One more word has turned on its head and start to be the opposite meaning, like woke, and now efficiency. They dont care about facts and seems to use word the dont understand, which is the reason theres no reason with a maga
Elon and Trump with the blessing of Republicans are systematically destroying our federal government. They are moving from agency to agency like a fast moving lava flow, implementing a scorched earth policy. They’ll go after state governments next. We won’t recognize America after they are done.
This is the plan. Cause a catastrophe & then “solve” it. It’s the solution that seems the most dangerous tho. It will be oligarchs (CEOs) installed to take over these institutions as private for-profits (their profit only). This is why business leaders/companies aren’t flinching, they’re gunna win.
We must shut down the country on 3/22-23 for 48 hours, and again on 3/25-27 for 72 hours. Stop work as you can, call in sick, take 1/2days off, come in late, take long lunches, leave early. We must work stop our airlines, trucking, transportation and retail and industrial manufacturing.
Can we just take a shovel to somebody in the national Park service or like leave a pile of I don't know what can we do it shouldn't have to be this hard we know they are ruining it and when is a republican going to stand up and grow a spine
I love how people think corporate America is somehow more efficient that government. Having worked in both, my experience is they are both wasteful and inefficient. The difference is, one isn't supposed to be oriented towards profit, and rather oriented towards universal service.
"The biggest bestest most beautiful efficiency the world has ever seen in all of history thanks to me. Soon we'll have so much efficiency you'll grow tired of it. You're welcome!"
🚨 Government dysfunction under Trump’s watch is a FEATURE, not a bug. IRS can’t answer taxpayer calls, but hey — employees have time for DOGE-mandated emails. This isn’t leadership, it’s sabotage. 🤡🔥 SHARE THIS — People NEED to know!
Once you realize the point is total destruction it all makes sense. It's the world's largest smash and grab robbery. Destroy, close, privatize, by cheap, resell to the public at exorbitant prices for less service. It will fail. Sadly, many good Americans will be destroyed before that happens.
Don't worry. The IRS is not long for this earth. Soon, everything will be done online! President Trump, Congress, DOGE, and AI will ensure that, & it will be orders more cost-effective, efficient, and responsive to our real needs: tax cuts, less bureaucracy, smaller government, & less debt! MAGA - this needs to get more air play. The Rasputin-like spell Hitler cast on his followers is frightening and explains the cult-like existence of MEGA. But it appears MEGA is finally understanding that DOGE chaotic cuts and tariffs are coming for the “common man”.
And this guy is supposed to be some kind of efficient business manager. Sounds like the same kind of stuff that doctors and teachers complain takes time away from more important tasks. Busy work bs. There must be some kind of inherent log he could sniff around.
If this is what they call efficiency then they will accomplish nothing. That’s exactly what they want to do. Tear stuff down to get you pissed with the right hand as they stuff their pockets with their left hand.
I just read where Marco Rubio sent a dept-wide memo telling people they didn't have to fill out those ridiculous forms anymore. These people are insane.
Maybe they should be more careful with their shovels?
That's the Republican playbook in action, break public services so they dont work, and then kill them off because they aren't working anyway. They've been doing it that way at least since Reagan.
Right wing extremists who never trusted media have successfully convinced everyone not to trust the media. They did it with the courts and Congress. Now they are working to do it with all of government.
So much for efficiency. This is the most incompetent administration ever. How much time and money is being spent on the constant redos and firing and rehiring?
I’m sure you’re right, but they’re even incompetent at breaking things. Doge can’t produce accurate numbers on their fraud and waste findings. Musk fired 25,000 people only to have the court make them rehire them.
That too is by design. It is the authoritarian playbook to confuse everything so nobody knows what to believe. Do that and break everything and then people will eventually believe what they are told. That is what they did for The Big Lie of Jan 6.
Exactly! Also, having worked somewhere that outsourced pieces of work to vendors it can be a logistical nightmare and is NOT a cost savings. Those other companies make out like bandits, and that is exactly what Elon & his billionaire buddies want.
That's exactly the goal. Break it, sell the pieces to the highest bidder, get richer. And then there's the Christian nationalist wing. Their goal is to bring about Armageddon. Pick your poison.
They're not going to privatize it. They're just going to steal everything and leave the pieces. We're heading into a dystopian hellscape with a fascist big brother watching every move and the military tech bros building killer AI drones to keep us subordinate.
It’s going to be like what happened after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when they sold off every single public asset and industry to oligarchs for nothing.
People have to understand that the United States as we know it is over. This is the point in a game where an opponent went "All in". The Republicans decided that if they didn't take control of EVERYTHING then they would be irrelevant. Their party was only viable through cheating.
It's that. The idea that they want to replace public service with private enterprise is wrong. They just want to pillage everything and go live in their magical land, which apparently is Greenland.
Not Greenland. Some place in South America that the tech bros have bought a ton of land and are fighting the government in court to try to take over. I read about it awhile ago and forgot the exact place. Why did we let the idiot libertarian, semi-functioning, weirdos make so much money and power?
The Robber-Baron/Libertarian mind is obsessed with the idea of a utopia but since they've always had means and money but have no concept of how things work.
