Fetterman was always a closet Repub. The entire hoody thing was an orchestrated plan to make democrats feel good about voting for him. A 'if the repubs are attacking him surely he must represent us' scheme.
He since then has spent his time showing us his true colors
Yeah I would have been stunned if he had said that about the docs case. The strongest and IMO most serious of the prosecutions. Media coverage of judge Cannons action in this case is shameful, should have been front page news for a week w talk of impeaching her
He cheated & lied on business documents to fleece the American people when running for the highest office. Due to those actions people did not get the full story (not that it mattered to his folks)
H. Biden did not sign up for any of the attention nor ran for any office.
That is blatantly wrong!
Easy to confuse them when Fetterman claims that Trump should be pardoned for the hush money case, which isn't a thing b/c it's a state crime, not a federal crime 🙄
Do Democrat lawmakers have to pass a purity test now? I thought we were the big tent party. I disagree with Fetterman on Israel, and the hush money trial was political. Yes, Trump is a lying criminal. Has been for decades. But Fetterman is entitled to one or two differing opinions. No?
It is too much, isn't it.....?
He since then has spent his time showing us his true colors
H. Biden did not sign up for any of the attention nor ran for any office.
That is blatantly wrong!