But you WILL vote to censure a fellow congressional member who had the guts to speak up and out? WOW. Sorry, these are NOT normal times and shouldn’t be treated as if they were.
By voting with the Russian mob, you demonstrated that you don’t understand what is happening or what Dems want from their leaders: Noise, Noncompliance, Resistance. Al Green knows. You failed.
But you will vote to censure Al Green, your democratic ally, for having a spine. I can only asssume it hurts your pride to see someone so triumphantly possess and display the courage you lack.
You are a DISGRACE to your party! HOW DARE YOU NOT SUPPORT Rep. Al Green! Who OBVIOUSLY has more courage and character than you!! I hope you are voted out next election!
Not clapping doesn't reach the bare minimum required. Voting against the censure of hero Al Green is the bare minimum required. History will remember you as a spineless, cowardly fascist-enabler. Enjoy primary season you worthless hack.
It is SHAMEFUL that you voted to censure Al Green. At a time when our very democracy is on the line you have shown cowardice instead of courage. You are an embarrassment to our party.
Ami Bera: "Al played into Trump's plan so the press is talking about that instead of 47s speech". Yes they are. Al's actually getting a dissenting opinion out in the press when msm otherwise would whitewash as usual. How can Dems like Ami & Chrissy be so completely clueless?
You won’t clap but you will stab your colleague in the back. Why the fuck should we vote for a Democrat if you just vote like Republican? To censure the one Democrat who had the balls to do more than wear pink and meekly hold a sign is despicable.
Hey Rep. Chrissy Houlahan @houlahan.house.gov you're a House Democrat and a veteran and yet you're one of the ten Dems who voted to censure Al Green? You need to explain yourself. Everyone should repost this and stop by her Bluesky page to ask the same question. 🤔
Did you seriously vote with the Republicans to censure Al Green? Every Democrat should have stood up with him and walked out. These are not normal times. Withholding applause is NOT enough.
So, you won't clap ... that's your stand? And should someone take a stronger stance against the BS (like Al Green did), you wouldn't side against them with those you wouldn't clap for? Would you? Oh. You would. Shame on you for backing the Republican motion to censure Al Green.
No, instead you vote to censure another Democrat and think that we didn't notice or don't care that one of the few Dems that had the guts to stand up is getting a negative reaction from you. You chose "not to clap" and we're supposed to be impressed? gtfo...
Gaslighting? You just censored Rep Green! The only Dem who isn’t standing around licking their toes while our democracy is dismantled. But you had time to censor the Black guy.
And yet you censored Green for an action ALL OF YOU DEMOCRATS should be doing, you fucking coward. I've voted Demy entire life but I swear to primary the lot of you next election.
That’s right. You shouldn’t clap. You should shout! You should throw sand in the gears. How dare you vote to censure the man with more comprehension of what needs to happen!
You will be primaried. You are not what we need in this hour.
Clapping... you think people give a damn whether you clapped or not or if your shirt matched your trousers? We are literally depending on the Democratic party to help stop a coup. I'll applaud when you grow a pair and fight for your country's continued freedom.
Wtf is wrong with you? You see the country crumbling under the weight of a fascist and you won’t even stand with a man who is trying to rise up against it?
I’m so disappointed in you! Why would you vote with the Republicans to censure Al Green? Not a single D should have voted for this! Al Green should have been supported by all D’s and you all should have booed and walked out. He’s the only one that had a spine. Shame on you Chrissy! 😡
I’ll be donating to your next opponent. We need representatives with guts and courage, and you are shamefully lacking. Your vote to censure your colleague - braver than you - speaks volumes. Do better.
Who paid you off? Putin, President Musk or King Trump in order for you to vote to censure a colleague? Unbelievable!! The rest of the world is watching the USA self-distruct in real time. Democrats need to protest and fight to save the country.
This administration is trying to destroy our democracy and you vote to censure Al Green? Wtf?
Maybe you can spend less time tone policing your colleagues of color whose communities will feel the effects of these horrible policies the most, and more time standing up for them!
