This is TX we are talking about. They will never agree to those public health measures. This country better prepare to lose some babies too young to vaccinate.
As kids who moved to Texas in the 80s, we had to get the full spectrum of vaccines repeated in order to attend school. Mom lost the paperwork. Texas used to be serious about vaccines . They were all free, too.
Similar story but was a senior in HS and was expelled due to lost records with my vaccine status. Parents had shipped me to TX to live w my brother, who wasn’t my official guardian so he couldn’t sign for me to retake the vaccinations. Graduated with a GED later.
As a Texan I'm very sorry, but there is no way anyone in charge here is going to do all that. You'd be lucky for any of it to happen. Our state is run by oil and relying now more than the people who actually live here.
It’s almost like “religious exemption” should not exist. Allowing it only legitimizes anti-vax claims when EVERYONE (who is capable) should be vaccinated. Allowing viruses to spread, even in small numbers, increases the odds of a new variant that can bypass our current vaccines.
Measles was wiped out in America. If it's back, it's because unvaccinated Illegal Alien invaders brought it back to American among their diverse arsenal of weapons against Americans. Thank God we're deporting millions of illegal aliens. Love America or leave her! There's no middle ground! MAGA
Darwinism playing out in real time. We've reached the point in public health where the unvacinated no longer have the luxury of being safe from the consequences of their own poor choices. When the vast majority of folks are vaccinated those who aren't are still fairly well protected by herd immunity
That time has passed and the consequences of choosing to not get vaccinated are coming due. I feel bad for the children caught up in this; their parents have failed them. The adults who made this choice? All they're getting from me is 'thoughts and prayers'.
Hey Canada coming to a theatre near you, I mean country. The measles and NO tariffs. next his plan to eradicate Ebola for good. He wasn’t to infect every single human being with Ebola. That way the spread will stop and we will know who is immune. 👍 worms brains, I would not suggest
Too bad they propagandized the Republican base into believing any kind of mitigation to stop the spread of a disease is a grave violation of their freedoms. Seems like they should have thought ahead about that one.
does texas have a travel warning on their website about the measles outbreak? this disease is fatal to an unborn fetus if the mother-to-be is exposed to this highly preventable disease-did we learn nothing from covid-higher mortality rates of teh unvaccinated- PLEASE VACCINATE! talk to your doctor!
If your rate of vaccination is high enough, you have nothing to worry about in Canada. However, if you got crazy antivaxers, like we do, you are fucked.
Rachel I try so hard to be kind sometimes where I really would like some stupid people in Texas and elsewhere to succumb to the disease, starting with Robt. Kennedy. But I was taught not to hate, from the time I could understand as a child, what it means.
Unless and until this happens in every US city, every day, nothing FFOTUS Kraznov the DIC and his co-leader Eloon Mush are doing will stop. The anemic little "protests" popping up here and there, with dozens or hundreds of participants, are totally impotent.
Clearly the current administration doesn’t care however it’s their constituents that will get hardest hit. Red states always are. Unfortunately there will be high risk people that will get caught in this twisted game.
My step granddaughter lives in Austin and is about to have a baby. I guess she will have to not go out in public with the infant for a year since the MMR can't be given until 1 yr. What a crock. I hope she has a safe babysitter.
That is not right.
If I were a Republican and got to ask the Congressman I elected one question, it would be; why are you afraid Trump will ruin your re-election chances by standing your ground, but you aren't worried your constituents will vote you out for not standing theirs?
Just for reference… if we hit 1,284 cases by the end of the year, it will have been the most annual cases since the year Bill Clinton was first elected President.
We’re currently at 378 and there’s still 10 days left in the 1st quarter
The last pandemic was due to the Chinese virus, while if a major outbreak occurs this time, it would be caused by the Trump administration's anti-vaccine stance.
If only Texas made an effort to monitor and come up with a solution for the outbreak of measles as fast as they did for controlling a woman's uterus, they just might make some headway.
In the Spanish Flu and Typhoid Mary era bigbro threw zealots in jail who endangered others due to religious dogmatic beliefs. Willful negligence that causes death is manslaughter according to US law.
Tuberculosis is on the rise and lots of it is resistant to current antibiotics. That is very scary. Especially since medical and scientific research has been ended. We need to find new ways to fight TB. Musk/trump are the most dangerous disease ever.
Seriously? Guv Abbutt is trump’s mini-me. If you survived Covid in Texas, Abbutt gave you another chance when the grid went belly up in a week of below freezing weather. The rich go to private schools. So I doubt he cares about public school children.
I'm sick and tired of the profound ignorance of the public. It seems the only way to get some of these people to do the right thing is by mandate. They obviously aren't capable of thinking for themselves.
I’ve visited America 4 times and vow I will never return while you have a criminal as president, while guns are more important than human life, while forcing a victim to carry a child of their rapist and while your health care depends on how much money you have.