They think they'll be able to buy their, well, Greenland, and everything with will be perfect for them.
How about the Orange Cheeto playing golf every weekend at Mara Lardo. He overcharges the government for his SS and staff to stay there and then the jets that constantly fly overhead to protect the airspace. Corruption to the max.
Save this article to send to the maga cult members. This is probably sabotage, make them feel so frustrated, they resign. I would not resign, I’d make sure I’m there to leak stories and pictures to the press of what DOGE is doing to our revenue generating department. #TaxTheRich #BalanceTheBudget
I've said this before, but the irony still burns: Trump and followers are creating Ayn Rand's dystopia, the one she depicts in Atlas Shrugged. She thinks she's blaming liberals, sure, but her evil government figures and their policies are pretty much MAGA all the way down.
Our country has truly been destroyed in the name of stupidity and greed. Sickening. When will we begin to say enough is enough and fight back in massive numbers. Never mind the stupid, they are not the majority, just vocal. Time to be louder and more angry.
Oh, and the purchase request will probably be denied because it isn't of vital importance to national security. Like the Arc Flash clothing that is required by law for my job.
But DOGE is making government so much more efficient. Yeah. Right. Once again, they are trying to run the government as a for profit business, IT IS NOT A BUSINESS. It never has been, never should be. It is there to serve the constituents of those elected to office.
One of the great charactoristics of a functioning democracy is it's ability to carry a bloated caring servicing bureaucracy. Big MONEY has no concept of human nature. But YKW the Oligarch aren't having any fun either, they all have "GOLD FEVER"
I work at a MEVA location- we can’t get anything fixed and don’t even have security. We are so vulnerable and forced to work alone because we can’t hire new employees cause of the freeze. I am scared.
I created a 2nd BlueSky page to serve as SAFE SPACE where we all can rejuvenate our LIFE FORCE ENERGY & to take a well-deserved MENTAL TIME OUT to RECHARGE OUR BATTERIES before we take action again to SAVE our Democracy.
It seems like the systems designed to support the work end up being part of the problem instead. If these issues continue, it could affect not only employee morale but also the public services these agencies provide. Hopefully, there’s awareness about the inefficiencies…
Musk to introduce a new solar-powered DOGE Edition Tesla shovel - only $37K. These shovels once procured in bulk at the agency level will be widely distributed as needed.
Is there anyone out there who actually believes DOGE is making the government more efficient? It should be DOGI for Department of Government Inefficiency
The automated system flags plenty of poor and middle class returns for manual review. Poorer people are slightly more likely to be audited, especially if they use things like the EITC.
IRS is so underfunded. These people who process our tax returns are the accounts receivable part of our government. They don’t make the tax laws. Every business that wants to stay in business has an office where payments for service must be collected. These are good people doing a hard job.
Typical, right? Conservatives, Republicans want to make a political show of "efficiency," but what they actually do is anything but. Add a layer of risible paperwork, fire people then rehire them, give buyouts to people retiring anyway, gut agencies which will have to be rebuilt later at great cost.
It's not about "efficiency;" it's about promoting their market utopian beliefs for five minutes before eventually hopefully acknowledging reality. It's about political theater, a side show, a bit of entertainment for stupid people, for which we'll all be footing the bill in years to come.
Conservative, Republican voters. "At last! Oh, glorious days! Wait, can you fix that? You're calling that utopia? Ohhhh ... that's what that's for? It's going to cost what now?"
Yeah, this is government efficiency. musk is doing such a great job. Just look at Tesla. And his newest rockets at SpaceX can't seem to stay in one piece.
They are breaking a system to:
1. Get rid of it cause they feel it's not needed.
2. Claim it is broke and subcontract it out because private business knows how to do it better.
Which is rich as the privater is the one breaking and will profit from the fix.
These are quotes from Terry Pratchett satirical novels, right?
Purchase orders frozen!
Sounds about right🤷🏻♂️
Boxes and boxes of pen lids
Less bureaucracy, as promised! 🙄
They think they'll be able to buy their, well, Greenland, and everything with will be perfect for them.
I guess we are about to find out.
We’d need someone with real-life acumen to solve this, someone like Elo…
Nah… scrap that.
Turns out breaking the govt is wasteful & inefficient- shocking
Glad my federal refund is small.
You don't heal things doing the same things that harmed things.
How about all of the folks with dysregulated emotions follow the folks NOT being hyper reactive?
one car, 130 million keys
you will be able to drive to the store on your scheduled calendar minute
They need to find common ground with the other side (as in the manipulated voters, MAGA are too far gone) get organised and fight up.
It’s actually mad to witness.
I created a 2nd BlueSky page to serve as SAFE SPACE where we all can rejuvenate our LIFE FORCE ENERGY & to take a well-deserved MENTAL TIME OUT to RECHARGE OUR BATTERIES before we take action again to SAVE our Democracy.
Master Coach Hu
to pay-off Putin.
DOGE created problems solved expeditiously!
Have there been any fraud charges filed, anywhere?
Is there actually any evidence of fraud?
He is stealing from normal operations to fund ??? what? More elon government contracts?