At least Al Green is calling out Trump’s attacks on average Americans, you idiot. Now go pick up your merit badge for being a good girl while the other side laughs at you & tramples on the rules. Oyr spineless party deserves to lose elections. 🖕🏻
I don’t care how purple you say your district is—you should ALWAYS stand up for what’s right. If you don’t get that Rep Al Green was standing up against literal fascism…instead, voting with fascists to censure him, you’re complicit. America needs leaders who *do the right thing*, now more than ever!
but you will vote to censure the one person in the party who had the guts to stand up and call BS. You are a coward and a shill. Shame on you. for the record, if not clapping is your idea of resistance, you need to step down. pathetic
you're a fucking traitor, and no one I know in PA will be voting for you to remain in your seat. if you were capable of feeling shame, I'd tell you you should, but as you've proven, you're clearly not. you will not be missed, let alone remembered as more than a negative footnote, when you are out.
I am appalled that you voted to censure representative Green. When are you going to get serious and understand the suffering that the GOP policies will cause.
@houlahan.house.gov you should have done more than just not clap. You should have shown some solidarity with your colleagues. That you voted to censure Rep Al Green is shameful.
The audacity and hypocrisy in thinking that your constituents are so stupid that they would not know what you did. Not everyone is as inbred as you look.
No, but you will vote to censure Al Green, the only person doing his job an responding appropriately to the Trump government decimating your country!
Shameful! What the hell were you thinking?
And yet as a Democratic Representative you voted to censure a fellow Democrat? What a disgrace. Democracy will be lost in America by politicians placing decorum above country. #smdh
People suffering all over America and today you supported the GOP and put the boot into the only Dem that was courageous enough to speak out against it. You do not deserve your salary. Resign. #Coward #Racist
You will applaud the fascists attempting to censure the only member of your party with the courage to stand up to tyrannical fascism. Resign, immediately. Your time is over.
My local news channel, WFMZ, covering Lehigh Valley and Berks County in PA, is not showing the Democratic response to trump. Unfortunately, these areas are MAGA. WFMZ likes to keep them ignorant.
Shame on you!! You say you’re pushing back against this corrupt administration and then you vote to censure Rep Green? He had true courage. You just talk about courage. I won’t forget this - and neither will your constituents. You’ve lost our trust.
Democrats should be embarrassed by how they got played tonight. You know he’s a schoolyard bully and yet you allowed him to bully you. You looked weak. We are begging you to do something consequential and you’re tweeting that you didn’t clap. Really? Do you understand how serious this is?
What are you doing?? You’ve always had my support, but your vote to censure Rep. Al Green is you taking part in the nonsense! You say you disapprove of the gaslighting, but turn your back on a colleague who shows that he disapproves of the gaslighting. We are drowning daily in gaslighting - help!!
You will just hold up a fascism auction sign and then punish people with real guts. “It’s fascism, but one must oppose it with a pink shirt and quiet mouth” I guess.
And this is why democrats keep losing the support of the voters. Because you as leaders don't actually stand up aggressively to fight against what is wrong. Voting to censure your own party member for doing what you lacked in courage was terrible judgment. Shame on you.
Yet you voted to censure Al Green, the ONE MEMBER OF CONGRESS who had the guts to stand up to fascist Trump.
Rep. Houlahan, you do a disservice to your district, yourself, and your country. Voting to censure Green was wrong, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
I am way more than disappointed in you. You voted to censure Rep Green from Texas. Have you not heard of John Lewis and ‘good trouble’? Trust me when I say you will not win points for this with the Republicans in our district and some of us will not help you again in your campaign next time.
Why even go on this platform if you are unwilling to honor your oath with actual actions? Your words mean little and your lack of historical acknowledgement of heroes before you only prove you're comfortable with your privilege.Grow a spine.
Why did you vote to CENSURE Al Green, then?
Seriously, lady. I had your sign in my yard in Berks County. I'm very disappointed in your lack of positive action. Hand wringing and decorum are not going to work here.
It seems like you’re clapping for the gaslighting now.
Your biggest hero is famous Nazi-puncher, Indiana Jones. It’s time to reconnect with Indy because right now, it feels like you’re helping open the Ark of the Covenant.
So why did you vote to censure a fellow Democrat who had the strength to rise up in outrage? Not clapping was the best you could do? If you get a primary challenger, I will be contributing to that person.
Then why on earth would you censure the ONE Democrat who had the courage and integrity and love to actually stand up for America?
