➡️ Does your 🏥 use the Blood culture strategy of;
ONE venipuncture
(4 bottles x 1 puncture)
TWO venipunctures
(2 bottles x 2 punctures)
➡️ If ONE, do you like it?
#IDsky #Medsky
ONE venipuncture
(4 bottles x 1 puncture)
TWO venipunctures
(2 bottles x 2 punctures)
➡️ If ONE, do you like it?
#IDsky #Medsky
Data about diversion devices show a 50-66% reduction in contamination. Based on this, the majority of contamination *should* be limited to the first bottle.
For the remainder of contamination, I absolutely agree that it will cloud interpretation.
The typical fill on the bottles is 8 mL, so by the time we get to the third (aerobic) bottle, there shouldn't be any contamination left.
Do you ask for 2x2 blood cultures when you suspect a vascular infection? Why or why not?
Very convincing data out of Sweden and France. I recall someone from Quebec said at ESCMID that this would become the provincial guidance (or did I hallucinate it?!)
It doesn’t look like you would get to 20-40 ml w/ single stick (average ~8 ml from 6-7 ml)
I am still struggling to see the benefit outside of pt satisfaction and cost
A group of « experts » decided that single venipuncture was the way to go and published « provincial recommendation » in July without consultation with central labs etc
I would say that 95% don’t agree 😉
What matters are volumes.
Also, less discomfort for patient and faster for nursing
There is probably a good case for it, but it changes noticeably our interpretation of blood cultures and thus needs to be explained and the way the test is interpreted, adapted.
Hope ya’ll get to a good place ☺️
It’s already a mess w/ 2x2.
The # of calls we get about obvious contaminants or questions about 2x2 is crazy
I fear my life will end w/ 4x1
But I can open my mind
We all know that ED take blood cultures, give ATB and think later. They will not say oh, « it’s probably an endovascular infection » let’s use 2x2
Had suggested to prepare a review so that part of the work not be lost.
Also, I hate drawing cx’s from line. I don’t care about time to positivity. If you have 3 days of positive blood cxs, I am pulling the line.
When it comes to NHSN, this would actually be a loophole (the “single vs two draw and how far apart), and may not even matter with the move to reporting HO-BSI
I’m not convinced, yet