for brains.
As the Dem Party refines its platform and builds its strategy for resistance, focusing on a representative platform for all Americans will be crucial. As a veteran myself, I can attest that there is a home for all patriots and rural reps in the party. We might not align perfectly but we are united.
“In a recent CNN poll, 57 % of Democrats or Democratic-leaning independents said Democrats should mainly work to stop the Republican agenda. That marks a major shift from September 2017, when 74 % said the party should work with Republicans to try to get some Democratic ideas into legislation.”
AS a Veteran I want to hopefully dispel this disinformation that Veterans are aligned with Trump.
I interact with Veterans
and never have I heard any of
Them say maga.
I interact with veterans also, and there are plenty of maga veterans. Some are coming around. They are the ONLY group of maga that I still talk with. They get that they were being brainwashed by the soulless felons promises.
Whoa, I didn't say they were Nazis. I can see why some vets were misled. They had a value that they supported the commander in cheif. It isn't normal times, but they were following old rules. Some are coming around. I will continue to be a voice for veterans & try to help them see the truth.
No you didn't. I DID.
I Refuse to to accept they were misled. BULLSHIT. The language was clear. Project 2025 was on numerous websites. KAMELA HARRIS called him on his bullshit,
He response was " They're eating the cats, they're eating the pets"
These are mem in their 70s & 80s they have access to one local station owned by sinclair broadcasting. They are fed news by the radio talk stations. I detest the soulless felon & the magats. I will continue to educate and capture the hearts of these veterans. Changing minds will build alliances.
I've heard vets say "thank God for Trump", etc on Shawn Ryan show on YouTube. I use to watch his channel to understand why men go to war. There were various shows on UFOs, tCIA,trauma. Last yearI had to stop watching.bSome of these guys had to be MAGAs the way talked.
I didn't mention Nazis because I didn't hear any of them say they were Nazis. I just heard several of the guys say they hated Biden, that he messed everything up and that they were f-ing voting for Trump. It really concerned me because I researched the man in 2015 and he was bad news.
It's struck me that age really doesn't define how one feels about politics here & now. I'm probably as old as that gentleman & I'm more radical than when I was young because I've incorporated so much into my daily life that it's become indelible. I don't wish any good to come to MAGA. Zero.
So MAGAs, thousands of people lost their jobs becuz you voted for Evil.
What goes around comes around.
I send this message every time:
"No donations until the Democrats show some spine and actually fight back!"
Perhaps the Heritage Foundation should host the same kind of tourist visit at their Headquarters DC!
The only politicians who have been doing *anything* are the Justice Dems..
And I do admire AOC.
A lot of us won't watch msnbc because they bent the knee and will collaborate until Trump shuts them down.
He is still part of the problem. A true comrade would work for the dismantling of the system. People like AOC and sadly Bernie sanders are exactly the type of people lenin spoke about at length of being full of shit. Fake communists fake socialists. In the way.
And this guy too.
Red ASShats
of his ample ass
to engage in
ye olde
pump and dump
ye olde
in and out
they'll be
instead of
Monday Monday
Emergency Alert!
Interim SSA administrator
Threatens to Shut Down
If Elon and DOGE have to
Follow Judge order!
Call your elected representatives now!
#SSAShutDown #SSA #USDemocracy
That would be very funny I feel
Share it on TikTok!!
We need more pushback on the right wing propagandists!
Signups @ and for protests info
Attend town hall meetings
Thanks for posting him!
Vet’s deserve attention.
Read this and find out who said "Don't f*** with a veteran..."
What's the meaning of AOChere in this topic?
I will always stand beside my fellow military family members to support our country and democracy.
I remember the unity after the towers fell, when every house on every street flew their flag.
Fly your flags. In distress, but in Unity.
We Shall Overcome.
I’m really sorry you & yours are experiencing this disrespect. Also come from a military family.
Storm clouds on the horizon for Trump and his brood are forming...
We get up and start again!
Being on active duty sometimes forces you within yourself to seek answers. Why am I floating around on an iron ship with nothing around but ocean? Port/Starboard duty? Water hours? F-14 Tomcats taking off on my ceiling? The depth, the greatness of the USA is one answer.
America’s only chance?
America on course
Lots of options
America Off Course!
👉 William Cox, 80, of Las Vegas, before the rally hosted by Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Thursday. The gathering in North Las Vegas, Nevada, offered Democrats a chance to unite with a message that can defeat Republicans. (Ronda Churchill/For The Washington Post)
An anthem for our times! 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇨🇦
Her speeches were flawless.
The election was stolen.
There is evidence that 4M votes were disenfranchised, which would have taken every swing state.
Stolen “under the guise of looking for voter fraud”.
(Reference below)
“The Voting Trickery That Elected Trump”
Wake up! America wants and absolutely needs positive change.
🇺🇸🇺🇦🙏🌎☮️🙏🥰❤️🙏... 💪🇺🇸💪WE THE PEOPLE💪🇺🇸💪
I’ve been loving BBC Science and Music.
Problem is I can’t gift articles and my Android infrastructure friends can’t read it
She’s great and authentic, so it fits perfectly.
Now would be the time to step up and lead this anti fascist movement! Put a face and slogans on it. Coordinate messaging. Never cower in fear.
Do well & the presidency will be yours. Only serious-minded with a backbone for accountability need apply.
For Americans
The Only Two
Over here we have an opposition party.. Who will call out the other party lies, but also stand in their way if needed. By voting against their shit.
1 freeze your credit
2 see your doctor/vaccines
3 renew your passport
4 ask doctor for three months supply of meds
5 update your sexual orientation in medical be ambiguous
6 shop local
7 stay informed
8 stay hydrated
9 help others
10 download your SSA statements
-Don't know what 5 is. -Trying to do 6.
7-9 I've got covered
-10 Why?
Create a login or login and you will see your benefit statement
"There's somethin' happenin' here
But what it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
A-tellin' me I got to beware
I think it's time we stop
Children, what's that sound?
Everybody look what's going down"
“In a recent CNN poll, 57 % of Democrats or Democratic-leaning independents said Democrats should mainly work to stop the Republican agenda. That marks a major shift from September 2017, when 74 % said the party should work with Republicans to try to get some Democratic ideas into legislation.”
Follow electiontruthalliance here on blue sky. There's a link to a petition for a hand recount of paper ballots in PA.**THIS IS ALL BEING SUPPRESSED!**SIGN IT! WE'LL FIX IT OUR DAMN SELVES!
I interact with Veterans
and never have I heard any of
Them say maga.
I Refuse to to accept they were misled. BULLSHIT. The language was clear. Project 2025 was on numerous websites. KAMELA HARRIS called him on his bullshit,
He response was " They're eating the cats, they're eating the pets"
No, you voted for Trump you're a Nazi.
Rest my case your honor