Choices like that are why you are *losing* voters and support all over the place. No one trusts the Democrats anymore, especially young people. Be better than this.
al green showed tremendous courage heckling trump and forcing those racists to remove him. you will go down in history as an embarrassment, you and every other spineless democrat. you do not deserve to hold this office, i wish you nothing but public scorn and ridicule
And you voted to censure Rep Green. - my MoC really don’t have a clue. They are destroying this country and you vote with them against one of our own. - what’s next helping privatize Medicare and cutting Social Security… smh
Is your racism showing? Can y'all also explain why once again people of color are carrying freedom movements on their backs while y'all, my fellow white people continually side with fascists?
And then you censure the only one of you that truly had the spine to fight for the citizens you call CLAIM to represent. Cowards, all of you. Spineless, witless cowards.
Yet you joined republicans to vote to censure the FREE SPEECH of your colleague. How shameful. You’re a disgrace and I hope this will be the last 2 years you ever serve in congress.
Yes, 100x this. And watch there next be complaints of Dems not having power to do anything. Of course they don't when there's bullshit like this and they can't even stand together. Out of over 200 of them there's maybe 20 worth keeping.
When GOP was the minority, they didn't care how obnoxious they were. They held up progress as much as they could.
Democrats, it's OK to be a little rude! Quit acting so helpless!
Do something, we are begging democrats to DO SOMETHING! We are marching, we are showing up, we are calling, we are begging for our reps to DO SOMETHING! We can’t do everything alone. We need help by people in government, if we don’t get it, we will burn down all government eventually.
You voted wrong in a time that you should be standing strong,with fellow Dems, against these traitors! Weakness is how they win! And you have shown you are weak. I hope you get replaced by someone that is not afraid and cannot be bought
And then you voted to censure Rep Green.
Enjoy the primary.
Absolutely shameful.
You should be primaried.
I’ll be happy to donate to your primary challenger to get your dumb fucking worthless ass out of Congress.
Explain yourself on why you’ve voted against a democratic colleague,
@algreen.house.gov a brave hero?!
You will be voted OUT Houlahan!
Don't gaslight us
You are a disgrace
You will be primaried. You are not what we need in this hour.
They disrupt all the time, they are not censured. Why the hell did you think it was OK to do it to one of your own?
We are in the streets where are you?
You sat when rep Green stood, and then voted for censure.
Quit now.
You are not fit for your job.
Honestly, the sky's the limit, so long as you don't actually do anything meaningful or disruptive.
Maybe you can spend less time tone policing your colleagues of color whose communities will feel the effects of these horrible policies the most, and more time standing up for them!
Step aside, you are out of touch and weak.
I hope your ass gets primaried. Cowardly appeasers and accommodationists like you need to be sent packing.
Shameful! What the hell were you thinking?
You earned nothing in return except our scorn.
So 'brave' of you.
Fuck you for censoring Congressman Green. Just because you don't have the balls to fight for your district.
You're absolutely useless. Resign.
Rep. Houlahan, you do a disservice to your district, yourself, and your country. Voting to censure Green was wrong, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Why even go on this platform if you are unwilling to honor your oath with actual actions? Your words mean little and your lack of historical acknowledgement of heroes before you only prove you're comfortable with your privilege.Grow a spine.
Seriously, lady. I had your sign in my yard in Berks County. I'm very disappointed in your lack of positive action. Hand wringing and decorum are not going to work here.
Your biggest hero is famous Nazi-puncher, Indiana Jones. It’s time to reconnect with Indy because right now, it feels like you’re helping open the Ark of the Covenant.
You should applaud Al Green's courage, which is more than you have
Vote this dem out!
Choices like that are why you are *losing* voters and support all over the place. No one trusts the Democrats anymore, especially young people. Be better than this.
al green showed tremendous courage heckling trump and forcing those racists to remove him. you will go down in history as an embarrassment, you and every other spineless democrat. you do not deserve to hold this office, i wish you nothing but public scorn and ridicule
This is an emergency. Showing up in pink doesn’t help. Performative acts are embarrassing.
We need disruption.
In 2009 Joe Wilson screamed “you lie” during Obama’s SOTU. No censure by the GOP, only “reprimanded” by Dems
At Biden’s SOTU 2022 Lauren Boebert and MTG heckled him, nothing..
But Dems will happily throw their Black colleague under a bus for white moderate voter pandering
Democrats, it's OK to be a little rude! Quit acting so helpless!
Instead, you and your colleagues should have voted NAY- stood up and applauded Green and left chambers with him.