We are a society that enjoys competition. We need a reality show where astronomers are given a $50 telescope and nothing else and have to find celestial objects the fastest. If you’re last we shoot you into space! The American people would watch this!
Or people trust a Lawyer and Activist on medical information more than our own medical institutions and professionals because he has the last name Kennedy and justifies their conspiracies
Athletes' salaries have exploded because of 'entertainment', while scientists and researchers struggle to get funding and grants for the most simple things. Instead, they have to rely on public financing and 'vibes' like the Ice Bucket Challenge. We need to be better.
Really, all entertainment. Don't forget that musicians, actors, athletes and other entertainers have always been the highest paid in a post scarcity economy. Shit, even the top wrestlers make more than most scientists
You can market Nike forever
And that’s thanks to capitalism :)