I thought we were trying to have a society here. Is there any aspect of civilization that these folks are willing to respect? This whole thing only works if we do it together.
Can we find someone opposing antibiotics and get MAGA endorsement? Just asking? Or are there too many syphilitics and pox carriers among them with residual survival instincts?
Ignorance carries a steep price. As does poverty. I keep humming the old song about bones…”Hip bone connected to the back bone
Back bone connected to the shoulder bone”…
Pull one out & it’s useless without connection. We are connected.
Our country is changing, both culturally and economically. I believe it is time for the current generation of people over age 70 to retire from politics and I am a 72-year-old white woman. It is time for the next generation to determine how to have their world run. They have earned the chance.
So if measles is survived .. and since it creates immune amnesia .. texas is ground zero for a one two tko punch when bird flu comes along. Contracting measles is not just unpleasant, it creates further health issues with the immune system. GOP truly is the party of plagues. It's almost biblical.
I feel bad for the kids who will suffer and die from this disease. The conservative conspiracy theorist, idiots that refused to get vaccinated that are over 18? No sympathy non-whatsoever.
Yeah, all these ppl show up for these rallies, but then we lose in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin by 10,000 votes! Get rid of the electoral college! Bernie and AOC need to talk about that! All states should matter in elections, not just a handful!
There needs to be a class action lawsuit for those infected against the government for their government sponsored misinformation (especially those that are vaxxed and still caught it). Assault, murder…however they can be criminally charged too.
Rachel I watch your show every evening because I know you will keep be our country informed to the best of your ability.
I want you to know how much you are appreciated for your dedication. I’m sure it is emotionally draining at times for you!
We love you & we thank you! ❣️
I am looking for a Martin Luther King who can lead this country back from the brink. Except Bernie and AOC everybody is setting around with their face hanging out. These small protests are good but they are just ignoring them. We need another million man march on Washington. Where is my MLK?
Don’t you dare let let your concern for my neighbor and my community tread on my personal right to transmit a highly contagious albeit successfully preventable disease 🦠. (Sarcasm)
To late for your democracy, you choose Trump and Musk, they are anti democracy.
There will never again be a fair election, you will have Putin type of elections that are rigged to give Trump 84%+ in every election. You are doomed unless you take the matter in own hands.
Aren’t children required to be vaccinated before starting school here in Texas????! Weird world today! People seem to be less intuitive and less rational! Glad you are there speaking out!
And wait til young men get the mumps! I worked in a hospital in the 1960s and I witnessed the pain these men went through with their swollen testicles and very high temperatures. It also sometimes causes sterility.
We don’t have to look far back in history to see that American society easily moves past the separation of breastfeeding children from their mothers, the COVID-related deaths of one million Americans, and 26 years of mass shootings in schools that have killed our children. We’re measles tolerant.
Good points. The US is the world's weirdest culture, with women and children far down on the totem pole (along all others but white men). It's the only country that didn't ratify the International Convention on the Rights of the Child and almost the only one without obligatory paid maternity leave.
NYT podcast this week with researchers of the COVID restrictions suggested some uncomfortable findings. Would love to hear how they would do things differently for this outbreak. I am not being snarky here- I would really like to know how we would rebuild faith and response for Public Health.
"The Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978 requires that official correspondence to and from the President be preserved as part of the National Archives. However, personal or routine mail may not always be kept.
The White House Office of Presidential Correspondence reviews and processes incoming mail, and some letters—especially those deemed important or representative of public sentiment—may be selected for archival purposes.
So the state that is proud to have women who are miscarrying bleed out in hospital parking lots, is now going to spread their stupid measles epidemic nationwide. Because…freedom?
Maybe some of the antivaxers can see what happens in real time when a disease goes unchecked. So many homeschooling antivaxers in rural Mo that swear vaccines are the root of all evils.
The global oligarchy is "culling the herd" again. They are hoping to kill millions more this time. The American oligarchy has been killing us and our children for profit for a century. Maybe it's time we start killing them and their children in self-defense.
As a native Texan, I’m willing to admit Texas is leading the pack to be the most stupid state. Proof: Abbott, Paxton, Patrick, Cruz, Cornyn, votes for Trump, etc., etc.
I live on my SS.
I am disabled with multiple myeloma and worry about losing my Medicade that pays from my oral chemotherapy to the tune of $1000 a day.
Thank you Rachel for bringing this rapidly spreading problem to our attention-as a senior I had a blood test to make sure I have antibodies-measles is deadly for older folks ❤️your show please continue!-Susan
The problem is the GOP wants there to be a pandemic. That's why Trump has been so anti mask again lately. They want everyone to die so they can take what little wealth we have.
I'm 67, my husband 76. We both got our boosters this week. We had read that my husband probably didn't need one, due to his age, but the pharmacist said "what could it hurt?" and we agreed.
