Know any games where some item can be used BOTH as a weapon and a utility tool?
- TF2 rocket launcher is also a movement option due to knockback.
- Breath of the Wild's Magnesis spell lets you pick up objects. to either solve puzzles or drop stuff on enemies.
Any more? #gamedesign
- TF2 rocket launcher is also a movement option due to knockback.
- Breath of the Wild's Magnesis spell lets you pick up objects. to either solve puzzles or drop stuff on enemies.
Any more? #gamedesign
Core eject shotgun
Malicious railcannon
Pump charge shotgun
All 3 sledgehammer variants
Freeze frame rocket launcher
It's so peak
and the jackhammer
...and the various other methods of blowing yourself up- *wow* you have a lot of ways of causing explosions, my god
bg3 the adamantium forge hammer can be used to squish enemies under it, as well as forge adamantium gear
chaos legion, practically all summons have either movement or pathclear ability as well as fight
For a slightly less obvious example, some of the various relics/arcana/curios/heirlooms in the mainline shovel knight games (and DIG).
(Might got the name wrong, the game wasn't my thing so I didn't play it long, despite it working very well)
Zelda games have a few. Hookshot (movement + attack), boomerang (long-range pickup + attack).
Squirrel with a Gun is basically all this all the time. You move around by shooting.
in the original Deus Ex you can stand on the mines you place on walls and use them to climb into places
Strike chain can be a grappling hook and can grab items.
Shotgun Ice creates a sled for you to ride on.
Speed Burner acts as a secondary dash.
Bubble Splash makes you jump high in water
Crystal Hunter turns enemies into crystals that you can stand on.
Control’s Foundation DLC has an ability that rises some environment parts. This ability is used to stand on to reach some parts. Also it can damage enemies.
(After 0:24 in video)
Anvils are used to repair or enchant weapons, and you can also drop them on mobs to damage them.
Boats are used to travel on the water, but they can also capture almost any other mob and keep them locked in place.
also Welder.. makes a good trap if placed under a floor with a sensor..
ALL the weapons in ULTRAKILL