I'm 67. I got denied to get a booster. I have profound hearing loss and auditory aphasia as a result of being exposed to rubella while in utero. My amazing pharmacist did her research and felt that I would be ok without a booster. The CDC guidelines: Those born before 1957 are ok.
I wonder if world leaders will stand up to protect their own citizens by imposing travel bans on Texans, and doing temperature tests on anyone travelling from the US? This outbreak needs to be prevented from spreading further.
Rachel, I am, though now 55,the unvaccinated child herd immunity was supposed to protect when I started school in Independence MO in 1975. I do not have the telltale scar my peers do. As TB is on my doorstep. Measles is back. Polio, too. When did freedom to worship become right to mass murder?!?
It's simple common sense to vaccinate against preventable diseases, and the evidence is there for all to see. I can only assume that the anti-vax lobby is lacking common sense. Lacking any sense at, really. Dead children are clearly not enough of a warning.
this is a messed up state on many levels, Rachel. i happen to be in a college town with what was once considered the crown jewel of jobs and can feel the misery. Texans pride themselves on being able to handle anything with grace or professionalism but even this will break them eventually.
“We are seeing, just like the rest of Americans, this community has seen a lot of stories about vaccines causing autism, and that is leading to a lot of this vaccine hesitancy, not religion,” she said.
Oh,but this is Texas we we are talking about. They’re more likely to host mass involuntary “measles parties” than engage in such horrors as quarantine or promoting vaccinations.
Cod liver oil (and Vitamin A overdoses in the kids) for everyone!
I am so disgusted with our gov on so many front even before, Trump. It is a public health issue, a no brainer: if a person is living in our country is medically able to take a vaccine, then it should be mandatory. If people are entering our country they should show proof of vaccines.
Maybe you could / should cover this topic in more depth
I explain what caused the increase in Autism. It was always obv not vaccines.
If I recall correctly, it's the first in 6 years.
Frankly, parents who don't protect their children with vaccines should be held liable for their deaths.
You say ME-asles. I say US-les.
That is not right.
We’re currently at 378 and there’s still 10 days left in the 1st quarter
Measles is not DEI.
Measles sees no entitlement. Measles is an equal opportunity killer.
Thanks trump.
What global stability?
Regime is committing genocide on so many different groups of folks.
Back bone connected to the shoulder bone”…
Pull one out & it’s useless without connection. We are connected.
We better start manufacturing more very small ⚰️s,
And instead of seniors getting life insurance policies...
Yeah, all these ppl show up for these rallies, but then we lose in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin by 10,000 votes! Get rid of the electoral college! Bernie and AOC need to talk about that! All states should matter in elections, not just a handful!
They'd sooner return their stolen land to the indigenous peoples.
I am soooo glad my kid is an adult.
I want you to know how much you are appreciated for your dedication. I’m sure it is emotionally draining at times for you!
We love you & we thank you! ❣️
Stop feeding the anti machine.
Friend the people under fire and you all are perpetuating this regime
There will never again be a fair election, you will have Putin type of elections that are rigged to give Trump 84%+ in every election. You are doomed unless you take the matter in own hands.
Watch the fuck out, cities.
I know you like present as one big happy fam, but replacing you with lightweight Psaki? Dear gawd, no. No, no and also no.
Natural Selection the choice for fitness.
people are so ridiculously STUPID!
'Secession by Measles.'
Wonder whether eating cake could be a cure?
Darn, no, need eggs for that, sorry.
(though might as well be a reason for Marie-Antoinette to say it with even more vigour today)
.... 'Free Vaccination Programs Will Qualify as Bio Terrorism'.
over 300 now!
Texas politicians don't care.
He probably had them all destroyed… Which is a violation of the Presidential Records Act…
While the EPA is killed & no help w horrible Texas air quality
I think that's in more ways than just the mismanagement of the measles outbreak.
3.21.25 Headlines
so I think our work will be done FOR us.
Their ignorance, arrogance and hubris
will be their ultimate undoing.
We'll survive this but I suspect we won't learn from it.
I am disabled with multiple myeloma and worry about losing my Medicade that pays from my oral chemotherapy to the tune of $1000 a day.
CDC pages (weekly):
"Measles cases in 2025
As of March 20, 2025, a total of 378 confirmed measles cases were reported by 18 jurisdictions"
Texas DSHS reports 309 cases in Texas alone (real time).
Unfortunately with JFK Jr. in charge we are going to get equivocation, denial and lies.
And if Trump’s reaction to COVID is repeated then America is in big trouble and tragically, more dead kids.
The TX legislature 89th session introduced a flurry of bills to make it easier to refuse or not require vaccinations …
Damn fools.
Oh,but this is Texas we we are talking about. They’re more likely to host mass involuntary “measles parties” than engage in such horrors as quarantine or promoting vaccinations.
Cod liver oil (and Vitamin A overdoses in the kids) for everyone!